Tent of doom - a surprise scenario of PSA 2 to test the dogs ability to face the given challenge with courage. Samurai being true to his personality, took the challenge head on with all his might and strength.
This scenario had everything that we had ever trained our dogs for, thanks to our judge who very carefully laid down the scenario which had everything that one can think of... Send to Guard, Transport, Hurdle jump, Call off and ofcourse Send off to the tent where two decoys ie @muscles.and.malinois @sainath.shinde.92 , were waiting with waterpipe and bucket of balls to put pressure on Samurai. It was a proud moment for me to see him take the challenge with grit and determination. All those who know Samurai will know that he has very sticky Outs but we did fairly well till here, until the next scenario of two man attack where it took me 3 commands to do an Out, obviously we were out of the game but Samantha Taylor was kind enough to let Samurai celebrate his retirement by doing the last scenario of call off.
Thank you Samantha Taylor and @varunanand111 for judging and Adrian and Sainath for wonderful decoying and bringing out all the fire in this scenario, this was and will remain as an epic in my journey in PSA.
PSA2 Obedience routine(part 2) of Samurai .
PSA2 obedience routine (part 1) of Samurai held on 4th June, 2023 at the PSA Trials, Pune.
Morning workout with Ragnar.
Myself and Ragnar are fully charged up to get ready for the next level. Training for PSA1 obedienc - heeling with muzzle