🏵 IDS Bergamo in Treviglio - 29/9/2024 🏵
🏅Judge: Francesco Cochetti
🌸 Handler: Fleona Dusha
⭐Ch Querida Chica del Lago di Tenno
(Ch Nellyvill's Lincoln to Starry Town X Ch Pepita del Lago di Tenno)
⭐Velvet del Lago di Tenno
(Ch Artur Emerald River X Ch Querida Chica del Lago di Tenno)
🥈ResCAC and ResCACIB🥈
Once again mother and daughter in the same show ring. They both enjoyed spending the day together and so we did as well.
Thanks to the judge Cochetti, to the handler Fleona and to my dear Enzo Lipomi for organizing the trip in the best way😊