
Ficomore Fresh prickly pear pads (Opuntia ficus indica) and 100% pure prickly pear powder. Natural pellets for herbivorous reptiles.

Our mix of natural herbs and weeds can be sprinkled on fresh food to provide a boost of fiber and nutrients. It's just t...

Our mix of natural herbs and weeds can be sprinkled on fresh food to provide a boost of fiber and nutrients.
It's just the same composition of our pellet mix and smaller tortoises seems like it a lot.
You can order it now and we will bring it to you atTerraristika Hamm next march 9th at a promotional price!

Fresh prickly pear cactus and Pellet mix made by natural herbs, flowers and cactus powder is fully available. 🌵🌵🌵High in...

Fresh prickly pear cactus and Pellet mix made by natural herbs, flowers and cactus powder is fully available. 🌵🌵🌵
High in natural fibre, calcium and minerals, it's a great source of food for tortoises and lizards, especially in winter when fresh, quality food is difficult to find. 🦎🐢
No preservatives, chemicals, harmful industrial ingredients such as soybean hull, cane molasses, rice flour etc..
Shipping everywhere in Europe by express courier.
More info on PM

We've been reported in "Panorama", one of the most  widespread weekly magazine in Italy. Hard work and dedication always...

We've been reported in "Panorama", one of the most widespread weekly magazine in Italy. Hard work and dedication always pays off!

Credits to the author (Panorama, 15th jan 2025, pag 58-61)

Our pellet mix, just before becoming pellet mix. Only natural ingredients, no industrial products or chemicals such as s...

Our pellet mix, just before becoming pellet mix. Only natural ingredients, no industrial products or chemicals such as soybean hull, cane molasse, dicalcium phosphate, brewers yeast, etc...
Choose healty food for your reptiles, always!


Hibiscus flowers have a great smell not only for humans, but for reptiles too. Some lizards (Cyclura and iguanas in gene...

Hibiscus flowers have a great smell not only for humans, but for reptiles too. Some lizards (Cyclura and iguanas in general) need an higher quantity of flowers compared to other reptiles. This picture shows a pellet made by 100% hibiscus red flowers.
Also our pellet mix contains hibiscus flowers, which made it very tasty!

Good news for UK and Ireland reptile hobbists and professionals! Our pellet mix will be available soon! Limited quantiti...

Good news for UK and Ireland reptile hobbists and professionals!
Our pellet mix will be available soon! Limited quantities will be available so act fast if you want a Christmas treat for your reptiles!

Dandelion (Taraxacum) is another plant highly recommended for herbivorous reptiles. It's highly palatable and rich of lo...

Dandelion (Taraxacum) is another plant highly recommended for herbivorous reptiles. It's highly palatable and rich of long fibre, and yellow flowers are a nice treat, especially for tortoises.
Dandelion plays an important role in our pellet mix, but we can produce 100% dandelion pellets on request.

Let's have a deeper look at the ingredients of our pellet mix.If you ask to a reptile keeper to choose just one herb to ...

Let's have a deeper look at the ingredients of our pellet mix.
If you ask to a reptile keeper to choose just one herb to feed a reptile, you will probably get PLANTAIN as a reply.
Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) is a very common herb, yet one with the highest percentage of long fibre, which is extremely beneficial for herbivorous reptiles digestive system.
Plantain is a staple element of our pellet mix and we can even offer it in pure form. One pellet, one ingredient!


One of the most important ingredients of our pellets is prickly pear cactus powder 🌵It gives a natural extra boost of nu...

One of the most important ingredients of our pellets is prickly pear cactus powder 🌵
It gives a natural extra boost of nutrients and minerals, especially calcium, which is extremely important for carapace and bone strength.
The perfect ingredient to complete our fully natural pellet mix.

We are very proud to announce our new product!🌵🌺🌼🌱🌿Our pellet mix is made with the most recommended natural herbs and fl...

We are very proud to announce our new product!🌵🌺🌼🌱🌿
Our pellet mix is made with the most recommended natural herbs and flowers for herbivorous tortoises and reptiles:
Plantain, dandelion, nettle, coneflower, hibiscus flowers, marigold flowers, mulberry leaves and of course our prickly pear cactus pad powder.
No additives, no preservatives, no artificial colours or flavours.
As simple as that, yet high in fibre, calcium and minerals!
If you want all the ingredients in the mix, just one or a selection of them, we can make it on request!
More info will follow soon!

Tiliqua gigas (Blue tongued skink) has been our feed tester, too.Tomorrow we will announce here our new product for herb...

Tiliqua gigas (Blue tongued skink) has been our feed tester, too.
Tomorrow we will announce here our new product for herbivorous reptiles.

Egernia stockesi (Stokes's spiny tailed skink) with dirty mouth trying something new which will be announced soon on our...

Egernia stockesi (Stokes's spiny tailed skink) with dirty mouth trying something new which will be announced soon on our accounts.
Stay tuned for more info ☘️🌿🌺🌼🌵

Rhinoclemmys rubida or Mexican spotted wood turtle at .international facilities in Graz, Austria, on a comfortable cactu...

Rhinoclemmys rubida or Mexican spotted wood turtle at .international facilities in Graz, Austria, on a comfortable cactus 🌵
We are very proud to donate our products to Turtle Island, a no profit organisation with the mission to save turtles & tortoises from extinction through acute rescue, care, research, breeding, and rewilding. 🐢🐢🐢

Ready  to travel to Germany for a new edition of Terraristika Hamm on September 14th. We Will be located in room Z (the ...

Ready to travel to Germany for a new edition of Terraristika Hamm on September 14th. We Will be located in room Z (the tented room, close to the cafeteria). Please come to say Hi or if your pets need some great food.🌵💚

Not the usual prickly pear, this is another species of Opuntia genus. Opuntia ficus indica is on the back,  can you iden...

Not the usual prickly pear, this is another species of Opuntia genus. Opuntia ficus indica is on the back, can you identify the one in front?




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