Place your order of pellets, powder or fresh cactus within this week and we will deliver it to you at Terraristika Hamm at no cost!
Place your order within this week and we will bring it to you at Terraristika Hamm next march 9th at a promotional price !
Producing our Pellet Mix is just the final step of a long process which converts whole herbs, flowers and cactus pads into a bunch of ready to feed pellets.
Everything is made on small cases without any chemical or industrial additive. Just our selection, efforts, passion and hard work.
Fresh cactus pads 🌵 are a great source of vitamins and minerals and keep your reptiles healthy and hydrated. Winter is a tough season especially for tropical reptiles which don't hibernate. Cactus pad is a great solution!
Sulcata tortoise at @tropska.hisa is our new prickly pear pad ambassador 🐢🌵
Another video showing Corucia zebrata (monkey tailed skink) eating our pellet mix. It can be offered dry or slightly moistened to keep your reptiles well hydrated.
Thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful video @reptilesbelgium !
Monkey tailed skink is one of the most interesting and fascinating reptiles. Females show deep maternal care of their babies and the species lives in a well organised community.
Being very smart, there is no surprise they love prickly pear cactus pads, too 🤣🌵🦎
Monkey tailed skink is one of the most interesting and fascinating reptiles. Females show deep maternal care of their babies and the species lives in a well organised community.
Being very smart, there is no surprise they love prickly pear cactus pads, too 🤣🌵🦎
Not the usual scaley video this time. Our pellet mix Is being offered by @toby.luedke to his Celadon quails. You may be very surprised to know that these quails lay blue 🔵 eggs 🥚 instead of the usual white with black spots.
Sulcata tortoise at @tropska.hisa is our new prickly pear pad ambassador 🐢🌵
🐢🐢🐢One of the greatest ambassadors (by all means...) of our products is this fantastic 32 years old Galapagos tortoise (Chelonoidis niger) from our friend @giant_tortoises_in_the_alps❤️🙏🏻
In this case pellet mix comes as a dessert after fresh prickly pear pads and a wide variety of fresh veggies.🌵
Direct message for more info 😉
Ready to attend a new edition of Verona reptiles, on October 6th. We will be located in Hall1, table 94. Please come to say Hi or if your pets need some great, fresh, organic food.🌵💚
One of the most iconic species, Lemur catta has taken a tasty brunch straight from the hands of Terrazoo Rheinberg curator.
It's always a privilege to visit friends like Andrés Ocampo and his fantastic team and animals. Hands down one of the nicest zoological institution focused on reptiles you can visit in Europe.
#ficomore #testudograeca #aldabratortoise #lemur #lemurcatta #aldabratortoise #cactus #terraristikahamm #primates #madagascar #africa #wildlife #zoo #opuntia #opuntiaficusindica #testudohermanni #radiatedtortoise #geocheloneelegans #stigmochelyspardalis #conservation
These are the videos that makes us happy and proud. #terrazoorheinberg is one of our happy customers and it's a fantastic place to visit. Andrés Ocampo is doing a fantastic job with his great team of passionate and skilled people! Thanks for being part of our family, we share the same love and enthusiasm for nature and wildlife 😍🌵🤗