Sa Corti de Su Re

Sa Corti de Su Re Informazioni di contatto, mappa e indicazioni stradali, modulo di contatto, orari di apertura, servizi, valutazioni, foto, video e annunci di Sa Corti de Su Re, Allevatore di animali domestici, Capoterra.

ENCI - FCI Dachshunds Breeding
Kaninchen and Miniature Wire - Long - Smoth Dachshunds
High Geneology - Exclusive Blood Lines - Selected Dachshunds for Show&Work



Raduno Nazionale Bassotti ABC🇨🇮Sorso 19 Ottobre👑Harrietta de Sa Corti de Su Re👑A REAL KANINCHEN Wire 💯💯💯12 months1 exc J...

Raduno Nazionale Bassotti ABC🇨🇮
Sorso 19 Ottobre
👑Harrietta de Sa Corti de Su Re👑
12 months
1 exc JBOB🏆
1 exc BOB 🏆
1 BOG Juniores 🏆
What else???💯💯💯
Thanks to the Honorable Judge Claudio De Giuliani 🙏 for appreciating my Sweet Harrietta💝

Absolutely Fabulous 🤩💯

Absolutely Fabulous 🤩💯


🎯Esposizione Canina Internazionale e Raduni di razza con rilascio punteggi e certificazioni validi ai fini dei campionati italiani e internazionali.

👉Sabato 19 Ottobre 2024 RADUNI
Cane Corso (SACC) - Bassotti (ABC) - Cani da Compagnia (Club Cani Compagnia) - Segugi (PRO SEGUGIO)
👉Domenica 20 Ottobre 2024

🎯presso: Hotel & Resort Acqua di Mare
Strada Provinciale n. 81 al Km 17,200
07037 Sorso (SS)

Per il dettaglio delle razze assegnate ad ogni giudice, visitate il portale
✅Riconoscimento razze per le quali è ancora aperta la possibilità di iscrizione come capostipite nei registri RSR.
✅Conferme di taglia per Bassotti e Barboni, come da procedure del Libro Genealogico.

👉Iscrizioni esclusivamente on line sul portale
Per assistenza chiamare i numeri 3488677157 oppure 3488093757
Potete anche scrivere a [email protected]



👑Splendida Cucciola👑2 mesi🎀🧸Futura taglia piccola nana/kaninchen Foglia Secca🐾Importante genealogia💯💯💯Disponibile a otto...

👑Splendida Cucciola👑
2 mesi🎀🧸
Futura taglia piccola nana/kaninchen
Foglia Secca🐾
Importante genealogia💯💯💯
Disponibile a ottobre🧸
Solo amanti e intenditori della razza🐾
Info in PVT🥰

Recommended 🐾 ❤️

Recommended 🐾 ❤️

My guest this Wednesday in TALKING DOGS WITH ANTE will be Gopi Krishnan of Hacienda fame from Malaysia.
Studying in the UK for nine years afforded Gopi the opportunity to attend dog shows every weekend and the many hours spent ringside, showing, visiting top kennels and breeders helped foster his love and interest in the Dachshund. The HACIENDA prefix was registered in 1994 and the first litter registered in 1999. In 2008, Gopi married Christine and since then she has also been part of Hacienda.
Hacienda have successfully owned, co-owned, campaigned (owner exhibited) and titled 161 Champions in Std. Smooth, Std. Longhaired & Min. Longhaired Dachshunds, English Setter and Cocker Spaniels. Of the 162 Champions, 112 are proudly homebred HACIENDA Champions, both locally and overseas in 25 countries around the world with others on track to their titles in various other countries. Several of these homebred Champions are proudly Multiple All Breeds Best in Show Winners overseas and Grand Champions.
Gopi’s love of animals and his interest in the promotion of responsible pet ownership has led to his involvement with PAWS Animal Welfare Society, which he served as in the capacity of President and Secretary before resigning in 2018, but remains as an advisor to the Board. Gopi has also served on the Malaysian Kennel Association’s (MKA) Board for several terms and currently continues to serve as the Immediate Past President. Gopi also serves on the FCI Asia, Africa & Oceania Section Board as Vice President.
Gopi is a licensed MKA & FCI International All Breeds judge and he judged all around the world.
If you want to hear the story of Gopi’s life in dogs and his (always honest) opinion on some important subjects related to our sport join us on Wednesday at 8PM CEST here at our Fb page Talking dogs with Ante.
Sponsor of the evening is Monge ❤️





Il discorso pedigree ormai viene definito da tanti come un “argomento trito e ritrito” ma evidentemente non lo è ancora abbastanza se nel 2018


September Gazette Now Online

The September AKC Gazette is now online and ready for downloading:

(Cover photo: English Setter/courtesy Lynda Beam)

Celebrate AKC’s 140th birthday with this 157-page issue, featuring Toy, Non-Sporting, and Herding Group breed columns.
Also this month:

Secretary’s Pages: Proposed Standards for Comment—Bull Terrier, Mudi, Rhodesian Ridgeback;

In “NOHS at 14,” An AKC Delegate explains the importance of National Owner-Handled Series and how NOHS recognizes the core of our sport;

Updates: Government Relations Breeder Webinar; Election season exhibition at AKC Museum; Grouper’s club-dues reimbursement for seniors; CHF and sports medicine;

“Ringside” show photos by Lynda Beam and Kathleen Riley;

“Videos”: AKC Legacy Breeders;

“Slideshow”: German Shepherd Dogs—Canine Royalty;

“Dog People”: Margery Good.

Browse back issues:

If you don’t already subscribe to Gazette, you can do so at —It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s free!

AKC Gazette Digital Archive:

Very interesting 💯💯💯

Very interesting 💯💯💯

Today, I went back in time and did an in-home consultation for a non-show dog who is very fearful and anxious. This is the type of work I used to do daily before shifting my business to strictly show dogs and sometimes I miss it, like today. I took this case as a favor for a close friend.

Because we are dealing with fear issues which is obviously a very emotional component, regular treats are likely not going to work. I asked them to spend the time before our visit "auditioning" treats to determine the highest value. It ended up being cooked steak.

We made a lot of progress today, not in small part due to the value of the treats. We need something valuable to the dog to slowly work to teach this dog that her new people are safe.

For simple behaviors, in a low-distraction environment, with a dog that is calm and relaxed, you can go with a less valuable treat. For more distracting environments, dogs with emotional issues and more challenging behaviors, you may need to up the value of the reinforcer for the dog.



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