Dr Gaia Mosconi

Dr Gaia Mosconi Benvenuti nella pagina della Dott.ssa Gaia Mosconi, Veterinaria. Si effettuano visite cliniche, esam Veterinario cavalli, cani e gatti

Il Cupping è un ottimo metodo antinfiammatorio per mantenere una buona circolazione sanguigna a livello muscolo-scheletr...

Il Cupping è un ottimo metodo antinfiammatorio per mantenere una buona circolazione sanguigna a livello muscolo-scheletrico! E anche usato come defaticante dopo sforzi intensi e diminuisce i tempi di recupero!

Cupping therapy is a non invasive option for pain management and swelling due to arthritis.

This article looked at pain, morning stiffness, tenderness to touch, crepidations, swelling, disability, and night time pain.

Cupping therapy demonstrated significant improvements in all categories, significantly better than the oral acetaminophen (650 mg three! times per day) in *all categories measured. Sometimes cupping improvement was double the improvement of the oral medication.

“The efficacy of treatment with cupping therapy in relieving signs and symptoms of knee osteoarthritis is comparable to that of acetaminophen 650 mg thrice a day orally, in terms of analgesia (pain relief), anti-inflammatory, and resolutions of edema”

Don’t you wish your house could tell you how much it’s helping them?


Cupping therapy done correctly can improve your horse’s quality of life too.

I see it as a widely underused modality in the horse world. It’s messy. I can’t think of any other con.

I offer a Cups and Blades class that can be done online, at your own pace, and you will have lifetime access to all content to learn how to use cups on horses.

CPEDI 3💫 🦄🦄🦄 ———> Paris 2024 💥


🦄🦄🦄 ———> Paris 2024 💥

Naz A3💫

Naz A3💫

CDNB ⛈️⛈️⛈️

CDNB ⛈️⛈️⛈️

⚗️L’ozono è una molecola formata da tre atomi di Ossigeno, ha il potere di scatenare nelle cellule la cascata ossidativa...

⚗️L’ozono è una molecola formata da tre atomi di Ossigeno, ha il potere di scatenare nelle cellule la cascata ossidativa che porta alla guarigione.
Ha azioni:
- Antibatteriche e Antivirali
- Antimicotiche
- Immunomodulante: efficace nelle ALLERGIE, dermatiti e piodermiti.
- Antinfiammatoria
- Antiedemigena
- Antidolorifica
- Stimola il metabolismo cellulare
- Migliora la circolazione
- Cicatrizzante

🍀Essendo una molecola sterile NON ha effetti collaterali, anzi si utilizza in prima linea insieme agli antibatterici💉 per situazioni settiche di difficile gestione🦠
Non è un farmaco quindi è NO-DOPING 🩸se utilizzato nella routine durante la stagione dei cavalli atleti 🐎

☯️Utilizzato in sinergia con la Medicina Tradizionale Cinese amplifica e potenzia l’effetto degli aghi permettendo di elevare il benessere e le performance delle nostre SuperStar🌟🌟🌟

Laser Terapia!💥💥💥•Ideale per trattare i punti di agopuntura in soggetti che non si fanno trattare con Aghi, per lesioni ...

Laser Terapia!💥💥💥•
Ideale per trattare i punti di agopuntura in soggetti che non si fanno trattare con Aghi, per lesioni cutanee come piaghe e ferite, per alleviare il dolore articolare da patologie degenerative, e per migliorare i tempi di recupero per le lesioni tendinee!•
Non vedo l’ora di iniziare 💫• Il Biri con la sua artrosi tardiva di e gentilmente concesso come primo paziente ufficiale 🌟

Sutura di una ferita sul ramo mandibolare con lembo staccato. 4 punti 🪡 con filo di nylon non riassorbibile!

Sutura di una ferita sul ramo mandibolare con lembo staccato. 4 punti 🪡 con filo di nylon non riassorbibile!

DreamTeam 👩🏻‍⚕️🐺 Vet&DoGtor 🙌🏻

DreamTeam 👩🏻‍⚕️🐺 Vet&DoGtor 🙌🏻

A3🌟 this week. ✨

A3🌟 this week. ✨





Masterclass della domenica 📚📚📚

Masterclass della domenica 📚📚📚


The term "fat leg" is pretty self-explanatory, but do you know the difference between stocking up and cellulitis?

Many horses will "stock up" with subcutaneous edema (fluid swelling) in two or more legs (usually the hind limbs). Stocking up generally results from a significant decrease in exercise and usually resolves as the horse starts exercising again.

Lymphangitis (or vasculitis, big leg disease, staph infection, or cellulitis), however, is a bacterial infection and a dramatically different condition. While its causes may vary, it’s easy to spot once it sets in: the swelling will be extreme, hot and very painful to the touch, and the horse will be depressed due to the fever and discomfort.

If you think your equine friend has cellulitis or even if you're not sure, we encourage you to seek professional help promptly. Your horse doctor will make the best treatment recommendations, both to reduce swelling and to address any sort of bacterial infection that might be active or that could occur due to the edema in the soft tissue.

Read more on our website at https://aaep.org/horsehealth/lymphangitis-frustrating-condition



Signs of heat stroke may range from mild to severe and life-threatening; they may include the following:
1) Temperature as high as 105 to 107 F
2) Rapid breathing, rapid pulse
3) Stumbling, weakness, depression
4) Refusal to eat or work
5) Dry skin and dehydration
6) In severe cases, a horse may collapse or go into convulsions or a coma

Exercise is a major source of body heat, and horses with a compromised ability to sweat are especially at risk of overheating, even in cooler weather with a small amount of exercise. Horses with heavy muscling or excess fat or in poor condition will also have more problems. (Keep in mind that strenuous exercise on a hot, humid day can lead to problems in a short period of time for even the best-conditioned horse.)
Foals are at risk in hot weather as well—The mare may be fine, but her foal may be getting sick from being out on a hot day as foals usually cannot take as much heat as adult horses.

Does this mean you should not work your horse on a hot day? Not necessarily. It just means you should take precautions and use your common sense. Remain vigilant for dehydration and signs of heat exhaustion, as heat exhaustion can advance to heat stroke quickly. Above all, be kind and attentive to your horse’s need. If you feel hot, your equine friend feels even hotter. So if they look tired, it’s time for a drink, a cold bath, and a break in the shade.�

�Source: Heat Stroke | https://aaep.org/horsehealth/heat-stroke

Cupping Therapy 🧝🏼‍♀️ per rivitalizzare la fascia dei muscoli della schiena e aumentare L’afflusso di sangue 🩸 per risol...

Cupping Therapy 🧝🏼‍♀️ per rivitalizzare la fascia dei muscoli della schiena e aumentare L’afflusso di sangue 🩸 per risolvere le contratture dall’interno 🌟

Lo sapevate?L’Equilibrio che un cavallo deve mantenere durante un trasporto di , ad esempio 3 ore, equivale a correre un...

Lo sapevate?

L’Equilibrio che un cavallo deve mantenere durante un trasporto di , ad esempio 3 ore, equivale a correre un miglio! 🐎🐎🐎🛻🛻🛻

Horses travel every day for a number of reasons—to be bought and sold, for competition, for breeding purposes, etc. Whatever the reason, horse owners should be aware of the complications that may occur due to transportation, including traumatic injuries, diarrhea, muscular problems, respiratory problems, overheating, colic, and even laminitis (in the case of overweight horses).

Following are a few tips to help your equine friend maintain good health and welfare during transport. This list is by no means complete and we encourage you to reach out to your veterinarian for additional advice when it comes to traveling with your horse!

• Be aware that inadequate management of feed and water intake during travel could cause colic, gastric ulceration and heat stress. Food and water should be provided prior to transport, during regular rest breaks and upon arrival at destination.

• Ensure your horse’s immunizations are up to date against respiratory pathogens to protect your animal from these diseases.

• The horse should be rested before the journey, given rest stops during travel, and have time to recover on arrival at the destination.

• The vehicle should be well-ventilated to help prevent respiratory problems or overheating.

• Drive slowly and carefully (NO TEXTING, avoid driving when fatigued or eating while driving, etc.) to provide a comfortable journey for the animal and reduce the risk of injury and fatigue.

Happy trails!



COOL SCIENCE (pun intended)!

An old myth wants us to believe that horses should be walked until they cool completely after exercise, even in the summer. However, a study from 2020 looked at five different ways to cool a horse after exercise: walking, walking with fans, walking with intermittent cold water application, walking with intermittent cold water application and scraping, and stationary with continuous tap water application. As it turns out, the method that resulted in the quickest return to normal body temperature was stationary with continuous tap water application (2 minutes), while walking alone took the longest time for recovery (25 minutes).

Bottom line: enjoy your rides in the sun this summer but remain vigilant for signs of heat stress in your horse. If they look tired, it’s time for a drink, a cool bath, and a break in the shade.

Brough to you by the AAEP Horse Owner Education Committee





⚠️⚠️⚠️Nuovi focolai di EHV negli Stati Uniti 🦠Un piccolo schema che spiega la via di trasmissione del virus!

Nuovi focolai di EHV negli Stati Uniti 🦠
Un piccolo schema che spiega la via di trasmissione del virus!

Bellissima giornata di esercitazioni 💥🐉☯️

Bellissima giornata di esercitazioni 💥🐉☯️

Io 👩🏻‍⚕️e il mio DoGtor 🐺🩺 siamo pronti per la seconda tappa della Winter Cup 💣✨

Io 👩🏻‍⚕️e il mio DoGtor 🐺🩺 siamo pronti per la seconda tappa della Winter Cup 💣✨

Fitoterapia 🌿🌱 per sanare la Tosse causata da invasione di VentoFreddo 💨❄️ o VentoCalore 💨🔥 tipico di questa stagione! T...

Fitoterapia 🌿🌱 per sanare la Tosse causata da invasione di VentoFreddo 💨❄️ o VentoCalore 💨🔥 tipico di questa stagione!

TisanaTosse ✨

Ricetta segreta 🤫

Consigli dai colleghi americani per l’inverno❄️:Prima di tutto è bene far valutare con una visita attenta da parte del V...

Consigli dai colleghi americani per l’inverno❄️:
Prima di tutto è bene far valutare con una visita attenta da parte del Veterinario la condizione fisica del cavallo insieme ad un’analisi accurata della fazione alimentare in base all’attività che deve svolgere.
Aumentate la razione di fieno non tanto per “dare più da mangiare” ma perché la digestione dell’ alimento a fibra lunga crea calore! 🌾🔥
Abbiate particolare attenzione per la salute orale così che una dentatura corretta possa consentire ad una digestione corretta😁😁😁
Sappiate che oltre ai cavalli tosati anche i cavalli non tosati, magari anziani anche al paddock hanno bisogno di una coperta per ripararsi dal freddo ma anche dall’umidità ⛄️💦



Espophageal obstruction, or “choke,” is a common equine emergency but can look alarming, especially if you've never seen it before. Unlike in human medicine, where choking refers to a tracheal (or windpipe) obstruction, choke in horses refers to an obstruction of the esophagus, the muscular tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach.

Most commonly, choking occur when horses eat concentrated feed too quickly without chewing it appropriately, which results in a firm bolus lodged in the animal's esophagus. However, esophageal obstruction can also occur with hay or straw, hard treats, carrots, or nonfood objects. Poor dentition, which leads to inadequate chewing, is also a frequent cause of choke.

While common, chokes can have serious consequences so be sure to call your veterinarian as soon as you notice signs of choke. A bad choke is fairly obvious to both veterinarians and horse owners, but a mild choke could be confused with an upper respiratory tract infection or colic.

Read more about this condition on our website at https://aaep.org/horsehealth/understanding-choke-horses

Al via il III (e ultimo💥) anno della Scuola di Agopuntura SIAV ☯️🦄

Al via il III (e ultimo💥) anno della Scuola di Agopuntura SIAV ☯️🦄

In attesa dì passare la seconda e ultima parte dell’esame del II anno di Agopuntura🥶 un nell’articolo sull’Agopuntura e ...

In attesa dì passare la seconda e ultima parte dell’esame del II anno di Agopuntura🥶 un nell’articolo sull’Agopuntura e il trattamento dell’ansia!
Molto appropriato direi 😅😱🤞🏻

Evidence Based Summaries: Acupuncture as a Therapeutic Treatment for Anxiety
🔗 https://www.evidencebasedacupuncture.org/acupuncture-anxiety/

👉 it is exciting to know that studies show has an effect on both the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).

✅ - has been shown to improve the body’s ability to cope with stress through improving Heart Rate Variability (HRV).

😡 When the body is under stress, an area of the brain called the hypothalamus releases neurochemicals, and research shows that acupuncture can calm this response 🎯

🥰 Acupuncture has also been shown to increase the release of endorphins, the body’s own ‘feel-good’ chemicals, which play an important role in the regulation of physical and emotional stress responses such as pain, heart rate, blood pressure, and digestive function.

🙌 All of these acupuncture mechanisms have a direct effect on reducing anxiety 👍

Please visit the website for the full evidence summary and feel free to share! Thank you for your support and donations - it helps us to continue producing educational materials for the community 👏👏👏



Quanto è importante la postura corretta dell’incollatura? Risposta: TANTOCosì tanto che i muscoli del collo si modifican...

Quanto è importante la postura corretta dell’incollatura?
Risposta: TANTO
Così tanto che i muscoli del collo si modificano per compensare e preservare le vertebre cervicali e il loro movimento.
Quindi si può capire se il cavallo sta lavorando correttamente valutando lo sviluppo della muscolatura dorsale e ventrale del collo!
Fateci caso! 👀🦒



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