Il Gelso Horses

Il Gelso Horses Centro equestre alle porte di Cremona. Lezioni di monta inglese e americana. Pensione cavalli.

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Aperte le iscrizioni!!!!

Finale del campionato di Mountain Trail.Bravissimi i nostri ragazzi e ottimi piazzamenti per questa prima avventura in q...

Finale del campionato di Mountain Trail.
Bravissimi i nostri ragazzi e ottimi piazzamenti per questa prima avventura in questa disciplina.

Vi aspettiamo!!!!

Vi aspettiamo!!!!

Mountain Trail al Il Gelso Horses

Mountain Trail al Il Gelso Horses

Puntata del 29/04/2024 di “Uomini e cavalli”, telecolor, canale 17.

Puntata del 29/04/2024 di “Uomini e cavalli”, telecolor, canale 17.

Vendo Haflinger femmina del 2012, pura razza iscritta come fattrice.Abituata a paddok e boxAddestramento western, brava ...

Vendo Haflinger femmina del 2012, pura razza iscritta come fattrice.
Abituata a paddok e box
Addestramento western, brava in passeggiata e trekking anche impegnativi.
In regola con vaccini e coggin test
Per info e prezzo 3387226531
Zona Cremona


Remember when your parents used to tell you to wait 30 minutes after eating before going for a swim? Unlike us, horses can actually benefit from eating forage before they exercise, as it may help reduce the risk of gastric ulcers.

While a variety of things can contribute to the development of stomach ulcers (medications, diet, stress, etc.), one train of thought is that these areas of irritation result as a consequence of the acid of the stomach splashing against unprotected parts of the stomach lining. When a horse eats forage, the hay can help absorb some of that acid and thus reduce the risk of ulcer formation.

It is important to note that a forage meal (one comprised of hay or grass) provides the most benefit, while eating large volumes of concentrate feeds (such as oats, corn, or other cereal grains) can actually increase the amount of acid within the stomach.

As always, please be sure to consult with your vet regarding further diagnostics and treatments if you have concerns that your horse may have gastric ulcers.

Brought to you by the AAEP Horse Owner Education Committee


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