✅New paper. Special Issue of BIOLOGY "Alien Marine Species in the Mediterranean Sea.
Title : Abundance, Size Structure, and Growth of the Invasive Blue Crab
Callinectes sapidus in the Lesina Lagoon, Southern Adriatic Sea.
A comprehensive assessment of the life history parameters of the invasive Atlantic
blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Lesina Lagoon (Adriatic Sea, SE Italy) in terms of abundance,
s*x ratio, size–frequency distribution, morphological maturation, growth, and mortality was provided adopting a suite of analytical techniques. The results of the present study can provide a
valuable knowledge basis for future comparative investigations on the fishery biology of C. sapidus in
Mediterranean waters.
🇮🇹Lo studio indaga e valuta i parametri della "lifu history" del granchio blu Atlantico "Callinectes sapidus" nella Laguna di Lesina (Mar Adriatico, SE Italia) in termini di abbondanza, il rapporto tra i sessi, la distribuzione dimensione-frequenza, la maturazione morfologica, la crescita e la mortalità attraverso una serie di tecniche analitiche. I risultati del presente studio possono fornire una preziosa base di conoscenze per future indagini comparative sulla biologia della pesca di C. sapidus in Mediterraneo.
Istituto di Scienze delle Produzioni Alimentari CNR sede di Foggia
Università del Salento
Nicola Lago
Antonio Oscar Lillo
The fishery biology of the invasive Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Mediterranean Sea outside the eastern sectors of the basin has been only recently investigated. Here we studied the population of C. sapidus in the Lesina Lagoon (Adriatic Sea, SE Italy). In total, 838 crabs were captu...