Truffle School - Educazione Cinofila

Truffle School - Educazione Cinofila Marilisa Dones, Educatrice cinofila specializzata nella relazione uomo-cane, educazione di base e av

Educatrice cinofila riconosciuta Csen-Coni
Educatore cinofilo di terzo livello FISC
Tecnico puppy class
Problem Solving Prat. tecnico RCLS primo livello
tecnico Water Games primo livello

Ringhiare è un diritto. Traduzione nei commenti.

Ringhiare è un diritto.
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Why growling should never be punished and also never be ignored
Not all growls are negative. Some growls are play growls, attention seeking growls, pleasure seeking growls or frustration growls. They may all sound a little different and may be unique to the particular dog. This post is not about different types of growls, but about warning or aggressive growls.
When a dog growls, maybe even at us, the natural human response is to feel offended and maybe even angry. Surely dogs need to learn not to growl, growling is bad, growling is unacceptable, growling is a problem and needs to be punished so a dog learns it’s wrong, disrespectful and not to do it again, right?
NO, this couldn’t be further from the truth! A dog that growls has just provided us with a very valuable communication signal. In their way, they have just communicated to us how they feel without resorting to a bite. Dogs use growling in an attempt to avoid having to resort to biting, not to initiate it. They could just as easily have not even bothered to growl and gone straight to a bite.
Growling is a dog's way of saying "please stop," "stay away from me," "go away," “I’m not comfortable with this and I’m feeling threatened”. A dog that growls is trying hard to communicate and punishment suppresses this ability to communicate. Punishment doesn’t change the level of the dog's discomfort; it creates more stress and the dog will feel more threatened.
Growling is not the problem. Growling is the result of and the symptom of a problem. A dog that bites without the warning of a growl is a far more serious problem than a dog that growls but doesn’t bite.
Look for any other early warning signals that may precede a growl. Recognize and take note of what makes your dog feel threatened and create distance between your dog and whatever is triggering them.
Be grateful for the gift of a growl - it provides us with an opportunity to address the cause & prevent the bite.

Le passeggiate sono comunicazione

Le passeggiate sono comunicazione

Le passeggiate al guinzaglio sono un compromesso tra ciò che si vuole e i bisogni di chi è dall’altra parte del guinzaglio. Prima ancora di imparare la tecnica bisogna imparare ad ascoltare l’altro e saper proporre le proprie iniziative. In qualsiasi altro modo lo si intenda finisce per diventare un tiro alla fune nel quale uno dei due deve perdere.





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