SCUDERIA FERRARI CLUB The official SCUDERIA FERRARI CLUB page to together! http://www.

Con il 2012, Scuderia Ferrari Club – il sodalizio che unisce i Club di tifosi Ferrari dei cinque
continenti – inaugura il suo settimo anno di attività. Sin dalla sua istituzione, il Club è
stato apprezzato per la prerogativa di coinvolgere nelle sue iniziative persone di nazionalità,
culture e stili di vita differenti ma unite dalla stessa, grande passione: Ferrari. Una sorta d’immensa piazza virt

uale che oggi accoglie oltre cento Club sparsi in tutto il
mondo che si gestiscono in totale autonomia condividendo con la sede di Maranello le
attività e gli eventi più importanti. Associandosi, i Tifosi entrano a far parte di un Club
prestigioso, una grande famiglia che, sotto l’emblema del Cavallino Rampante, organizza
eventi esclusivi come la presentazione della monoposto di Formula 1, gli incontri con
i piloti in occasione dei Ferrari Passion Day o le visite dedicate alla Sede di Maranello. La partecipazione dei Soci agli eventi di Scuderia Ferrari Club permette loro di essere
protagonisti dei momenti più significativi della Ferrari. Infatti, oltre ad essere presenti
nelle attività istituzionali del Team, hanno anche la possibilità di emulare i loro beniamini
cimentandosi nelle gare di pit-stop o guidando i simulatori della Ferrari Virtual Academy. Oggi, grazie alla struttura e all’organizzazione Scuderia Ferrari Club, la “vita nel box” non
è più un’immagine televisiva o uno sguardo lontano di uno spettatore da una tribuna di un
circuito, ma bensì una realtà concreta e condivisibile con tutti i tifosi e gli appassionati. Nel
tempo, il Club - rispecchiando l’anima “racecer” di ogni tifoso - ha sviluppato numerose
attività che vanno dal combattutissimo Campionato Nazionale di Kart, alle partite di calcio
della Nazionale Scuderia Ferrari Club (che si confronta, fra l’altro, con la Nazionale Piloti),
al Campionato Scuderia Ferrari Box, un’entusiasmante competizione tra veicoli a gravità. Ad
ogni membro del Sodalizio è dedicata una serie di gifts unici studiati per il “Vero Tifoso”,
propulsore del Team di F1: oltre alla card nominativa, al lanyard personalizzato e ad altri
esclusivi omaggi da collezione, la grande famiglia Ferrari riserva agli associati importanti
agevolazioni al Museo Ferrari, negli acquisti effettuati presso il Ferrari Store di Maranello e,
on line, su

- - - - -

2012 marks the seventh anniversary of the launch of the Scuderia Ferrari Club which brings
together Ferrari tifosi from five continents. Since it was first formed, the Club has won great
popularity because of its drive to involve in its many activities people of different nationalities
cultures and lifestyles united by the same great passion for Ferrari. This virtual network encompasses more than 100 Clubs worldwide, all of whom are independently
run but share high profile events and activities with the Maranello headquarters. When they
join, tifosi become part of a prestige Club, a large extended family which, under the Prancing
Horse emblem, organises a series of exclusive events, including the unveiling of the Formula 1
single-seater, meet-and-greets with drivers at the Ferrari Passion Day and special visits to the
Maranello campus. When members participate in Scuderia Ferrari Club activities they themselves
take an active role in the most significant moments in the Ferrari calendar. In fact, aside from
attending team corporate activities, they also get to emulate their heroes by taking part in pitstop
competitions and driving the Ferrari Virtual Academy’s simulators. Thanks to the Scuderia
Ferrari Club’s structure and organisation, “life in the pit-lane” is no longer something experienced
at second-hand on TV or seen at a distance from the grandstands. It’s become a concrete reality
that all tifosi and enthusiasts can share. To reflect the competitive passion of the tifosi, the Club
ha, over the years, developed a host of actitivies which span the spectrum from the closely-fought
National Kart Championship to National Scuderia Ferrari Club football games (often against
the National Drivers’ team) and the Scuderia Ferrari Box Championship, a fun, gravity defying
challenge between soapbox cars and drivers. Every member of the Club receives a series of gifts
designed specifically for genuine tifosi who are the real driving force of the F1 team. They receive
a club identity card, personalised lanyard and other exclusive collector’s items. The extended
Ferrari family also offers members significant discounts at the Ferrari Museum, on purchases at
the Ferrari Store in Maranello and online at the


125 years from Enzo Ferrari’s birth in 125 seconds.

Every journey begins with a dream. But a dream doesn’t become reality without vision, determination, and persistence. And these are the same principles that keep inspiring us at every day.

Our founder made Ferrari a symbol of tradition, excellence, and innovation. His profound passion and genuine devotion are at the heart of what we do and will always remain a legacy.


Meeting you for the first time, ❤️


Roses are red,
Just like the ,
See you at 11:25 CET 😉


Felice anno nuovo, 🥳

Here’s to a great 2023 with you by our side ✨


Buone feste, from everyone at Scuderia Ferrari 🇮🇹


SAVE THE DATE: are you ready to fall in love? 😍 ❤

Grazie   for being with us today during the final Q&A of the 2022 with Scuderia Ferrari's Team Principal, Mattia Binotto...

Grazie for being with us today during the final Q&A of the 2022 with Scuderia Ferrari's Team Principal, Mattia Binotto!

See you tomorrow ❤️


Don’t forget,  ! Scuderia Ferrari’s Team Principal, Mattia Binotto will be taking your questions 🏎Sign up ➡️ https://www...

Don’t forget, ! Scuderia Ferrari’s Team Principal, Mattia Binotto will be taking your questions 🏎

Sign up ➡️


Grazie   for being with us today during the Q&A with Jock Clear,Scuderia Ferrari's Driver Coach. See you tomorrow ❤️  🔴 ...

Grazie for being with us today during the Q&A with Jock Clear,
Scuderia Ferrari's Driver Coach.

See you tomorrow ❤️


Want to chat with someone who has over 30 years of experience in  ?Scuderia Ferrari’s Driver Coach, Jock Clear will be t...

Want to chat with someone who has over 30 years of experience in ?

Scuderia Ferrari’s Driver Coach, Jock Clear will be taking your questions 🏎

Sign up ➡️


Jock is in the hot seat for Japan! 🇯🇵Want to ask Scuderia Ferrari’s Driver Coach a question? Then make sure to sign up 👉...

Jock is in the hot seat for Japan! 🇯🇵

Want to ask Scuderia Ferrari’s Driver Coach a question? Then make sure to sign up 👉


A special thank to all of you who took part in the video call with Laurent Mekies! See you tomorrow 👊  🔴

A special thank to all of you who took part in the video call with Laurent Mekies!

See you tomorrow 👊


Want to know what goes into the operations of an   team?Scuderia Ferrari's Racing Director, Laurent Mekies will be takin...

Want to know what goes into the operations of an team?

Scuderia Ferrari's Racing Director, Laurent Mekies will be taking your questions 🏎

Sign up ➡️


Laurent is back for Singapore 🇸🇬Want to ask Scuderia Ferrari’s Racing Director a question? Then make sure to sign up 👉 h...

Laurent is back for Singapore 🇸🇬

Want to ask Scuderia Ferrari’s Racing Director a question? Then make sure to sign up 👉



Viale Enzo Ferrari, 27


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