Last of the pack going for her first ever bath 😅
My car is so filthy I can’t even imagine how I’m going to clean it, or if it’s even worth it...
#adoptdontshop #molly #dirtydog #bathtime
Abandoned villa housing puppies and kittens! There was also a mother dog but she ran away when she saw me but I’m glad they found the food I had left earlier 😅 I have started leaving food and water but I’ll need help sorting them out 😩 I just wish I had somewhere safe to put all these poor babies! They seem to be ok and the cats seem healthy apart from one who is missing an eye 💔
#straycat #straykitten #straydog #straypuppy #puppiesofpuglia #adoptsontshop #adoptapuppy #justgiving #rescuedog #italy #meticcio #mongrel #labradorpuppy #savethedogs #spayandneuter #sterilizzazione
Another abandoned pup that needs desperate medical attention. This is Pluto, he was dumped and then attacked by another pack of dogs, a friend and volunteer (who makes the work I do look like like child’s play!) has taken him in and despite not being paid once since the beginning of the pandemic, she has taken on the medical bills of this dog in order to get him in an adoptable state and help him avoid the kennels where he’ll probably be attacked again. He needs reconstructive surgery on his neck and at the moment his care is at a standstill until existing vet bills are paid. If you have it in your heart to help him and help my friend keep him out of kennels you can either contact me directly and I’ll put you in touch with my friend, or you can send via just giving in my bio and quote Pluto in your message and I’ll pass it on to her vet directly. The operation is likely to be €1,000 but at this stage anything will help. For those who know anyone who would be willing to help please please share this story, share my page, everything and anything will make a difference 🙏🏼
#thankyou #justgiving #helpadoginneed #dogsinneed #rescueadog #pleaseshare #helpmehelpthem #puglia #italy #rescueismyfavoritebreed #adoptdontshop #ilovedogs #iloveanimals #crazyanimallady #bekind #makeadifference #pleaseshare
This poor boy is yet another abandoned hunting dog, the only thing worse than being abandoned by a hunger is NOT being abandoned and being chained up 12 months a year or locked in a cage when not hunting. 💔😭 this pup needs a lot of love and care to get back in shape but he can do it ❤️❤️❤️
#adoptdontshop #huntingdog #starvingdog #rescuedog #banhunting #abandoneddog #bekind #justgiving #ilovedogs #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedog
Puglia -Martina Franca
Trovato per strada in una giornata fredda e piovosa🥶
E' stato subito messo in salvo,pensando che ormai fosse tardi...anemico, uno scheletro che vagava per strada senza forza.
Ora lui mangia e' in stallo al caldo la sua anemia resta.
Vi chiediamo aiuto per lui, per farli fare un esame completo del sangue,per comprarli del cibo buono e i medicinali che eventualmente li saranno prescritti.
Deve ritornare ad essere bello e forte in modo da trovare una bella famiglia e dimenticare fame e dolore.
Chiunque voglia aiutarci,con un piccolo gesto puo' fare una donazione o direttamente al veterinario o può contattarci al 3391570026
Ogni spesa o donazione verrà riportata nel post che aggiorneremo.
Buster thinks he’s a race horse! Getting more exercise daily than he did in the first few months of his life combined back in Puglia. Luckily pup 🥰
#adoptdontshop #luckypup #happydog #walkyourdog #dogsneedtoplay #rescuedogsofinstagram #buster #mongrelpuppy
After being told we’d never get this girl in the car without being she is at my house after a relaxed car journey last night. She had to be closed in somewhere overnight to ensure she will be nil by mouth for her op tomorrow morning. Where there’s a will there’s a way. It just took a week or so of getting to know her and gain her trust.
#spayandneuter #adoptdontshop #dogoftheday #bigdog #nilbymouth #vetvisit #mongreldog
Set up a little kennel with cushion, food and water under the veranda inside the gates of the villa. She should move them there herself if she thinks it’s safe enough. Fingers crossed. In the meantime the other two need time to treat ticks, fleas, and any other manner of infections that may have picked up living on the streets, they’ll be sterilised over the next couple of weeks. Anyone interested in adopting one of the three little pups please let me know! If anyone wants to donate towards sterilizing these dogs and vaccinating the puppies please check my just giving page in the bio. I’d say I’m running out of money but that would be overly off my UK credit card that has a credit limit I was given 8 years ago when I was earning a London I’m a part time English teacher and desperately trying to get our website up and running. All help is so appreciated. Or just share my posts to help appeal to others who might be in a better position to help. Thank you 🙏🏼
#adoptdontshop #rescuedogsofinstagram #puppyrescue #newbornpuppies #mummydogs #savethedogs #justgiving
This evening we went to pick up one of the females near our soon to be new house...only to find that she had given birth in a flower pot 😱 she barely looked pregnant but we wanted to rush her to the vet to avoid any puppies! Three gorgeous little puppies! We left her her own food and water away from the others and tomorrow I’ll go back with a nice warm dog house and some blankets. In he meantime we picked up one of the other females and brought her home and I’ll take her to the vet tomorrow. Puppy update tomorrow.
#adoptdontshop #newbornpuppies #newmummy #puppyrescue #rescuedogsofinstagram #straydogs #spayandneuter #toolate #adoptapuppy #ilovedogs #alldogsmatter
These are the dogs that will be coming with the new house...😭 luckily they get fed leftovers daily from restaurants and family and are trusting enough that I’ll be able to sterilize them, but the first dog in the frame appeared today...probably dumped there, you can see he’s skin and bones and when very nervous when I arrived. I put some frontline on the little lady due to be operated on next week and I hope to get one done every couple of weeks. Need to start raising money again 😫 I spoke to the local council who ‘deals’ with stay dogs and they can’t help unless I surrender the dogs to the kennels...but the kennels are full...their way of saying “not our problem” they also won’t help me catch the wild ones here near my house...check out my story to see how serious the situation is getting...feel so helpless 🥺
#straydogs #canirandagi #alldogsmatter #help #adoptdontshop #rescueismyfavoritebreed #justgiving #frontline #spayandneuteryourpets #itsadogslife #ilovedogs
When Puffy met Buster 😂 it took her a good 20 minutes to stop sniffing around in the grass and realise there was another dog in the garden 😂 she’s been misbehaving a lot since he arrived, far too excitable 🤦🏼♀️
#puffythepuppy #rescuedog #puppiesofinstagram #naughydog #puppyplaytime #adoptdontshop
Can you spot my over confident little Puffy? Wait for it...☺️❤️🤦🏼♀️ she hasn’t changed, still far too fearless and confident for her age and size! She’s one of the lucky stray pups, despite being born in a crumbling barn she’s never known the cruelty that humans are capable of. So many others need our help 💔
#adoptdontshop #rescueismyfavouritebreed #crueltyfree #straypuppy #puppies #ilovemydog #bekind