Villa Puglia Pets

Villa Puglia Pets Animal rescue stories and lots of animals that need your help finding homes

Good morning ❄️

Good morning ❄️

I’d love to do this if anyone has any old boxes to donate.Mi piacerebbe fare se qualcuno dovesse averne da donare.

I’d love to do this if anyone has any old boxes to donate.

Mi piacerebbe fare se qualcuno dovesse averne da donare.

... 💞

Who sleeps like this 🤷🏼‍♀️❤️She’s been outside playing ALL day and fell asleep mid position change on the sofa 😂😂😂😂     ...

Who sleeps like this 🤷🏼‍♀️❤️

She’s been outside playing ALL day and fell asleep mid position change on the sofa 😂😂😂😂

SHARE SHARE SHARE 🙏🏼Hello all! I’m stuck in Scotland but have lots of help and support from the family back in Italy.Ple...


Hello all! I’m stuck in Scotland but have lots of help and support from the family back in Italy.

Please please please


to help rehome animals. Sharing far and wide is the ONLY hope we have of finding families for animals. They all deserve a family of their own, none of them deserve to be locked in kennels! 🙏🏼😫

This photo is of me and Charlize (named after Valerio’s dream woman...that’s fine I’ve got my 😉) Charlize was a very special girl, she was very loved and we unfortunately lost her during an operation we hoped would help her live a normal life after breaking her pelvis, losing her tail, losing the ability to go to toilet by herself and then dealing with chronic life threatening colon blockage. She really went through a lot and I can’t even explain what those last few months were like, but I did everything to make her comfortable and dedicated 24hrs to her for months. I think in the end she had had enough and decided to slip away quietly under anesthesic. Our vet was wonderful and did everything possible for her but cats love their freedom and Charlize was a hunter and I’m sure she’s somewhere hunting lizards 🦎 and rabbits 🐰 🥰

We love you and miss you Charlize ❤️

SHARE SHARE SHARE 🙏🏼Hello all! Happy New Year! I’m stuck in Scotland but have lots of help and support from the family b...


Hello all! Happy New Year! I’m stuck in Scotland but have lots of help and support from the family back in Italy.

Please please please


to help rehome animals. Sharing far and wide is the ONLY hope we have of finding a families for animals. They all deserve a family of their own, none of them deserve to be locked in kennels! 🙏🏼😫

It’s so unfair!!! Working on discipline and distraction...this teddy is as old as me so she isn’t allowed to shred this ...

It’s so unfair!!! Working on discipline and distraction...this teddy is as old as me so she isn’t allowed to shred this one. She’s not taking it well at all, major sulking going on here 😂



Entrato in Canile quasi due mesi fa, Alexander ha sempre sofferto per quella sua “nuova vita”. Voleva poter ritornare ad essere libero, a correre senza dover guardare il mondo da dietro le sbarre. Un maremmano di circa 3 anni, con una stazza imponente e una capacità di stare con l’uomo che non è comune ai cani di quella mole.
La tenacia di Arianna Parisi, Charlotte Dabney e della nostra volontaria Margherita Angelini, hanno permesso che per Alexander le porte del canile si chiudessero per sempre alle sue spalle. Adesso ha grandi spazi dove poter correre ed essere felice oltre ad una nuova amica speciale…Caterina, un’asinella con la quale Alexander ha subito fatto amicizia non appena arrivato nella sua nuova casa.

Per portare Alexander verso la sua nuova vita, viste le dimensioni del cagnolone, è stato necessario l’intervento del mezzo della Colonna Mobile Nazionale Federazione Italiana Ricetrasmissioni Citizen's Band OdV e l’ausilio del nostro volontario Gianni Palmisano (anche lui grande amante degli animali) che con grande professionalità si è subito detto disponibile ad accompagnare il nostro amico peloso.

Da oltre trent’anni il SER di Martina Franca e i suoi volontari, con grande Cuore, si adoperano per la tutela del territorio e sono al fianco dei più deboli: persone o animali senza nessuna distinzione.

Buona vita Alexander!!!


I gatti ci danno due grandi insegnamenti: il distacco dalle cose è un’arte e l’eleganza non fa rumore.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)


Aggiornamento 28/01
L’abbiamo chiamata Lea e’ una femmina ed e’ in stallo
Per qualsiasi info

AGGIORNAMENTO del 10/01/2021

Buona sera il cane nel post e’ inadottabile nell’immediato deve uscire dal canile per capire meglio la sua caratterialita’ e anche la sua salute
Si cercano mamme a distanza
Potrebbe essere un macchio anche se nella scheda del canile hanno scritto femmina

Vi aggiorneremo nei prossimi giorni

Vivere così non è vita
Aspettare solo di morire perché lasciarsi andare e’ l’unica salvezza per non pensare piu ‘ alla reclusione di anni e anni
Le ore non passano mai .....
I giorni tutti uguali e sempre più interminabili ....
Basta .........
ormai la speranza di uscire e’ svanita e chiudere gli occhi e ‘ solo ciò che resta da fare
Chissà se invece un’anima buona chiamerà per lui ......
maschio anziano nessun nome solo un numero di box
Chi apre il suo cuore ????
Per info 338 9740168

Puffy made it to Scotland 🙏🏼 we arrived literally as the borders closed! We have a tiny bubble of 4 people and 1 dog. Lo...

Puffy made it to Scotland 🙏🏼 we arrived literally as the borders closed! We have a tiny bubble of 4 people and 1 dog. Looks like I’ll be here a while and my wonderful is taking care of the other animals in my absence. Puffy is in her element and never had so much freedom. Please to say in Scotland I don’t have to worry about packs of stray dogs. There are no stray dogs, no irresponsible owners who don’t sterilize their pets, no newborn puppies found dumped in bins!! No animals left outside in the cold! No chained up dogs, no tiny cages in the garden, no untrained dogs.


Martina Franca


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