Dr.ssa Cinzia Platè

Dr.ssa Cinzia Platè Benvenuti. Mi chiamo Cinzia Platè e svolgo con passione il mio lavoro di medico veterinario, specialista in clinica dei piccoli animali.

La svolta per una malattia prima definita incurabile

La svolta per una malattia prima definita incurabile

One week ago today, Dr. Niels Pedersen delivered his keynote presentation, "Status of Antiviral Drug Therapy for Feline Infectious Peritonitis: 2016 to Present" at our feline health symposium, "Health Breakthroughs for Every Cat: FIP and Beyond" at the University of Florida-Gainesville to an audience of both in-person attendees and virtual attendees from 20 countries around the world.
Although retired now, he was kind enough to accept our request to speak at the symposium, and even took the time to answer questions on the virtual platform.

Dr. Pedersen published his first research paper on FIP in 1964, and in 2019 he was able to announce that FIP could now be re-classified from fatal to curable. A lot of cats are alive today because of Dr. Pedersen.

To learn more about Dr. Pedersen and his journey with FIP, visit http://ow.ly/7z9F50JXcYS

Many thanks to Zen By Cat for sharing this touching photo of Dr. Pedersen and "Smokey", who was one of the very first cats cured of FIP in the drug trial.

Visit the Zen By Cat website for information about current treatment options. (And see great cat videos that will make you smile)




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Cinzia Plate' med vet


Schemino molto chiaro se volete far girare.


Via Rembrandt 38

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Lunedì 15:00 - 19:00
Mercoledì 15:00 - 19:00
Venerdì 15:00 - 19:00

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