What a 2021 we had! So many wins, points, Grands, Reserves, Hi Points & All Arounds! We had some old teams keep winning together and some brand new teams just getting their feet wet! I’m so so so proud of everyone and blessed that they are all part of our big family! I can’t wait for 2022!
Taylor Sheesley & This Kats Blue
Jennifer Sheesley & Eazy Duz It
Maddy Begonia & Mysteriously Awesome
Kelli Smith & Two Chex Please
Jane Sharp & Certainly It’s Luv
Brittany Hoover & My Commercial Cody
Brittany Hoover & Lovin My Mechanic
Deb Gromley & JB Classically Good
Amelia Zack & My Commercial Cody
Ava Thompson & Two Chex Please