Ambulatorio Veterinario Averno Dott. Damiani

Ambulatorio Veterinario Averno Dott. Damiani Informazioni di contatto, mappa e indicazioni stradali, modulo di contatto, orari di apertura, servizi, valutazioni, foto, video e annunci di Ambulatorio Veterinario Averno Dott. Damiani, Veterinario, Via Monteruscello 33 H, Pozzuoli.

Gli Avernovets augurano a tutti un sereno Natale e un felice anno Nuovo. The Avernovets wish you a Merry Christmas and a...

Gli Avernovets augurano a tutti un sereno Natale e un felice anno Nuovo.
The Avernovets wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.


Informiamo la gentile clientela che l’ambulatorio rimarrà chiuso il 29/08 e 30/08 per le festività estive. Riaprirà il giorno 31/08.

We would like to inform our clients that the practice will stay close from August 29th to August 30th due to summer holidays. It will reopen the day August 31st.

The avernoVet staff


Our telephone and internet system is back online. Sorry for the inconvenience.
La linea telefonica è tornata operativa. Ci scusiamo per l inconveniente.

The Avernovets wish you all an happy new year🥂🍾🎉

The Avernovets wish you all an happy new year🥂🍾🎉

Take a look at this!

Take a look at this!

Wondering why your veterinarian has been so busy this year? Pets may not need to mask up, but COVID-19 and its effects on human society has caused an unprece...

Nuovo aggiornamento 22/03Update on 22/03

Nuovo aggiornamento 22/03

Update on 22/03



Per supportare la comunità e di conseguenza i nostri pazienti, in questo momento di emergenza, la struttura rimarrà chiusa da sabato 14 Marzo 2020 a domenica 22 Marzo 2020.
Riaprirà lunedi 23 Marzo alle 9.30, salvo nuove disposizioni.
Tuttavia, per qualsiasi problematica riguardante i nostri pazienti, potete contattarci sulla pagina Facebook : AMBULATORIO VETERINARIO AVERNO DOTT. DAMIANI.
Per casi urgenti siamo comunque disponibili a visitare i vostri pazienti previo appuntamento.
La salute dei nostri pazienti ci sta a cuore e dipende anche dal buono stato di salute dei loro proprietari.
Per fortuna il COVID 19 non colpisce i nostri amici a 4 zampe, ma solo gli esseri umani.
Contattateci e saremo lieti di darvi il supporto medico necessario.

To support the community and therefore our patients, during this tough time, the facility will be closed from Saturday March 14th till Sunday March 22nd 2020.
It will reopen Monday March 23rd at 9.30am, except for unforeseen circumstances.
However, for any issue concerning our patients, you can contact us on the page: AMBULATORIO VETERINARIO AVERNO DOTT. DAMIANI.
For urgent cases, we are still available to visit your patients by appointment.
We care for the health of our patients but it also depends on the good health of their owners.
Luckily the COVID 19 does not affect our four-legged friends, but only humans.
Contact us and we will be happy to give you the necessary medical support .

🇺🇸 Great news from the WHO (world health organization) 🐶🎉🇮🇪 Ottime notizie dall'OMS (organizzazione mondiale della sanit...

🇺🇸 Great news from the WHO (world health organization) 🐶🎉
🇮🇪 Ottime notizie dall'OMS (organizzazione mondiale della sanitá) 🐶🎉


We would like to inform our clients that the clinic will be closed Friday November 1st and Saturday November 2th ( All Saint' s day ) . It will reopen Monday November 4th at 9.30am.
Comunichiamo che per le festivita di Tutti I Santi saremo chiusi Venerdi 1 e sabato 2 novembre.


So sorry to inform you that the clinic cannot be open this morning.
Ci dispiace informarvi che l ambulatorio rimarrà chiuso questa mattina


Informiamo la nostra clientela che l'ambulatorio resterà chiuso dal 10 al 18 agosto . Buone ferie a tutti!
We would like to inform our clients that the clinic will be closed from August the 10th till August the 18th

The avernovets wish you all a Merry Christmas 🎅🎄🎉🎈

The avernovets wish you all a Merry Christmas 🎅🎄🎉🎈

Halloween is a Scary night for petsHalloween may be a barrel of laughs for people who love to dress up in costumes and p...

Halloween is a Scary night for pets

Halloween may be a barrel of laughs for people who love to dress up in costumes and party, but most pets aren't quite as fond of the holiday as people are. The doorbell rings far too often and is usually accompanied by loud children; there's enough candy to make a pack of wolves sick; fearful pets can run outside to escape the stress; and the parties tend to be high energy, noisy affairs. With all of these spooky happenings, even the bravest of pet souls may find Halloween a bit frightening, so it’s important to keep your pet’s peace of mind, health, and safety in mind when planning for the holiday.

Some pets can get stress-related diarrhea as a result of all the noise and activity, so speak with your veterinarian well before Halloween if you have big plans and you know your pet is sensitive to changes in the environment.


Cute internet images may have us all believing that pets and costumes go together like cereal and milk, but your pet may not agree. What may be adorable to us may be just plain miserable for our pets. It's best to keep a few key things in mind if you’re dressing up your pet this year:

A costume can annoy or frighten some dogs when stress is already a little higher than usual. Make certain that any costume (or any clothing at all) is loose and won't make the pet uncomfortable.Sometimes elastics are too tight, potentially causing an area to swell and cause pain, or they grab too much hair so that it has the effect of a ponytail pulled painfully tight.The bits and pieces of a costume sometimes cause tripping hazards or allow someone to step on it. If you make or buy a costume, keep it comfy and nonrestrictive.Paint should not be used directly on the animal.Some dogs will try to eat parts of their costumes, so watch your pets constantly while they are wearing one.If the costume involves a mask, make sure your pet’s vision is unrestricted.

Home, Sweet Home

During trick-or-treating or Halloween parties, pets can get frightened and bolt out the open door - an all-too real risk for getting hit by a car or lost. It's often best to crate nervous or hyper dogs, or keep dogs and cats in a closed room, while trick-or-treaters or party-goers are likely to ring the bell. If the activity makes your dog go out of his gourd, see what your veterinarian thinks about a sedative for the evening. Again, talk to your veterinarian about this well before the holiday.

Outdoor cats are safest inside on this night of bustling activity.

Eating Goodies

Poisoning can be a concern on Halloween. Cats aren't that interested in candy, but dogs can eat enough of it - and quickly - to get sick enough to need an ER. Gastrointestinal problems are a typical result, usually vomiting and diarrhea, but if enough chocolate is in the mix or something contains xylitol you could have some scary issues. Remind your children not to give any candy to the dog, even though it's sweet of them to share their bounty. Emergency rooms see an increase in chocolate toxicity over Halloween.

Trick-or-Treating with your Dog

If you take your dog out treat-or-treating with your family, consider using reflective gear. Remember that other dogs and children are wound up with excitement. Keep your dog safe from sudden moves by children, and be aware of other dogs going by with their families. Those adorable costumes on children can set off a territorial or fearful response in a dog, either of which could result in a bite. If your gut tells you that your dog doesn't have the temperament for this, leave him at home.

Cobwebs and Candles and Whiskers on Kittens

Candles and jack-o'-lanterns are a fire hazard whether you have pets or not. Dogs and cats may knock over burning candles, or let curiosity get the better of them so that they stick their faces into a jack-o-lantern. Other decorations, such as fake cobwebs, could create a choking hazard.

While Halloween isn't as noisy or frightening as the Fourth of July - the busiest night of the year for shelters - for pets it's likely in second place as Scariest Holiday of the Year. Keeping your pets away from the frenetic parts of the celebration is in both your best interests.

The information contained here is for general purposes only and is not a substitute for advice from your veterinarian. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.

Cani e. . .
In estate si moltiplicano le occasioni di incontri ravvicinati per un muso curioso!
Le punture di api, vespe, ragni o il contatto con piante urticanti possono causare la formazione di gonfiori diffusi su tutto il corpo: pericolosi in particolare sul naso, sulle labbra, sulle palpebre e
sulla lingua.
In ogni caso, con il verificarsi di un evento urticante o allergico è bene procedere ad un rapido consulto con il veterinario.


Via Monteruscello 33 H

Orario di apertura

Lunedì 09:30 - 16:00
Martedì 09:30 - 16:00
Mercoledì 09:30 - 16:00
Giovedì 09:30 - 16:00
Venerdì 09:30 - 16:00


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