Trojan Nano Horse Lab - ERC

Trojan Nano Horse Lab - ERC The Trojan Nano Horse or simply TNH lab is the result of the ERC Starting Grant project from the UE started in 2016 by Prof. Valentina Cauda and her team

Welcome to the TrojaNanoHorse Laboratory! The goal of our research is to develop a new generation of multifunctional therapeutic and diagnostic (thus theranostic) nanosystems displaying non-immunogenicity, improved cancer treatment, cell imaging, and high safety for the hosting organism. The innovative concept behind this approach relies on a core-shell nanosystem with a therapeutically active core, yet our TrojaNanoHorse (TNH).

We are participating at the European Technology Platform in Nanomedicine   in Milan. Wonderful location and fruitful dis...

We are participating at the European Technology Platform in Nanomedicine in Milan. Wonderful location and fruitful discussion, inspiring talks, pushing forward the frontiers of nanomedicine to solve health problems.

We are proud to share this interesting point of view, about the prospective use of nanomedicine in the therapy of pancre...

We are proud to share this interesting point of view, about the prospective use of nanomedicine in the therapy of pancreatic cancer. Congratulation to Valentina Cauda and Marzia Conte

Innovative ricerche nel campo medico che utilizzano le Nanotecnologie si presentano come una prospettiva terapeutica di grande efficacia e con limitati Il Cancro del Pancreas é uno dei tumori più aggressivi. Le terapie convenzionali solitamente producono gravi effetti collaterali, L’applicazione...

Il TNHlab ha partecipato ieri alla   con il laboratorio "Scopriamo le nanoparticelle". Tanti visitatori curiosi e intere...

Il TNHlab ha partecipato ieri alla con il laboratorio "Scopriamo le nanoparticelle". Tanti visitatori curiosi e interessati hanno "invaso" il nostro laboratorio.
Grazie a , , e Valentina Cauda per l'entusiasmo e l'energia nel presentare la ricerca del !

We are proud to share oure recent publication: congratulation to  and the involved TNHLab team!

We are proud to share oure recent publication: congratulation to and the involved TNHLab team!

The horizon of nanomedicine research is moving toward the design of therapeutic tools able to be completely safe per se, and simultaneously be capable of becoming toxic when externally activated by stimuli of different nature. Among all the stimuli, ultrasounds come to the fore as an innovative appr...

Congratulations to  and  for their PhD title   , well deserved!!

Congratulations to and for their PhD title , well deserved!!

  today is back to Munich  at Ludwig Maximilian Universitaet, after 14 long years, giving lecture to the Symposium "Adve...

today is back to Munich at Ludwig Maximilian Universitaet, after 14 long years, giving lecture to the Symposium "Adventures in Nanoscience" organized by Prof. Thomas Bein, her former scientific mentor.
Thanks for the invitation and nice to see such fantastic science journeys today!!


Nella graduatoria elaborata dalla Stanford University spiccano le scienziate e gli scienziati dell’Ateneo, riconosciuti tra i migliori al mondo per l’elevato livello di produttività scientifica

We congratulate   for being among the World's 2% Top Scientists!!!!!

We congratulate for being among the World's 2% Top Scientists!!!!!

Nella graduatoria elaborata dalla Stanford University spiccano le scienziate e gli scienziati dell’Ateneo, riconosciuti tra i migliori al mondo per l’elevato livello di produttività scientifica

We congratulate our new Biomedical Engineers for their excellent Mater Thesis defense and graduation. Congrats to   and ...

We congratulate our new Biomedical Engineers for their excellent Mater Thesis defense and graduation. Congrats to and .

Congratulations to Prof. Valentina Cauda, now Member of the Istituto Lombardo -Accademia delle Scienze e Lettere

Congratulations to Prof. Valentina Cauda, now Member of the Istituto Lombardo -Accademia delle Scienze e Lettere


New technologies might provide more potent or broader immunity — but will have to fight for market share.

We congratulate Marco Carofiglio for his nice presentation   in Graz-Austria. Well done!!!

We congratulate Marco Carofiglio for his nice presentation in Graz-Austria. Well done!!!

Today we congratulate Veronica Vighetto and  Carofiglio for their excellently deserved PhD title! Well done!!

Today we congratulate Veronica Vighetto and Carofiglio for their excellently deserved PhD title! Well done!!


Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi 24


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