Fellow farmers and family 🥰....Good morning en welcome to day 46/365.
What do we have for you today????.
1. Invest in Quality Feed:
Choose the best feed you can afford to give your animals the best nutrition possible.
2. Store Feed Properly:
Keep feed away from the elements—sun and rain can spoil it quickly. Ensure it’s stored in a cool, dry place.
3. Prepare for Dry Spells:
Collect extra hay (grass) during times of abundance to ensure a supply during food shortages or droughts.
4. Use Feed Troughs:
Always feed in troughs rather than on the ground to reduce spoilage and minimize waste.
5. Cleanliness is Key:
Keep feed and water troughs spotless and remove any leftovers to avoid contamination.
6. Make Gradual Changes:
If you need to change their ration, do it slowly—over the course of a week—to avoid upsetting their digestion.
7. Improve Grain Digestion:
Crush or crack grains to make them easier to digest. If that’s not possible, soak them for a few hours before feeding.
8. Chop Forage:
When feeding maize crop residues or grass, chop them into shorter lengths to make it easier for your animals to eat and digest.
9. Stick to a Routine:
Sheep and goats are creatures of habit. Feed them consistently at the same time every day and never leave them hungry.
10. Portion Control:
Always mix and measure the right amount of feed to ensure your animals get exactly what they need.
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