All our kittens raised in our home, underfoot and in our laps. We consistently produce award winning cats in the World Cat Association (WCF), and we place our cats only in those homes that we know will be the very best for them. We keep our focus on the well-being of each of our kittens and cats as we promote the Bombay and Burmese breeds in the show world and in happy forever homes. The Bombay is
calm, gentle and affectionate. This solid, medium-size cat was created in the 1950s by crossing sable Burmese with black American Shorthairs. His short, velvety coat is easy to care for. The Bombay is an easygoing and tolerant cat who takes life as it comes. He enjoys greeting visitors and gets along well with children, dogs and other cats, although he will expect to be the one in charge. It’s not unusual for him to learn to walk on a leash or to play active games such as fetch, but he also has a reputation as a lap cat. The Bombay loves attention, so do not get one if you don’t have the time or desire to interact with him frequently. He will want to be involved in everything you do. Brush the Bombay weekly to keep his thick coat shiny and healthy. The only other grooming he needs is regular nail trimming and ear cleaning. The Bombay is well suited to any home with people who will love him and care for him. Keep him indoors to protect him from cars, diseases spread by other cats and attacks from other animals. Other Quick Facts
When you look at a Bombay, you see a muscular, medium-size cat. If you were to pick him up, you would find that he is heftier than he looks. To maintain the Bombay’s body type and coat texture, breeders may occasionally outcross to Burmese, one of the Bombay’s parent breeds. Outcrosses to American Shorthairs or domestic shorthairs are rarely done because the body type is not the same. The Bombay and Burmese differ in that the Bombay is slightly larger and has a longer body and longer legs. While they reach sexual maturity early, sometimes at five months, Bombays may not complete their physical growth as far as size and muscle development until they are almost two years old. The Bombay’s nickname is “the patent-leather kid with the new-penny eyes.”
Bombay Temperament and Personality
It will be your good fortune if a Bombay crosses your path. This is a calm cat who adapts well to any type of household, including one with dogs or children. Other cats, not so much, unless they are willing to bow to his authority as top cat. He likes to be the center of attention and is endlessly curious. The Bombay loves people, and some can be talkative. He is playful and can learn to retrieve, do tricks and walk on a leash if you so desire, but he’s not so active that he will wear you out with demands for play. A paper sack or plastic water bottle will keep him occupied just as well as the most expensive toy. Expect to find him under the covers with you at bedtime. The Bombay is highly intelligent. Challenge his brain and keep him interested in life by teaching him tricks and providing him with puzzle toys that will reward him with kibble or treats when he learns how to manipulate them. Always choose a kitten from a breeder who raises litters in the home and handles them from an early age. Meet at least one and ideally both of the parents to ensure that they have nice temperaments. The Basics of Bombay Grooming
The Bombay has a short coat with hair that is shiny and fine and sheds little. The coat is easy to groom with weekly brushing. Use a rubber curry brush; he’ll love the massagelike feel as it goes over his coat. The only other grooming the Bombay needs is regular nail trimming, usually weekly, and ear cleaning only if the ears look dirty. Use a gentle cleanser recommended by your veterinarian. Brush the teeth frequently with a vet-approved pet toothpaste for good overall health and fresh breath. Start brushing, nail trimming and teeth brushing early so your kitten becomes accepting of this activity.
Yra vienintelė pripažinta kačių veislė, kurios vienintelė galima spalva yra juoda – Bombėjaus katė (Bombay cat). Ši veislė išskirtinai išvesta kruopščiu atrankos būdu, siekiant išgauti panašumą į panterą. Stulbinamo grožio, apvaliomis, įtaigiomis akimis, Bombėjaus katė yra lengvai prisitaikantis, žaismingas gyvūnas, nesunkiai pripratinamas prie pasivaikščiojimų su pavadėliu. Vieni Bombėjaus kates vadina raganų augintiniais, kiti miniatiūrinėmis panteromis. Ir vienas, ir kitas apibūdinimas nulemtas juodos, tviskančios kailio spalvos. Bombay – tai įdomus rytų mistikos ir šiuolaikiško požiūrio į veislės kūrimą, derinys. Sunku aprašyti pojūčius, susipažįstant su šios veislės katėmis. Iš pirmo žvilgsnio - tai paprasta juoda katė. Tačiau kai tik ji pakelia savo akis į jus – prasideda mistika: jūs tarsi patenkate į Tūkstančio ir vienos nakties viduramžių pasaką, į senovės šventyklą, pripildytą aromatų ir šviečiančių žvakių. Šitos akys lyg vario monetos: tokios gilios ir kviečiančios. Jos žavi, ramina, užsupa ir užburia. Bombay akyse - protas ir orumas, išmintis ir intelektas, šviesa ir paslaptis. Ir tada jūs suprantate, nuo ko negalite atitraukti savo žvilgsnio – Bombėjaus katės kailis. Jis yra juodos spalvos kaip smala, kaip anglis, kaip pietų naktis: jis švyti, švelniai žvilga net nežymiai judant gyvūnui. Neįmanoma atsispirti, taip ir norisi prisiliesti prie tokios prabangos. Ir kai tik jūs pradedate glostyti šį šilkinį kailį, atsiduriate iliuzijų nelaisvėje: dabar jus glamonėja rytų šilkai - tyliai, švelniai ir karališkai prabangiai. O po šiuo paslaptingai viliojančiu kailiu, jūs pajusite stiprų, raumeningą senovės atleto kūną. Ir jūs iš karto norite turėti savo namuose šią mažąją juodąją panterą. Noras, turėti gyvūną, primenantį laukinį protėvį, tačiau turintį puikų ir švelnų charakterį, paskatino Amerikos veisėjus sukurti šią Bombėjaus kačių veislę. Katė, pavadinta senovės Indijos miesto - šventyklos vardu. Bombay – sukurtas pačių prabangiausių namų grožiui. Tai magiškiausia veislė iš kačių, nes žmones sieja prietarai tik su juodomis katėmis. Bombay – retos ir brangios katės. Todėl jas vadina kačių pasaulio juoduoju perlu.