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Šunų vedžiojimas ir priežiūra Vilniuje Sveiki, teikiu priežiūros ir vedžiojimo paslaugas daug metų. Domiuosi gyvūnų elgsena, dirbau gyvūnų priežiūros centre. Studijavau veterinarinę mediciną.

Mielai pasirūpinsiu Jūsų augintiniu Gyvenu už Vilniaus, nuosava valda, saugus kiemas. Atvežimas/parvež



Planuojantys įsigyti naują keturkojį iš veislyno, turėtų suklusti. Kaunietė Karolina [vardas pakeistas, tikrasis redakcijai žinomas, aut. past.] vos tramdo ašaras: jos pusketvirtų metų trumpaplaukio vengrų vižlo veislės kalytę teko užmigdyti, mat pastaroji, gimus Karolinos sūnui, ta...





Aš dar turiu jėgų 🤩

Aš dar turiu jėgų 🤩



I get it....this isn't going to be as popular as other posts, but this message is really important.❗Especially if you have a dog with behavioural issues.❗❗
Reactive dogs especialy can have this very issue and it is a contributing factor.

Within a few minutes of arriving at a clients home and especially if they are reactive, I glance at a dogs claws.
The majority of the time they are overgrown and I can see the claws have caused their toes to splay out, the huge amount of tightness and tension in the foot and the way those long claws are causing pain to this dog.
I will explain to this client just how very important it is to keep a dogs claws short.....often I am met with jaws dropped and a statement of " I had no idea !".

What I cant describe in the graphic is when they grow too long and dogs walk on a hard surface and for some (if long enough) any surface... there is enormous pressure and pain from those claws being pushed back up. They cannot sink into the ground.
That pressure/energy has to go somewhere and it is right back up into the toe and paw, but that is often just the start of the issues.
That causes a change in how paws move...that changes how joints move...that changes how hips move.
From a few long claws a dog can be in pain in multiple areas in their body.

They are not like our nails at all.
If we have long nails, no problem....it usually doesn't cause us any issues at all.
For dogs though.... they can be in incredible pain and will NOT show it in ways we may recognise easily....however they certainly DO show it in their behaviour.

"I will just walk more on concrete"....
Concrete walks are usually not enough to wear down long claws as they can grow much faster than they are worn down.
Those same concrete walks can also cause serious pain.

The remarkable thing about dogs claws is the nerve/blood supply shrinks back just a little when the claws are cut.
If you have a dog with clear claws you can usually see this as a pinky/red core inside the nail.....DONT cut that.
Trim the claws often enough and that pinky/red core will start to shrink back every time (even if it is a mm)....Over a few weeks or months, that is how you get short claws.
If you need help, see a groomer or a veterinarian.
If they are really long you will need multiple visits (if you are unable to do this yourself).
If you have a dog with black claws, get a trusted groomer to do this or show you how and when to stop.

Cutting claws isn't a cure for behavioural issues....but the pain associated with them can be a major contributor.

Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make. Everyone is free to share on social media🙂, however off social media use of these marked graphics is prohibited.
Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters or for personal use.
Screen shots are a violation of the copyright.
Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.



Maždaug ketvirtadalis Labradoro retriverių dėl genetinės mutacijos nuolat jaučia alkį ir sudegina mažiau kalorijų. Tai reiškia, kad jų savininkai turi būti ypač griežti kai reikalai pasisuka apie maitinimą ir fizinį aktyvumą.
Mutacija yra gene POMC (jis svarbus badaujant ir naudojant energiją). Maždaug 25% Labradoro ir 66% lygiaplaukių retriverių šunų turi šito geno mutaciją.
Nors šunims nereikia privalgyti daugiau kad jaustųsi sotūs, jie yra alkani tarp valgymų. Šunys, turintys POMC mutaciją, ramybės būsenoje sunaudoja 25% mažiau energijos nei neturintys mutacijos. Tai reiškia, kad norint išlaikyti sveiką kūno svorį, jiems reikia suvartoti mažiau kalorijų. Todėl visi labradorų ir lygiaplaukių retriverių savininkai turi stebėti, kuo šeria šunis. Tačiau keturkojai, turintys šią genetinę mutaciją, susiduria su dviguba nesėkme: jie ne tik nori daugiau ėsti, jiems taip pat reikia mažiau kalorijų.
POMC mutacija pakeičia su kūno svorio reguliavimu susijusius kelius smegenyse. Mutacija sukelia bado signalą, įsakantį organizmui didinti suvartojamo maisto kiekį ir taupyti energiją. Šią mutaciją turintys šunys visą laiką ieško maisto. Savininkai gali pabandyti atitraukti retriverius nuo nuolatinio alkio, paskirstydami kiekvieną maisto davinį dalimis ir ilgindami maitinimosi trukmę - tam padės įvairūs maisto galvosūkiai, laižymo kilimėliai, išslapstytas maistas.
POMC mutacija neleidžia gamintis beta-melanocitus stimuliuojančiam hormonui (β-MSH) ir beta-endorfinui, bet neturi įtakos alfa-melanocitus stimuliuojančio hormono gamybai (α-MSH). β-MSH ir beta-endorfinas svarbūs nustatant alkį ir mažinant energijos suvartojimą, jų vaidmuo nepriklauso nuo α-MSH buvimo. Tai ginčija ankstesnį įsitikinimą, pagrįstą tyrimais su žiurkėmis, kad ankstyvą žmonių nutukimą dėl POMC mutacijų sukelia tik α-MSH trūkumas. Žiurkės negamina beta melanocitus stimuliuojančio hormono, tačiau žmonės ir šunys gamina ir α-, ir β-MSH.

Marie T. Dittmann, Gabriella Lakatos, Jodie F. Wainwright, Jacek Mokrosinski, Eloise Cross, I. Sadaf Farooqi, Natalie J. Wallis, Lewis G. Halsey, Rory Wilson, Stephen O’Rahilly, Giles S.H. Yeo, Eleanor Raffan. Low resting metabolic rate and increased hunger due to β-MSH and β-endorphin deletion in a canine model. Science Advances, 2024; 10 (10) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj3823

Apsaugokime augintinius nuo slidžių paviršių🎈🎈🎈https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1116982119411585&id=100032994...

Apsaugokime augintinius nuo slidžių paviršių🎈🎈🎈

Today I wore my new Muckboots to walk the dogs. You might be thinking ‘who cares’, but hear me out!

I’ve been slipping and sliding around in my old Muckboots, the weather has changed, it’s rained here and all our walks are so muddy and slippery at the moment. This has resulted in my hips hurting. I know that what I’ve been doing is tensing up when I walk on muddy ground, I’m protecting myself from potential slips by holding myself differently, my glutes are in a constant state of hypertonicity and this impacts my hip flexors, resulting in my sore hips.

So why am I telling you this?
It made me think about those dogs who live their lives on slippery floors. Dogs are digitgrade animals, this means essentially that they walk on fingertips and toes rather than our flat feet, they are able to grab the ground as they walk allowing for speed and stability, have a look at slow-motion videos of greyhounds running, you can see them digging in and almost grabbing the ground as they run. I’m sure you will have noticed how well they manage on slippery ground, digging in with their claws.
Now imagine what would happen if you stepped onto a slippery surface whilst standing on your toes, you would be unable to grip, your toes would tense up, followed by your calves, then your hips, do you see where I’m going with this? My hips feel much better today after one walk with my new boots (they’re the ones on the top), I wasn’t slipping around and now my muscles are able to relax and their resting tone is soft, this means I’m far less likely to suffer from muscular injury as my muscles are not held in a permanent state of tension.

Dogs who live on slippery flooring suffer from far more muscular injuries than dogs who don’t. You can remedy this by putting down non-slip mats on hard floors, especially in areas where your dog is more likely to slip such as by the front and back door and by the sofa or bed. Or consider carpet if you’re redecorating. Your dog will thank you!



A wonderful thing that Andy Hale focused on in his last NICE webinar was how dogs need baseline safeness before anything at all. We can't ethically expect to teach a dog who doesn't feel safe. It's ok and perfect to do less with a dog so they can process their world.

Talk to us about joining NICE. 🐶⬇️⬇️⬇️🐶

Uostymasis pasivaikščiojimo metu naudingas augintinio psichinei ir fizinei gerovei. https://www.facebook.com/10006459025...

Uostymasis pasivaikščiojimo metu naudingas augintinio psichinei ir fizinei gerovei.


Encouraging dogs to sniff on walks is not only natural and instinctual for them but also has many benefits for their physical and mental well-being.

Sniffing provides mental stimulation for dogs, which is important for their overall mental health.

A good sniff also helps them to learn about their environment, identify scents, and understand the world around them. Through sniffing they can also release pent-up energy, which can help to reduce behavioural problems.

Additionally, sniffing can help to alleviate stress and anxiety in dogs, making them feel more relaxed and comfortable on walks.

Pažinkime savo draugus ❤️https://www.facebook.com/100064590256544/posts/701512788678390/

Pažinkime savo draugus ❤️


Many people are familiar with the idea that dogs communicate with us and with other animals using body language. However, understanding how to interpret this language can be difficult. Learning how to read and interpret the body language of dogs is an important skill for all dog guardians and profes...

Uostymas yra tai, kaip šuo mato savo pasaulį. Leiskime jiems pažinti pasaulį ❤️🌸

Uostymas yra tai, kaip šuo mato savo pasaulį.
Leiskime jiems pažinti pasaulį ❤️🌸

Sniffing is the way a dog sees their World. Waling them without creating opportunities to sniff is like us going for a walk in a blindfold.


Uodegos vizginimas, ne tik augintinio laimės išraiška 📣

Atostogautojai 🌞🫧🌸

Atostogautojai 🌞🫧🌸


Dar vienas mitas apie gyvūnų asistuojamas veiklas - žirgų asistuojama terapija galima tik jojant.
Išties ne vienoje šalyje praktikuojama žirgų asistuojama terapija nuo žemės, nelipant ant arklio. Tai padeda sukurti ryšį, pajusti gyvūno ir savo poreikius, geriau pažinti ir suvokti save, įveikti baimes, lavinti motoriką, saviraišką ir dar daug visko.
Nuotraukoje - mūsų nuostabioji Kernavė, vaikus mylinti piratė, stebinti mus iš kitos vaivorykštės pusės. Bet jos meilę jaučiame netgi iš Anapus.🦄❤️


Laisvos dienos, Jūsų augintiniui :
Kovo 15-23 d.😽


Pitbull Love 🤎



Vilnius, Vilniaus Apskritis, Lietuva



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