Baltijos šunų čempionų čempionate sausio 18 d. Vilniuje šunis vertins ir tarptautinis teisėjas J. A. Grillo Londono.
„Since 1990, I have worked at The Clermont School in Bogotá as a general manager while working with my own transportation company and agricultural activities. When I was two months old, my parents gave me a Boxer that lived with me until I was nine years old. Afterward, I got a Great Dane and a Collie Shepherd. The results were very good during the dog shows, winning the first championships. In December 1990, I married Aida Rivera Franco, who also shares the hobby of dogs. We started breeding Fila Brasileiro, Neapolitan Mastiff, winning the top breed in two years, with approximately ten championships. After that, we imported Sharpei and Dogo de Bordeaux, the first dogs of these breeds in Colombia, generating interest and getting many championships. I have been able to handle and breed beagles, bull terriers, Siberian Huskies, pugs, Pomeranians, and Shiba Inu. 1997, we imported Chinese Crested, winning over 20 international championships and the first Best in Show in Latin America for this breed. Currently, we show and breed Dachshunds, Chinese Crested, Smooth Fox Terriers, Siberian Huskies, Basset hounds, Pugs, and Pomeranians, winning one Pom the best all-around dog breed of the year awarded in Colombia in 2002 and 2011 with an adult Pom and with the junior Standard Dachshund. As a handler and breeder, I have always had the best breeds from the ones I choose and have had more than 120 international championships, showing only my own dogs. Since 1997, I have been the president of the "Corporación Club Canino de Sabana" and treasurer and member of the board of the Asociacion Club Canino Colombiano since 2002. Currently, I am the president of the judges' committee in Colombia, and I have been a representative and member of the FCI Judges Commission since 2007. I have been invited to judge in Colombia, Perú, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, México, United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, Luxembourg, France, Portugal, Cyprus, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, the Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, the Philippines, Taiwan, India, Japan, China, Australia and Sicalam 2013 and 2015, Americas and Caribbean Section Show, World Dog Show in 2017“.