Cat Shelter Meow Paws


PayPal: [email protected] In Macedonia there are too many stray animals, especially cats.

These cats live in terrible conditions and survive by eating food from garbage cans, which are exposed to all kinds of dangers on a daily basis. Every day cats are run over, beaten and chased and furthermore many of them suffer from various diseases and infections. Despite the uncivilized poisoning of stray animals, the government does not do anything in connection with this problem. In present, t

here is not any care for these helpless souls. We are big animal lovers and we have adopted many animals from the street and sheltered them in our home.Our goal is to build a shelter or asylum in which cats are collected, treated, fed, washed and pampered with love. After this is done, we will look for animal lovers who want to provide these animals with a warm home. Firstly, it is necessary to find an appropriate place where we can bring the cats. Food, vet visits, treatments and vaccinations are the primary needs, which cannot be achieved without the help from donations. Together we can help the voiceless kittens because every cat has the right to have a meaningful life with unconditional love and care.

�PayPal: [email protected]

Меов Павс - Скопје Денарска сметка: 210073013080176
Депонент: НЛБ Банка АД Скопје
Со назнака "Меов Павс"

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In Macedonië leeft een te groot aantal zwerfdieren, waaronder aanzienlijk veel katten. Deze katten leven in afschuwelijke omstandigheden en overleven door het zoeken naar voedsel in vuilnisbakken, waardoor ze iedere dag worden blootgesteld aan allerlei gevaren. Dagelijks worden er katten overreden, op- en weggejaagd, mishandeld en lopen ze verschillende ziektes en infecties op. De overheid laat het gebeuren en behalve het onbeschaafd vergiftigen van zwerfdieren om het aantal te beperken, wordt er niets aan het probleem gedaan. Momenteel bestaat er geen opvang voor deze hulpeloze zielen. Wij zijn grote dierenliefhebbers, hebben veel katten zelf thuis opgenomen en ons doel is om een opvangcentrum of asiel op te bouwen waarin katten worden opgevangen, behandeld, gevoerd, gewassen en vertroeteld met veel liefde. Hierna zal er grondig worden gezocht naar dierenliefhebbers die graag een goed tehuis willen bieden. Om dit te realiseren moet er veel gebeuren en hebben we veel steun nodig. Ten allereerste moet er een geschikte ruimte worden gevonden waar de katten zullen worden opgenomen. Voedsel, dierenartsbezoeken en –behandelingen en vaccinaties zijn primaire behoeftes die wij zonder hulp van donaties niet kunnen verwezenlijken. Samen kunnen wij de stem van deze stemloze katjes zijn en kunnen wij hulp bieden waar het echt hard nodig is, want iedere kat heeft het recht op een betekenisvol leven met en onvoorwaardelijke liefde en een veilig thuishaven.

�PayPal: [email protected]

Меов Павс - Скопје Денарска сметка: 210073013080176
Депонент: НЛБ Банка АД Скопје
Со назнака "Меов Павс"

Facebook group:



Во Македонија има преголем број на улични мачиња кои секојдневно се изложени на опасности. Тоа се должи на неодговорните сопственици кои не ги стерилизираат/кастрираат нивните миленици навремено, како и на напуштањето на веќе вдомено маче поради старост, болест и слично. Овде не постои шелтер центар за мачиња и поради тоа нашата цел е да отвориме такво прифатилиште. За да ја реализираме нашата идеја, потребна ни е Ваша помош во вид на донации со кои ќе можеме да обезбедиме простор, храна, вакцини, како и ветеринарни интервенции. Сите заедно, да бидеме гласот на безгласните и да помогнеме таму каде што треба, поради тоа што секое маче заслужува да има убав живот, сигурен дом и неизмерна љубов.

�PayPal: [email protected]

Меов Павс - Скопје Денарска сметка: 210073013080176
Депонент: НЛБ Банка АД Скопје
Со назнака "Меов Павс"


You Only Have a Few Years With Your DogLet them up on the bed. Let them on the couch.  Let them come for the ride.  Let ...

You Only Have a Few Years With Your Dog
Let them up on the bed. Let them on the couch.
Let them come for the ride.
Let them find the biggest stick they can carry.
Let them roll in the mud.
Let them swim and splash in the water.
Because time flies, and they won’t be here forever.
In the blink of an eye, their time on Earth is done.
A dog is not just an animal—they’re here to make you smile.
They’re always there for you, no matter what.
They couldn’t care less what you look like or how much money you have.
They won’t judge you or talk about you behind your back.
They simply, completely, and unconditionally love you—
with all their heart, their soul, their being.
And forever, they will be the absolute best friend you will ever have.
So cherish every moment.
Because their love is pure, their time is short,
and their paw prints will stay on your heart forever. 🐾❤️
Cat Shelter Meow Paws
Meow Paws North Macedonia
Cat Shelter Meow Paws - Macedonia

When it's cold outside and it's snowing, it's best to sleep in a warm place ❤️🐾🐕Cat Shelter Meow Paws

When it's cold outside and it's snowing, it's best to sleep in a warm place ❤️🐾🐕
Cat Shelter Meow Paws

I can't find Zofle 🙄 Can anyone see her where it is? 😂❤️

I can't find Zofle 🙄
Can anyone see her where it is? 😂❤️

Yesterday 5 more stray cats were neutered, thanks to Jeannette Cadee  and her foundation Stichting Mr. Darcy .3 females ...

Yesterday 5 more stray cats were neutered, thanks to Jeannette Cadee and her foundation Stichting Mr. Darcy .
3 females and 2 males
Jeannette support us for years and together we try to decrease the number of homeless cats.
Thank you 😊 🙏


Spending all day with our rescued dogs ❤️🐕
Cat Shelter Meow Paws


Leda and Veda ❤️ ❤️
Our beautiful baby girls.
This was their first meal from few days ago, I didn't post it then, but I think that it should be seen, with sound on :D
There is no bigger satisfaction knowing that you saved a lives.
Also, last picture maybe is disturbing and gross, but I want you to see why is important to deworm them. 🪱 🤢
This giant parasites can certainly kill them over time. And they are the reason why the babies are anemic.
But we start with deworming protocol, we will clean them and with quality food, vitamins and good care they will be just fine.
All of you can contribute toward their needs.
[email protected]

Cat Shelter Meow Paws

And again new dogs on the streets... 😔Having regular food and water is the least we can do for all of them 😔❤️🐕Please su...

And again new dogs on the streets... 😔
Having regular food and water is the least we can do for all of them 😔❤️🐕
Please support them for food🙏
PayPal: [email protected]

Cat Shelter Meow Paws

Baby girls got their names.Leda, white one, which means woman, happiness.Veda, brown one, which means knowledge, wisdom....

Baby girls got their names.
Leda, white one, which means woman, happiness.
Veda, brown one, which means knowledge, wisdom.

Today we bring them to the vet. 🏥
For a check up, blood work and deworming pills 💊 💉🩸
They were so calm, quiet and scared.
It's heartbreaking 💔 😔

Both of them are anemic, which is results of street life, parasites and starvation. 😢 😭

Doctor recommended to buy quality puppy food and give them vitamins.

They will also need medical bath 🛁 since they got skin infections.

It's more than obvious that if we didn't take them, probably they will not survive for long.

Leda and Veda, we promise you that you will never be hungry and homeless ever again.
Soon you will start to act like crazy puppies like you should be.

Friends, please support this babies, we need help from everyone


Cat Shelter Meow Paws
[email protected]


I was driving home, on the small village road, where there is poor street light, and have a lot of dogs who run around my car knowing that they will get food.
But when I saw this, my heart start to beat faster.
My brain was working quick.
I immediately went out, took a bag od food from my trunk and pour dry food.
Black little girl was the mother, behing her, frightened from the world...two little marbles.
I made quick video and approach them.
I took one of them, than the other. They start to scream loud, petrified. When I try to catch the mother she run away, I really couldn't chase her with the babies in my hands, into neighbours yard.
This black mother is new here, we never saw her before, and certainly didn't know that there are newborn puppies around here.
We try so hard to neuter stray dogs here, since we know that puppies easily got killed by cars or by other dogs.
This little marbles, this precious girls, still don't know how lucky they are.
How beautiful life they gonna have.
How everything can change in a second.
I was driving the rest of the road with two precious souls into my hands, since I didn't have carrier in the car.
When I arrive, we take some pictures, put them in a big carrier on a soft blanket and took them into our empty quarantine room.
Tomorrow they will go to the vet, to do a blood work, to check them up.
In meantime we need to put them ampoules and deworming pills since fleas are literally jumping around and their bellies are pretty much rounded.
We went back to try to find the mother for an hour, but we couldn't. She was hiding somewhere. We don't know if there is more babies where she went, or she just run away from fear. We can't enter in other yards, but we will continue our search and we will take her if we find her.

What do we need now?
Help for covering costs, help for choosing name, help for sponsorship about everything else that we will need to do soon at vet.
Our PayPal is

[email protected]

Please donate by your choice. In the name of the Valentine's day tomorrow, spread some love to this little baby girls. ❤️

Cat Shelter Meow Paws

Happy cats with full bellies ❤️🐈‍⬛🐾Cat Shelter Meow Paws

Happy cats with full bellies ❤️🐈‍⬛🐾
Cat Shelter Meow Paws

MASSIVE THANK YOU to the supporters of Cat Shelter Meow Paws  ❤️ Who have very kindly donations for monthly costs for ou...

MASSIVE THANK YOU to the supporters of Cat Shelter Meow Paws ❤️ Who have very kindly donations for monthly costs for our shelter to buy much needed litter sands, food for dogs and cats, paper towels and plastic bags🐕🐾🐈‍⬛🥰
Thanks to your help we can cover some of the stuff that we needed, but we still missing 1799€ for other necessary things for February🙏 fans

🅿️PayPal: [email protected]

Меов Павс - Скопје Денарска сметка: 210073013080176
Депонент: НЛБ Банка АД Скопје
Со назнака "Меов Павс"

Where are our snacks? 😝🐾🐕Cat Shelter Meow Paws

Where are our snacks? 😝🐾🐕
Cat Shelter Meow Paws


Good morning from Grinch ❤️
He is so happy with his new snack 😃🥰
Cat Shelter Meow Paws

They are the happiest because they have you and us to buy them food and feed them 2-3 times a day ❤️🐈‍⬛🐾🐕PayPal: meowpaw...

They are the happiest because they have you and us to buy them food and feed them 2-3 times a day ❤️🐈‍⬛🐾🐕
PayPal: [email protected]

Good morning 🐾🐕Help with food🙏PayPal: Cat Shelter Meow Paws

Good morning 🐾🐕
Help with food🙏
PayPal: [email protected]

Cat Shelter Meow Paws


Less than 10 days in our shelter, on home rest, and little Roody with broken leg is already acting like he was living here from the beggining ❤️
That's the most fascinating thing, when they suffer on streets in the beggining in their lives, in the moment when they feel safe, they forgot about all the trauma, and start to acting like home cats.
Not a single sign of a stray, frightened, homeless kitty that he was when we took him 💙
Support for him is always welcomed, since we have lots of things that needed to be done soon, neutering, vaccinations, microchip...etc

All for Roody 🙏
Cat Shelter Meow Paws

[email protected]

Feeding our cat colonies ❤️🐾🐈‍⬛Cat Shelter Meow Paws Meow Paws North Macedonia

Feeding our cat colonies ❤️🐾🐈‍⬛
Cat Shelter Meow Paws
Meow Paws North Macedonia


Good morning 🐕
Someone is waiting for us at the same location like every day for food 😔❤️
Today we will order food for dogs and cats and if you can please donate 1€ plus to can collect more funds to order more food 🙏🆘️🐕🐾🐈‍⬛
🅿️PayPal: [email protected]

Cat Shelter Meow Paws
Meow Paws North Macedonia




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