Gabriella's Fishroom

Gabriella's Fishroom Gabriella's Fishroom is different from other fishrooms.In it apart from raising tropical fish , we a


The most captivating thing about killifish is their different spawning methods, which separate them into three basic groups: annuals, semi-annuals and non-annuals. In the wild, annuals live in temporary pools that dry up each year for periods up to 6 months. They hatch, grow, reproduce and die all in less than a year and their eggs go dormant until the next rainy season.
Semi-annuals inhabit areas that may or may not dry up completely, while non-annuals occupy permanent bodies of water. Keeping killifish ranges from easy to difficult, depending on species. While they do have a few special requirements, if you’re looking for something a little different, killifish are well worth the effort!


What are killifish?
The word Killifish comes from the 16th Century Dutch word “Kil”, meaning a small body of water, even a puddle.
The Dutch settlers in Africa called these little fish Killifish because they lived their entire lives in the tiniest bodies of water.
Killifish are not well known in the mainstream aquarium hobby and are seldom seen in local fish stores, but they are some of the most colourful freshwater aquarium fish in existence. Members of the family Cyprinodontidae, these distant relatives of mollies, guppies, swordtails and platies are known collectively as egg laying tooth carp. Most are small – 1” to 2” – with the largest species growing to less than 6 inches. Most killifish live 2 to 5 years in aquariums.


Mill-llum ser nohorgu sensiela ta taghrif ghall min irid jibda jrabbi il killifish.Ser ikunu bl-Ingliz , pero min ikollu xi diffikulta jista jibghat u nfehmu.grazzi


Dan ir - ritratt jmur lura xi 15 il sena , meta ibni jose kien ghadu jikkompeti.Hawnhekk qed narawh ma Mr.Fighting Fish , john Snow il m'ghadux maghna.Kemm taghllimt affairjiet min ghandu , u kif dejjem bil-pacenzja kien joqghod ifehmni x irrid nirranga biex intejjeb il kwalita tal hut tieghi.u meta kont immur ghandu dejjem kont nispicca b xi par jew tnejn , halli nhallat id demm.Grazzi John Snow.


illum ser nikteb xi haga zghira fuq il killifish .Dawn huma hut sbieh hafna , fihom ftit xoghol , imma tara n-natura kemm hija kbira.
Xi killifish ibid mal moppijiet tas suf , dawn bil-pacenzja kollha trid tnehhihom wahda wahda u taghmilom f container bil-peat li jkun ftit umduz.
Wara importanti li tpoggi fid-dlam u tistenna z-zmien.Hemm min idum 14 il-gurnata , 21 , 28 u anke hemm min idum 6 xhur shah.
Kif tasal il-gurnata importanti li jkollok xi laned tal-gelat stand by , u titfa container ,kull wiehed individwali.
Iprepara ftit ilma tal-bir u itfa daqs 1 inch ghax iz-zghar ma jkunux jafu jghumu sew u jistghu jifgaw.
Itfa l-ilma fuq il-peat u stenna daqs 2 - 3 hours , u jibda t-tifqis.
iprepara ilma ahdar , microworms u brine shrimp u jibda it-tmigh.
Tkun nissilt min tieghek stess
Hawnhekk ma riddux insemmu illi numru mhux hazin ta killifish inqerdu fin-natura , pero grazzi ghall fishkeeper ghadhom jezistu!!!


aphysomion australe eggs available.kinldy pm please.tkx


Fundolopanchax gardneri lafia gold , eggs to swap.kindly pm


Jordanella floridae eggs to swap.kindly pm.

razza ohra

razza ohra , denbhom ahmar fuq body iswed

il hodor

dawn huma razza ohra , ghandhom kulur ahdar fl ahmar

Magenta guppies

Illum qed ingib ftit guppies differenti , il video ghadni ma nafx niehu , imma taprezzaw in natura kemm taf tohrog kuluri sbieh.Dawn huma il-magenta


Wara xahar it tilapia jidhru li bdew igibu ruhhom sew.Hemm min sar 4 inches .Ghalhekk issa kien immiss il-pass li jmiss fejn poggejna ragel u 2 nisa flimkien.Barra minhekk bdejna inzidu il hin tad dawl .😜😜


illum ir ritratti xoghol gabby , ghiduli x'tahsbu pls!!!

Gabriella's Fishroom

Gabriella's Fishroom

Finally tilapia have arrived.Now acclimitization phase , as soon as they settle , one can start the separating phase and grow phase

Tilapia ........finally

Finally tilapia have arrived.Now acclimitization phase , as soon as they settle , one can start the separating phase and grow phase


GUPPIES FOR SALE AT 80 C each.very nice colours

red guppy

razza gdida ta homor u wiehed , dan ghandu il fin ta dahru twila , akbar sew


fl-ahhar avvanzajna ftit iehor , u bdejna naghzlu il kuluri ta kif ser isir it-tahlit il gdid.
Dawn huma qishom cobra u homor fl=istess hin


ftit mill guppies taghna


Finally in the coming weeks , we shall have the first batches of red guppies for sale


more showing guppies , red , red cobra and paradise fish , the latter now have reached about 5 mm in length.Well done Gabby


more photos coming soon


fl-ahhar il paradise fish regghu biedu , dan huwa t tieni boton ,issa nibdew tellieqa ta 8 weeks biex naraw kemm ser jirnexxielna nkabbru minnhom.


guppies dawn ghandhom 3 xhur ,ghad iridu naraw johorgux bhal genituri taghhom.


2 fighters betta splendens milli ghandna ,il blu ser ikun ghall bejgh dalwaqt.grazzi


il - haxix tal aquaponics .Il pjanti qeghdin fl-ilma biss ,ilma li jkun fih il "hmieg" tal-hut.Il pjanti jiekluh u jtellghu izjed weraq , u l ilma jerga jigi uzat lura fl-aquarium.
Dan huwa l-ewwel esperiment fuq il-bazi ta aquaponics.


illum sibna li il fighters , faqqsu ,u anke il paradise fish.L-akkwarju ilkbir ghandna kwart tieghu mimli u il progett tal haxix miexi ukoll.ghada naghmlu ftit ritratti


ANother male guppy ,is 3 months old , developing fast.


Training on how to catch the fish and take photos.


Triq L-Ghassies

Opening Hours

Monday 16:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 16:00 - 17:00
Friday 16:00 - 17:00
Saturday 12:00 - 17:00





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