Best4Pets Wild Salmon Oil is primarily derived from Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and a small portion coming from Oncorhynchus Nerka. It is a clear, reddish oil enriched with Astaxanthin of natural source. The oil is free from genetically modified material (Non GMO) and components.
Manufactured through mechanical procedures (cold pressing), the oil does not contain any of the potentially threatening substances from farmed salmon – pesticides, dioxin, heavy metals, antibiotics, coulouring agents etc, and it does not have added ingredients in order to reach the optimal concetration of active substances (it does not contain EE – ethyl esther) .
Unlike the salmon oil obtained from aquaculture, the Wild Salmon Oil Best4Pets can be administered all year long, without breaks. The Omega 3 fatty acids act in time, cumulatively.
Given the natural source feeding (shrimps), the wild salmon synthesizes Astaxanthin, which is one of the strongest antioxidants known.
Astaxanthin gives the salmon oil a distinct reddish/orange-ish tint.
Due to the fact that Astaxanthin has a massive surplus of free electrons, its antioxidant capacity will last a lot longer. Once it has donated the electrons to neutralize free radicals, it will eliminate the excess energy as heat.
It can handle multiple free radicals at any given time — most antioxidants can only handle one free radical at a time, but Astaxanthin can handle up to 19 free radicals at once.
It positions itself across the entire cell membrane, which is unlike any other carotenoid:
A portion will attach to the exterior of the cell (offers protection from free radicals outside of the cell).
A portion will attach to the interior (offers protection inside where there are free radicals being generated).
A portion crosses the entire lipid layer (to protect against lipid peroxidation)
The Omega 3 fatty acids from the salmon oil (EPA and DHA particularly) are directly metabolized by the body, unlike the plant-derived/vegetable-source Omega 3 (ALA), which requires a prior conversion, which can translate into a 95% loss of the metabolized fatty acids. Hence, the animal-source Omega 3 have a superior quality to the ones derived from plants.
Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are considered essential fatty acids, because they cannot be synthesized by the organism but they are necessary for optimal development and health. EPA and DHA are structural components of the cellular membrane and they maintain its fluidity and permeability, necessary for a good functioning of the cell. One of the key functions of each cell is homeostasis (the ability to preserve a constant and stable internal environment). The first step of homeostasis is to create a healthy cellular membrane (the wall between the inside of a cell and the external environment) and Omega 3 acids have a key role in this process
Composition: 100% Wild Salmon Oil
Origin: Alaska
It contains essential fatty acids Omega 3 (DHA 12.08% and EPA 9.95%) and Omega 6 (5.58%), as well as antioxidants – Vit. E (144mcg), Vit. D (55mcg), Astaxanthin (151mcg)
Action: the Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA cannot be synthesized by the organism and need to be provided from the diet. EPA is part of all cell membranes, DHA contributes to the maintenance of the neuronal structures, including the brain and the retina and improves the synaptic plasticity. Together, they have an anti-swelling effect which contributes to the healthy functioning of the entire body and its organs, as well as the preservation of a fluid and permeable cellular membrane
Omega 3 fatty acids are essentials for a healthy organism, they reduce the cardio-vascular risks and have an overall effect over the optimal functioning of the body (joint problems, immune system stimulation, skin and fur problems, general state of health). Fish oil, unlike the plant-derived oil (flaxseed, for example) is useful for treating arythmia and can prevent cardiac ischemia (which is a common cause of death for elder dogs). A diet rich in Omega 3 and 6, in a balanced ratio, fights the kidney diseases and diminishes the occurrence of these sufferings. The natural source of Omega 3 strengthens the immune system and contributes to a healthy growth of the pups. After 6-8 weeks of intake, the Best4Pets Wild Salmon Oil significantly reduces atopical dermatitis and their symptoms (rashes, local inflammation, dehydration and skin flaking) and improves the state of the fur and skin. Also, it improves the general health state of elder dogs and helps them maintain a healthy visual and hearing ability.
Used for:
Skin: Eczema and rashes, dermatitis, seborrhea, dehydration, helps wounds heal faster and improve the regeneration of the skin, minimizes the allergies.
Fur – for matted and dull fur, as well as for excessive shedding
Strengthen the immune system and speeds up the post-surgical recovery
Cardiac problems (diminishes the cardio-vascular risks)
Joint problems (arthritis, rheumatism etc) through its strong anti inflammatory effects
Natural anti inflammatory action, without side effects on the liver function
Slows down the chronic kidney disease and improves the hemodynamics of the renal system
Optimizes the brain and nervous system functioning
Increases the appetite
Improves the general tone and increases vitality
Optimal development of whelps and pups
Helps pregnant females and increases fertility
Recommended in the diet of cancer patients
Adverse side effects – not noticed
Contraindications – none
Daily dosage – 1ml/ 2kg body mass, mixed with food. In need (health issues or during the dog show season, double the dosage. Continuous use is highly recommended (the positive effects start to disappear after 15 days of not using the Omega 3)
How to recognize the wild salmon oil:
Reddish/Orange-ish coulour, provided by natural Astaxanthin
High percentage of Omega 3 (30%)
Continuous usage is strongly recommended, for best benefits (if the recommendations are to use it on limited time, it is not natural wild salmon oil but it has added chemical elements)
Presentation – 250ml and 1 Ltr plastic bottles
Storage – preferably under 20 °C, away from direct sunlight
It does not need to be refrigerated after opening
Veterinary use, for dogs and cats
Processed in the EU