Gozo Stables Horse Riding

Gozo Stables Horse Riding Horses are our greatest passion and we are therefore very passionate in sharing our love, knowledge, care of horses with all our visitors at Gozo Stables.

Gozo horse riding holidays are for everyone. Are you are looking for a horse riding break or a horse carriage tour in Gozo island? Well, you’ll surely find that perfect horse riding holiday at the Gozo Stables on the island of Gozo Malta. We focus on a perfect family riding holiday. This way the whole family can enjoy a horse riding holiday in Gozo together even if some members don’t ride. Thanks

to our returning visitors, we are more than ever passionate by this wonderful experience we are providing. It is a huge satisfaction seeing couples feeling more attached during their prewedding photo shoot and honeymoon. Something which touches our hearts…
Where can you find us? Well, we are located just 5 minutes drive from Mgarr ferry terminal in Gozo. The place is really picturesque, in the very Eastern part of Gozo island in the outskirts of the village of Qala. Perfect for a memorable horse riding experience in Gozo! We provide activities suitable for children and grown-ups, corporate groups or parties. All horse riding activities are supervised by our friendly staff. Here, health and safety, love for animals and enviromental sustainability are given primary importance. We would therefore be delighted to share our passion for horses and together we can help you discover Gozo island. Surely this experience will stay with you forever. This is because the paths and coastline trails that surround our riding stables in the eastern part of the island of Gozo will give you
an opportunity to explore one of the most beautiful parts of the island of Gozo on horseback. We promise you a warm welcome, attention to all your needs and carefree Gozo horse riding holiday

Male puppy Geru ta delitant 79064522

Male puppy
Geru ta delitant


Qed isiru hafna suwicidji. Jista' jkun kulhadd li jkun ghaddej minn perjodu hazin go hajtu. It-tbatijiet ta' kulhadd huma differenti.

Jekk xi darba thossok ftit low battery, ibghatli messagg, kellimni, incempillek jew nigi ftit hdejk nghidu kelma. Niehdu kafe', immorru dawra bil-karozza, li trid. Hadd m'ghandu ghalfejn ikun jaf. Qisha qatt ma grat u tkun bejnietna.

Naf li bhalissa qed tara dlam biss u m'int tara xejn quddiemek. Sfortunatament il-mohh jilghab hafna bina u jghaghlek thossok li int wahdek, li m'hemmx way out, li hadd ma jhobbok. Allahares nghidilkom kemm -il darba hassejtni hekk. Imma dik ma tkunx ir-realta'. Kultant ma nirragunawx kif suppost ghax inkunu emozzjonati. Ghalhekk importanti li meta thossok hekk, TITKELLEM. Hawn hafna min ihobbok u ha jghinek ❤️ Tkellem 🙏


With my boys and LunaQ,Billy and Gypsy

With my boys and LunaQ,Billy and Gypsy

Attention Qala residents- we’re going around wishing you all a Merry Christmas❤️Qala Local Council - Kunsill Lokali Qala

Attention Qala residents- we’re going around wishing you all a Merry Christmas❤️

Qala Local Council - Kunsill Lokali Qala

Olive piking !! thanks to all helpers

Olive piking !! thanks to all helpers

Two donkey births in one day!! What a day this has been- this time round donkey Peprina just gave birth to a male donkey...

Two donkey births in one day!! What a day this has been- this time round donkey Peprina just gave birth to a male donkey called Hellies!!

Donkey mummy Peprina is taking her well deserved rest while Hellies is trying to learn how to stand up tall and straight;) 💙🎊🎉


Kindly note that on Saturday 25th June we will be closed in the afternoon due to a family funeral- kindly get in touch with us to reschedule booked rides.

Thank you for your cooperation

Thanks for your Support!! All the best!!!!

Thanks for your Support!! All the best!!!!

Ho ho ho Merry Christmas- we are waiting for you at the Gozo stables - come and join us today for a one time experience ...

Ho ho ho Merry Christmas- we are waiting for you at the Gozo stables - come and join us today for a one time experience with our elves, reindeers , Mother and Father Christmas 🎅🤶

Open day at Gozo stables - 19th December 2021 from 10 am - 1 pmCome and join us next Sunday for a unique experience at o...

Open day at Gozo stables - 19th December 2021 from 10 am - 1 pm

Come and join us next Sunday for a unique experience at our farm during this festive season. For 25 eu per family, we will offer you the following-

🎅Kids will have a pony ride from the entrance of farm to the sleigh- they will be accompanied by our cute elves during the ride.

🤶All family members will have the opportunity to meet Mother and Father Christmas together with our beloved Rudolph the Reindeer.Photos will be taken by a professional photographer on site. You will be emailed 4 high resolution photos ( included in price). One can also get present/s and Father Christmas will hand them out to your children🥰🎅

🎅On the way out children will once again ride the pony led by our elves.

This open day will be held on a first come first served basis ( no need to book) - one family at a time will be allowed inside. This event will adhere to all covid -19 regulations including wearing mask and social distancing.

We look forward to seeing you next week🎅🤶

Ho ho ho Merry Christmas- stay tuned next week and make sure to follow us here as we’re going to announce something new ...

Ho ho ho Merry Christmas- stay tuned next week and make sure to follow us here as we’re going to announce something new and exciting for this year for all the family- Rudolph and his elves are working tirelessly to offer you the best Santa Clause and Mrs Clause experience ever 🤶🎅🐎

F'dawn iż-żminijiet ta' festi  kulħadd jibda jaħseb biex jagħti rigal żgħir lil dawk qrib tiegħu u xi kultant nħossuna b...

F'dawn iż-żminijiet ta' festi kulħadd jibda jaħseb biex jagħti rigal żgħir lil dawk qrib tiegħu u xi kultant nħossuna bla idejat x'nistgħu nagħtu.

Għall-ewwel darba kemm ilna noperaw, Gozo Stables Horse Riding ingħaqad ma' Merlin Publishers biex jippromwovi l- ktieb ġdid bil- Malti bl-isem ta' Stillel fl-Istalel miktub min Antoinette Borg. It- tema tal ktieb hija z-zwiemel u stalel allura kien bix-xieraq li ktieb b'din it- tema jkun jista jinxtara min Gozo Stables stess!!

Bħala inizzjattiva biex inħajjru ħafna minnkom jiksbu koppja ta' dan il-ktieb vera sabiħ b'tema għal qalbna hafna ser nkunu qiegħdin nagħmlu offerta matul dawn il- festi tal- Milied.

*** Kopja tal-ktieb Stilel fl-Istalel flimkien ma' pony ride ġewwa r-razzett stess ( massimu ta 2 itfal ) għal EU20 biss!!! ****

Opportunita' ta' darba li ma tistgħux titilfu - rigal sabiħ immens għat- tfal li għandhom għal qalbhom l-annimali speċjalment iz-zwiemel!!

Għal aktar informazzjoni u biex tirreservaw post/ktieb b'din l-offerta - ibgħatulna messaġġ fuq din il- paġna.

Nirringrazzjawkom bil-quddiem tal-appoġġ li dejjem urejtuna.


Gozo Stables Horse Riding/Triq Wied Interstate Simar
Triq Wied Simar

Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 11:00
16:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 11:00
16:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 11:00
16:00 - 19:00
Thursday 06:00 - 11:00
16:00 - 19:00
Friday 06:00 - 11:00
16:00 - 19:00
Saturday 06:00 - 11:00
15:00 - 18:00
Sunday 06:00 - 11:00




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