You can also be fined if your dog isn't a bully breed type, but has puppies that look bully type. We are requesting a change to this legislation, as it's likely to lead to an increase in the abandonment of puppies, as most puppies look potentially bully type when young. Please bear in mind it will be illegal for a sanctuary to take in such puppies.
Alison Bezzina
Althea Galea
Rosalind Agius
Christian Pace
Gordianne Mercieca
Lynn Claire Galea
š²š¹ Se nwieÄ”bu xi mistoqsijiet frekwenti li jsiru rigward il-leÄ”iżlazzjoni l-Ä”dida dwar il-klieb Bully bla pedigree
āNiÄ”i mħarrek jekk il-Bully imħallat tiegħi bi żball jgħammar maā kelba u jkollhom il-Ä”riewi?ā
Iva. Jekk tinsab tgħammar ir-razez Bully imħalltin wara DiÄembru tal-2024, tistaā teħel multa taā mhux inqas minn ā¬1,000 għal kull kelb.
š¬š§ Answering FAQs related to the new non-pedigree bully type breed legislation:
"What if my bully breed mix accidentally breeds with another dog and has a litter; will I be fined?"
Yes, if you are found breeding mixed bully breeds after December 2024, you could face a fine of at least ā¬1,000 per dog.