Your dog communicates with you at every moment🐾
👉Observe his body language:
Pay attention to his posture, tail movements and facial expressions😉
If you approach your dog and he turns his eyes and head away, it means he does not want contact at this moment❌
On the contrary if he approaches you, wags his tail and looks you in the eyes, he is willing to coexist🥰
👉Listen to his vocalizations:
Barking, growling and howling have different meanings🐕
A high-pitched bark may indicate excitement or joy, while a growl may be a warning signal😉
Learn to distinguish these nuances🐾
👉Pay attention to context:
Observe the situations in which your dog exhibits certain behaviors🐕🦺
What triggers it? This will help you understand his needs and emotions in different circumstances🐾
Respect their space, their resting time and their need to socialize with other animals and with our environment🙌
Pata Salada Dog Training helps you understand your dog better🐾
With practice, dedication and attention, you will become more attuned to what your dog is trying to communicate to you. Good luck!