Gatos Y Perros Pet Sitting Los Cabos

Gatos Y Perros Pet Sitting Los Cabos Personalized Pet Sitting for dogs and cats, all in the comfort of your pet's home! We offer overnight and daily care visits for San Jose del Cabo pet owners.

Susan WhatsApp +52-624-317-0308

I just don't know which toy to play with! Adorable Sammy 💜

I just don't know which toy to play with! Adorable Sammy 💜


Someone has a new bone and isn't interested in sharing!

Be very careful with your pets during summer months.

Be very careful with your pets during summer months.

🔥 HEAT WARNING 🔥 Heat stroke can affect all animals in hot weather, although dogs tend to be at the greatest risk. With the high heats that we are experiencing do you know the signs to watch for?

💥Red or purplish gums
💥Excessive panting
💥Heavy drooling
💥Very warm to touch
💥Rapid heartbeat
💥Vacant, glassy or fearful stare

Heat stroke is a medical emergency and must be treated immediately. Death can and frequently does occur. Heat stroke can happen gradually throughout a warm day or very suddenly if the core body temperature rises dramatically. So what can you do?

If you suspect heat stroke :
💦Bring down the body temperature with COOL ( never, never cold) wet towels. If the pet is still alert, offer cool ( never cold) water.
💦Place in front of a fan and stay out of the sun. Minutes matter - the pet's temperature may continue to rise and their condition may worsen.
💦Seek veterinary care IMMEDIATELY.

How can you prevent heat stroke?
🐕‍🦺-LIMIT exercise to the coolest parts of the day, and keep it light. No long runs for Fido.
🐕‍🦺LIMIT sun long naps in that patch of sunshine.
🐕‍🦺PROVIDE shade, cool water (lots!!) and a be prepared to offer a cool down method.... a gentle shady swim.
🐕‍🦺NEVER leave your pet in a parked car, not even for a short time.

Heat stroke can be tricky, because it can occur both quickly and gradually. Heat stroke accidents kill pets every year. Older dogs, puppies, brachycephalic dogs ( dogs with smushed in faces) and dogs with medical conditions related to breathing are at the greatest risk.


Sammy and Molly welcoming me back.


Hey there! My name's Andréa, but everyone calls me Dre. I'm originally from Calgary, Alberta, and I spent 12 exciting years as a flight attendant. But my true love? Animals! I've got tons of experience with farm animals, house pets, and even snakes. Rescues that need a little extra TLC? I can help! I know animals are sentient beings and equal members of the family, so your precious furbabies will get nothing but the best care from me. And hey, if you need references, I've got plenty—just ask!


I am pleased to announce and introduce Andrea "Dre" Zimmerman as my new partner with Gatos Y Perros Pet Sitting Los Cabos !

This includes, truck beds, beach sand, pavement of any kind. Protect your pet's paws! ☀️🔥

This includes, truck beds, beach sand, pavement of any kind.
Protect your pet's paws! ☀️🔥

Please protect the pets 🥵🥵🥵


Gatos y Perros Pet Sitting Los Cabos will no longer accept any pet sitting arrangements where your home living situation is compromised. This includes; water or electrical problems, ongoing or unfinished construction projects and hazardous weather conditions. Animal aggression or separation anxiety.

I've come across these situations too many times. It is completely unhealthy and dangerous for your pets and myself to be left in these environments.

Moving forward, your trip needs to be rescheduled or your pets boarded in a safe facility. Your deposit will be forfeited.

Your pet's safety and mine, will not be compromised.

Thank you,

Bear loves his blanket and belly rubs! Adorable

Bear loves his blanket and belly rubs! Adorable


This little cutey turned 6 years old today. One of two Shih Tzu pups I'm pet sitting for in Palmilla. Happy birthday Arya !

Always wash your pets food and water bowls. Bacteria and mold builds up quickly!

Always wash your pets food and water bowls. Bacteria and mold builds up quickly!

Always a good reminder!

Please remember to check the surface temps before walking your pets. 5 second rule is important now.

Please remember to check the surface temps before walking your pets. 5 second rule is important now.

Please protect the pets 🐾🐾🐾🐾

Very important information to share during this early heat wave!

Very important information to share during this early heat wave!

We want to remind pet owners to be extra careful with pets during hot temperature months. With unseasonably high temperatures hitting or topping 100 degrees through August, the extreme heat can pose a danger to pets. Below are reminders from the Humane Society of the United States on ways to protect your pet:

• Never leave your pets in a parked car. On a warm day, temperatures inside a vehicle can rise rapidly to dangerous levels. On an 85-degree day, for example, the temperature inside a car with the windows opened slightly can reach 102 degrees within ten minutes. After 30 minutes, the temperature will reach 120 degrees.
• Shade and water are must. Anytime your pet is outside, make sure he or she has protection from heat and sun (a doghouse alone does not provide relief from heat) and plenty of fresh, cool water. Heat stroke can be fatal for pets.
• Avoid walking on asphalt. Asphalt gets very hot and can burn your pet’s paws.
• Limit exercise on hot days. Take care when exercising your pet. Adjust the intensity and duration of exercise in accordance with the temperature. On very hot days, limit exercise to early morning or evening hours. Be especially careful with pets with white-colored ears that are more susceptible to skin cancer, and short-nosed pets.
• Recognize the signs of heatstroke. Some signs of heatstroke are: heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid heartbeat, restlessness, excessive thirst, lethargy, fever dizziness, lack of coordination, profuse salivation, vomiting, a deep red or purple tongue, and unconsciousness.

If your pet shows symptoms of heatstroke, take steps immediately to gradually lower his or her body temperature and contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. In case of an emergency, it’s important to be able to identify the symptoms of heat stress caused by exposure to extreme temperatures. When in doubt, contact your veterinarian immediately. Follow these tips, and it could save your pet’s life:

• Move your pet into the shade or an air-conditioned area.
• Apply ice packs or cold towels to your pet’s head, neck and chest or run cool (not cold) water over your pet.
• Let your pet drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes.
• Take your pet directly to a veterinarian.

We hope you are safe this summer and have fun!


This 12 year old beauty was once a feral cat living on the streets. She was trapped and rescued along with 3 other litter mates. Their mom had been run over by a truck.

Now she is living the life! Sassy, smart, loves to be brushed and held.

You just never know how a simple gesture can change destiny for an animal in need!

High season is winding down. Spring is here and pets are heading back north. It's been a busy few months. Thank you all ...

High season is winding down. Spring is here and pets are heading back north. It's been a busy few months. Thank you all for entrusting me with your fabulous dogs and cats. 💜💫


Adorable is a pair of Frenchies. Harrison the tan puppy and Charles the brindle senior. Too cute 🥰


Happy Caturday! 🤣🤣🤣


Monday April 8th is a solar eclipse in IL and a few other states
Please be mindful of the eclipse for you & your pets. 🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑☀️
Check your location for the time frame and keep your pets indoors


Remember to keep your pets safely inside during tomorrow's eclipse! Schedule your dog walks before 9am and after 11:30am. Protect everyone's eyes from any potentially, harmful rays.


Beautiful Daisy!


This is Daisy. A 13 year old sassy pants 😅! She loves her wet food and chasing the laser pen. She's amazing for 13!

Just took care of this little cutie 💓 Such a delightful dog! She loves her toys 😃

Just took care of this little cutie 💓 Such a delightful dog! She loves her toys 😃


My queen of feral rescues! Bebe is over 13 years old and traveled to Mexico with me. She loves it here !

New business card

New business card


Aspen and Kee Kee waiting for treats. Kee Kee is a Pug mix, Mexican rescue. These two are besties now. Favorite pastime is wrestling on my head or lap, depending on time of day.

I gave Aspen, mini Schnauzer mix, a new hairdo. She wore it well! 😍

I gave Aspen, mini Schnauzer mix, a new hairdo. She wore it well! 😍


Two of my favorite pups are back in town! Sammy and Molly. King Charles Cavaliers.


Happy Saturday


San José Del Cabo

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 9am - 5pm
Martes 9am - 5pm
Miércoles 9am - 5pm
Jueves 9am - 5pm
Viernes 9am - 5pm
Sábado 9am - 5pm
Domingo 9am - 5pm

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