
Ccmpa-Trabajo-Edomex Página informativa de la Delegacion EDOMEX del Club Canófilo Mexicano de Pastor Alemán.

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||Team Great BritainBethan Allen 🤘Westmac DdraigkahlanMaatwerk Fotografie Hänsch Arena - MeppenDuit...

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||
Team Great Britain
Bethan Allen 🤘
Westmac Ddraigkahlan
Maatwerk Fotografie
Hänsch Arena - Meppen


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Nueva rutina de prueba BH/VT 2025

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Loody Vikar
Wow Vikar x Dory Alta Escuela

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Campeonato Mundial WUSV IP 2025Del 1 de julio al 6 de julio de 2025tendrá lugar en Hanau (Herbert-Dröse-Stadion) en Alem...

Campeonato Mundial WUSV IP 2025
Del 1 de julio al 6 de julio de 2025
tendrá lugar en Hanau (Herbert-Dröse-Stadion) en Alemania del 01 al 06 de julio de 2025.

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||


50 Aniversario de la Unión Mundial de Clubes de Pastor Alemán - WUSV.
En 2024, la Unión Mundial de Clubes de Pastor Alemán (WUSV) celebra 50 años de esfuerzo compartido en el fortalecimiento y desarrollo de una de las razas caninas más queridas y reconocidas a nivel global: el Pastor Alemán.
Los objetivos de la WUSV han sido claros y consistentes desde su fundación: unificar el estándar de la raza, armonizar los criterios de evaluación en cría y aptitudes, resolver las cuestiones inherentes a la cría y el entrenamiento, y promover la lucha contra enfermedades genéticas que puedan afectar a la raza.
Hoy, la WUSV conecta a casi medio millón de entusiastas del Pastor Alemán en 90 países. Esta comunidad internacional trasciende fronteras lingüísticas, culturales y políticas, uniendo a personas de todos los rincones del mundo a través de su amor y pasión por el Pastor Alemán.
Lo invitamos a ver el siguiente video, que ofrece un panorama global de la WUSV y celebra estos 50 años de compromiso y trabajo en favor de la raza.
Gracias por su atención.

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That is a wrap for the 2024 USCA GSD National Championship!Congratulations to everyone who stepped out there on the fiel...

That is a wrap for the 2024 USCA GSD National Championship!
Congratulations to everyone who stepped out there on the field this weekend. Great job!
Thank you to Quinebaug Schutzhund Club and the New England Region for hosting a fantastic event!
Congratulations to all of our trophy winners.
Justen Haynes - National Champion / High Scoring HOT / High Scoring Breed Surveyed Dog / High North Eastern Region
Mike Sweeney - Vice Champion / Helpers Favorite Dog / High Mid-Eastern Region
Frank Phillips - 3rd Place / USCA Universal Sieger / High Scoring Protection
Gregory Doud - 4th Place / High North Central Region / High Scoring Obedience
Carina Sweeney - 5th Place / High Scoring BHOT
Franciscus Slaman - 6th Place / High Scoring Female Dog
Vadim Plotsker - 7th Place / High New England Region
Nicholas Bethard - 8th Place
Carolyn August - 9th Place
Josh Lininger - 10th Place / High Southeastern Region
Brenda Areo - High Scoring 1st Time Handler / High Scoring
Female Team / High Southwestern Region
Jessy Gabriel - High South Central Region
Jessie Moats Alloway - High Pacific NW Region
John Zovickian - High Northwestern Region
Karine Marchand - High Scoring Tracking
Waine Singleton - High Mid-Central Region
Maya Jedlicka - USCA Universal Siegerin
Joe Stuetelberg - High Tracklayer
Congratulations everyone!
Photo credit Brian Aghajani

We apologize for making an error in awarding the High Southeastern Region Trophy, this Trophy should have been awarded to Frans Slaman. Congratulations Frans!

That is a wrap for the 2024 USCA GSD National Championship!

Congratulations to everyone who stepped out there on the field this weekend. Great job!

Thank you to Quinebaug Schutzhund Club and the New England Region for hosting a fantastic event!

Congratulations to all of our trophy winners.

Justen Haynes - National Champion / High Scoring HOT / High Scoring Breed Surveyed Dog / High North Eastern Region

Mike Sweeney - Vice Champion / Helpers Favorite Dog / High Mid-Eastern Region

Frank Phillips - 3rd Place / USCA Universal Sieger / High Scoring Protection

Gregory Doud - 4th Place / High North Central Region / High Scoring Obedience

Carina Sweeney - 5th Place / High Scoring BHOT

Franciscus Slaman - 6th Place / High Scoring Female Dog / High Southeastern Region

Vadim Plotsker - 7th Place / High New England Region

Nicholas Bethard - 8th Place

Carolyn August - 9th Place

Josh Lininger - 10th Place

Brenda Areo - High Scoring 1st Time Handler / High Scoring
Female Team / High Southwestern Region

Jessy Gabriel - High South Central Region

Jessie Moats Alloway - High Pacific NW Region

John Zovickian - High Northwestern Region

Karine Marchand - High Scoring Tracking

Waine Singleton - High Mid-Central Region

Maya Jedlicka - USCA Universal Siegerin

Joe Stuetelberg - High Tracklayer

Congratulations everyone!

Photo credit Brian Aghajani


Maryse Peytavin
Orphee des Orckis de l`Adret (LOF 726733)
86 G 74 B 87 G: 247 G

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|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||When Life is asked to stop the 'bad guy' from running, he impressively knows what to do and shows...

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||
When Life is asked to stop the 'bad guy' from running, he impressively knows what to do and shows his fighting heart!
Team Austia
Robert Diesenreither
Life vom Kämpferherz
Hänsch Arena - Meppen - Germany

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||

When Life is asked to stop the 'bad guy' from running, he impressively knows what to do and shows his fighting heart!

Team Austia

Robert Diesenreither
Life vom Kämpferherz

Hänsch Arena - Meppen - Germany
Maatwerk Fotografie

Campeona Mundial WUSV-IGP-2024-Meppen-Alemania

Campeona Mundial WUSV-IGP-2024-Meppen-Alemania

Gran participacion del socio CCMPA Gilberto Treviño en el mundial WUSV-2024 , celebrado en Meppen Alemania . Felicitacio...

Gran participacion del socio CCMPA Gilberto Treviño en el mundial WUSV-2024 , celebrado en Meppen Alemania . Felicitaciones!!!

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||Team Netherlands Sjacky CnossenLuca von Djipy’s Haus Hänsch Arena - MeppenMaatwerk Fotografie

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||
Team Netherlands
Sjacky Cnossen
Luca von Djipy’s Haus
Hänsch Arena - Meppen
Maatwerk Fotografie

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||Team USA Frank PhillipsAsko von der SiegermachtHänsch Arena - MeppenMaatwerk Fotografie

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||
Team USA
Frank Phillips
Asko von der Siegermacht
Hänsch Arena - Meppen
Maatwerk Fotografie

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||Team Czech RepublicMartin Pesja Chuck Felones C97Maatwerk Fotografie

|| W U S V - 2 0 2 4 ||
Team Czech Republic
Martin Pesja
Chuck Felones
Maatwerk Fotografie


Mexico-Gilberto Treviño con Orex Du Chateau Du Paradis IGP3



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