Klinik Veterinar Regalia

Klinik Veterinar Regalia Klinik Veterinar Regalia beroperasi di Bangi Gateway 3B.

Cats can sleep just about anywhere! 🐱💤 No spot is too strange for a cat nap!Where's the funniest place your cat has napp...

Cats can sleep just about anywhere! 🐱💤

No spot is too strange for a cat nap!

Where's the funniest place your cat has napped? Share with us!

Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha.🕌Semoga ibadah korban kita diterima dan diberkati oleh Allah SWT. Klinik Veterinar...

Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha.🕌

Semoga ibadah korban kita diterima dan diberkati oleh Allah SWT.

Klinik Veterinar Regalia akan di tutup ada 17 & 18 June 2024 sempena Hari Raya Aidiladha dan akan di buka semula seperti biasa pada 19 Jun 2024.

Sila rancang perjalanan anda ke klinik kami terutama bagi pengambilan vaksin yang telah di jadualkan.

Salam Aidiladha!🐾

Did you know? A cat's pink paws aren't just cute—they're highly sensitive! They help with temperature regulation, balanc...

Did you know?
A cat's pink paws aren't just cute—they're highly sensitive!
They help with temperature regulation, balance, and detecting vibrations.
Our feline friends use these adorable pink pads to navigate the world around them. Appreciate the wonders of those tiny pink paws! 🐾😽

We are here!Klinik Veterinar RegaliaBangi Gateway 3B,Seksyen 15 , Bandar Baru Bangi.03-8928 9384011-3302 9384Our busines...

We are here!

Klinik Veterinar Regalia
Bangi Gateway 3B,
Seksyen 15 , Bandar Baru Bangi.
03-8928 9384
011-3302 9384

Our business hour:-

Monday-Friday 10am-7.00pm
Saturday 10am-5.30pm
Sunday 10am-1.30pm

"We're here every day to care for your pets!"

"Your neighborhood vet clinic is here for all your furry friends!The snuggle is real with your cats, and so is our care....

"Your neighborhood vet clinic is here for all your furry friends!

The snuggle is real with your cats, and so is our care. 😽

"If you live nearby and need a place for your cat’s check-up, visit our clinic for excellent care!"

Your trusted neighborhood vet clinic! We're proud to serve the neighborhood with veterinary care.Visit us or check-ups, ...

Your trusted neighborhood vet clinic!

We're proud to serve the neighborhood with veterinary care.

Visit us or check-ups, vaccinations, and all your pet health needs.

Thank you for choosing us to keep your furry friends healthy!

Dental Check-UpEnsure your feline friend's smile stays bright with regular dental check-ups and care. Let's keep those p...

Dental Check-Up

Ensure your feline friend's smile stays bright with regular dental check-ups and care. Let's keep those purrs going strong!

Calling all cat owners near Bandar Baru Bangi, Teras Jernang, Sungai Merab, Putrajaya, Kajang!Your furry friend's health...

Calling all cat owners near Bandar Baru Bangi, Teras Jernang, Sungai Merab, Putrajaya, Kajang!

Your furry friend's health is our priority. Bring them for a check-up at our clinic, conveniently close to your home. Let's keep your cat purring with joy!"

Klinik Veterinar Regalia
Bangi Gateway 3B,
Seksyen 15, Bandar Baru Bangi.
03-8928 9384

Your pets are our priority, and we're here for them every day. From vaccine, dental check up and routine check-ups to bl...

Your pets are our priority, and we're here for them every day.
From vaccine, dental check up and routine check-ups to blood test , our doors are always open.

Come visit us during our business hour:

Monday-Friday 10am-7pm
Saturday 10am-5.30pm
Sunday 10am-1.30pm

Cats should visit the vet at least once a year for a regular check-up and vaccinations.Kitten and senior cats may be nee...

Cats should visit the vet at least once a year for a regular check-up and vaccinations.

Kitten and senior cats may be need more frequent visits.

Any sudden changes in behavior, appetite or health should prompt an immediate vet visit.

Regular check-ups ensure early detection of potential health issues.

If you cats has a fever, keep it hydrated and in a cool and comfortable environment. Make sure that your cat has fresh c...

If you cats has a fever, keep it hydrated and in a cool and comfortable environment.
Make sure that your cat has fresh clean water, easily accessible to wherever they are most comfortable relaxing.

Monitor its behavior and temperature.

If the fever persists or exceeds 39.4 Celcius, visit you local animal clinic immediately.

A happy healthy cat will keep himself well-groomed, hearty appetite, playful and good sleeper.🥰

A happy healthy cat will keep himself well-groomed, hearty appetite, playful and good sleeper.🥰

DAULAT TUANKU.Klinik Veterinar Regalia akan di buka seperti biasa pada 3 Jun 2024 (10am -7pm).‼️Doktor Bertugas ialah Dr...


Klinik Veterinar Regalia akan di buka seperti biasa pada
3 Jun 2024 (10am -7pm).

‼️Doktor Bertugas ialah Dr Aida🥰

Jemput datang dan selamat bercuti.

Check your cat's vaccine schedule and book an appointment today. Healthy cats are happy cats!

Check your cat's vaccine schedule and book an appointment today.

Healthy cats are happy cats!

Open wound can attract maggots if not properly treated.It is important to promptly address any injuries to prevent this ...

Open wound can attract maggots if not properly treated.

It is important to promptly address any injuries to prevent this occurence.

Proper wound care, including cleaning, disinfecting can help prevent this.

Bring your cat to veterinar and seeking medical attention to prevent infection and ensure proper healing.


Pelik tak kucing yang manja dan mesra tiba-tiba menjadi agresif apabila tiba di klinik?Kucing menjadi agresif disebabkan...

Pelik tak kucing yang manja dan mesra tiba-tiba menjadi agresif apabila tiba di klinik?

Kucing menjadi agresif disebabkan oleh rasa takut, memerlukan pendekatan yang penuh perhatian dan sensitif.

Apa langkah sepatutnya perlu di buat?

🐾Dekati kucing dengan lembut dan perlahan. Jangan melakukan gerakan yang tiba-tiba atau tergesa-gesa yang boleh menambahkan ketakutan kucing.
🐾Biarkan kucing ruang untuk merasa selesa. Jangan menekannya atau memaksa dan mendekatinya jika dia kelihatan masih tidak selesa atau ketakutan.
🐾Berkomunikasi dengan suara yang lembut dan tenang. Ini dapat membantu menenangkan kucing dan menunjukkan kepadanya bahwa anda tidak mengancam.
🐾Tawarkan makanan ringan (wet food pon okay) atau mainan kegemaran kucing. Ini dapat membantu mengalihkan perhatiannya dan membantunya merasa lebih selesa.

Ingatlah bahwa setiap kucing adalah individu yang unik, dan pendekatan yang boleh di ambil harus bersesuaian dengan keadaan dengan keselesaannya.

As a cat owner, taking care of your cat's ears is essential for their health and comfort.This is simple guide you can fo...

As a cat owner, taking care of your cat's ears is essential for their health and comfort.

This is simple guide you can follow:

🐾Take a moment to inspect your cat's ears regularly. Look for any signs of redness, swelling, discharge, or unusual odor. Excessive scratching or head shaking, which may indicate ear discomfort or irritation.
🐾Dirt or wax buildup on the outer ear? Clean it using a veterinarian-recommended ear cleaning solution and a soft cotton ball. Gently wipe the outer ear, avoiding the ear canal.
🐾Keep your cat up-to-date on flea and tick prevention to reduce the risk of parasites that can affect the ears.
🐾During your cat's regular veterinary visits, ask your vet to examine their ears. They can check for any signs of infection, parasites, or other issues .

"Unlock the Secrets to Purr-fect Ear Health: Discover How to Care for Your Cat's Ears with Ease!"

Happy Labor Day!🥳Clinic will be open as usual on Labor Day.🐾

Happy Labor Day!🥳

Clinic will be open as usual on Labor Day.🐾

Why deworm your indoor cat?Indoor cats may have limited exposure to parasites compared to outdoor cats, but they can sti...

Why deworm your indoor cat?

Indoor cats may have limited exposure to parasites compared to outdoor cats, but they can still be exposed to parasites through various means such as contact with other animals, exposure to contaminated soil brought in on shoes or clothing, or ingestion of infected prey insects like fleas.

Worms can make your cat sick and even spread to people in your home. Deworming regularly helps protect your cat and your family from these parasites.

Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate deworming schedule and products for your indoor cat based on their individual risk factors and lifestyle.

🌙🕌🥳Pengumuman Waktu Operasi Hari Raya🥳🕌🌙Klinik akan di tutup pada 10Apr2024-12Apr2024 sempena sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfi...

🌙🕌🥳Pengumuman Waktu Operasi Hari Raya🥳🕌🌙

Klinik akan di tutup pada 10Apr2024-12Apr2024 sempena sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Klinik akan di buka semula pada 13Apr2024.

Sila rancang perjalanan anda ke klinik kami terutama bagi pengambilan vaksin yang telah di jadualkan.

Hubungi kami di 011-3302 9384 untuk maklumat lanjut.

Selamat pulang ke kampung halaman untuk berhari raya.🥰

Which is better?Wet Food or Dry Food?Both wet and dry food can be suitable options for feeding kittens, and each has its...

Which is better?

Wet Food or Dry Food?

Both wet and dry food can be suitable options for feeding kittens, and each has its own advantages.

⁉️Wet food has a high moisture content, which helps keep kittens hydrated, especially if they don't drink much water on their own. Kittens often find wet food more palatable due to its texture and strong aroma, which can be beneficial for picky eaters or kittens transitioning from milk. Wet food tends to have a higher moisture content and can stick to teeth more easily. So, brush your kitten's teeth regularly, ideally starting when they are young, to prevent plaque and tartar buildup.

⁉️Dry Food is convenient for free-feeding or leaving out for kittens to nibble on throughout the day. Some dry foods are formulated to promote dental health by reducing plaque and tartar buildup through chewing.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your kitten's or cat's individual preferences, dietary needs, and your lifestyle. Some kitten owners choose to feed a combination of wet and dry food to provide variety and ensure balanced nutrition. It's essential to select high-quality kitten food that meets their nutritional requirements and consult with your veterinarian for personalized recommendations.

X-ray menunjukkan patah pada pinggul sebelah kanan kucing.Patah pinggul boleh berlaku akibat trauma yang teruk seperti k...

X-ray menunjukkan patah pada pinggul sebelah kanan kucing.

Patah pinggul boleh berlaku akibat trauma yang teruk seperti kemalangan, jatuh dari ketinggian.

Apabila pinggul patah, kucing mungkin mengalami kesukaran untuk berjalan atau berdiri, dan mereka mungkin menunjukkan tanda-tanda ketidakselesaan seperti menggerak-gerakkan kaki belakang mereka atau menangis kesakitan. Dalam beberapa kes, patah pinggul boleh menyebabkan kucing tidak dapat bergerak sama sekali.

Jika kucing anda mengalami patah pinggul, sebaiknya bawa dia ke klinik haiwan berhampiran dengan segera. Doktor haiwan akan dapat menilai tahap kecederaan dan membantu memberikan rawatan yang sesuai.

Semoga kucing ini cepat sembuh.

Cuaca panas boleh menjadi bahaya serius kepada haiwan peliharaan.Ini termasuk risiko penyakit kepanasan, dehidrasi, dan ...

Cuaca panas boleh menjadi bahaya serius kepada haiwan peliharaan.

Ini termasuk risiko penyakit kepanasan, dehidrasi, dan luka bakar pada tapak kaki dari permukaan panas seperti jalan raya.

Penting untuk menyediakan banyak tempat teduh, air segar, dan tidak meninggalkan haiwan peliharaan dalam kereta yang panas.

Perlu diambil perhatian semasa aktiviti luar dan hadkan aktiviti tersebut pada bahagian terpanas hari.

Misai Kucing "Whiskers".Masih ingatkah anda dengan video  "Dr Alia Azri" tahun lalu mengenai kepentingan misai kucing?Vi...

Misai Kucing "Whiskers".

Masih ingatkah anda dengan video "Dr Alia Azri" tahun lalu mengenai kepentingan misai kucing?

Video kami mengenai kepentingan misai kucing yang dimuat naik setahun yang lalu masih relevan hingga kini!

‼️"Jangan sekali-kali mencabut atau memotong misai kucing."

Misai kucing, atau lebih dikenali sebagai 'whiskers', memainkan peranan penting dalam kehidupan kucing. Ia memainkan peranan untuk deria:-

T= Touch
C= Communication
C= Coordination

Mengganggu atau memotong misai kucing boleh menyebabkan ketidakselesaan dan mengganggu keupayaan kucing untuk berfungsi dengan baik dalam persekitaran mereka. Ini juga boleh menyebabkan kebingungan atau kegelisahan pada kucing. Sebagai pemilik kucing yang bertanggungjawab, penting untuk menghormati dan menjaga misai kucing mereka.

"Thank you "fur parent" for your unwavering love and dedication to your cat, even through the toughest times. Your stren...

"Thank you "fur parent" for your unwavering love and dedication to your cat, even through the toughest times. Your strength and commitment are truly inspiring." 🥰


"Keep your cat safe from sporo disease"

🐾Keep them indoors,
🐾Avoid contact with stray cats.
🐾Seek vet care at the first sign of trouble.

"Salam Nuzul Quran "Semoga sinar Al-Quran menerangi setiap langkah hidup dan memberi petunjuk yang jelas dalam kehidupan...

"Salam Nuzul Quran "

Semoga sinar Al-Quran menerangi setiap langkah hidup dan memberi petunjuk yang jelas dalam kehidupan kita.

Klinik Veterinar Regalia di buka seperti biasa pada 28 March 2024.

Selamat Berpuasa🥰

Hey.....Unhappy Cats?What are some signs you've noticed in your cat when they're feeling unhappy?"We'd love to hear from...

Hey.....Unhappy Cats?

What are some signs you've noticed in your cat when they're feeling unhappy?"

We'd love to hear from you! Please share yaaa!

Here are some simple and easy signs that might indicate an unhappy cat from us.

🧐Hiding: If your cat is spending more time hiding in secluded areas than usual, it could be a sign of unhappiness or stress.

🤓Decrease⬇️ in your cat's appetite or interest in food may indicate unhappiness or an underlying health issue.

🧐Change in Behavior: Unhappiness in cats can manifest as changes in behavior, such as increased aggression, irritability, or avoidance of interaction with people or other pets.

🧐Litter Box Issues: Changes in litter box habits, such as urinating or defecating outside the litter box, can signal stress or unhappiness in cats.

🧐Overgrooming: While excessive grooming can be a sign of stress or discomfort, unhappiness in cats.

Don't forget to share your thoughts below!

❤"Yes, many cats enjoy being petted!"❤"Petting can be a way for cats to bond with their owners and can provide them with...

"Yes, many cats enjoy being petted!"❤

"Petting can be a way for cats to bond with their owners and can provide them with comfort and relaxation."🐾

However, every cat is different, so it's essential to pay attention to your cat's body language and cues to ensure they're enjoying the interaction."

Fever?🧐Fever in a cat can be done through various signs and symptoms.✅Touching the nose and ears. If they feel warm or h...


🧐Fever in a cat can be done through various signs and symptoms.

✅Touching the nose and ears. If they feel warm or hot, it might indicate a fever.

✅Checking the Body Temperature. Use a re**al thermometer specifically designed for pets to measure your cat's temperature. Normal temparature is (38.1°C to 39.2°C). If above that range could indicate a fever.

✅Cats with a fever might display changes in behavior. They may become less active, or show signs of discomfort.

✅A fever can cause a loss of appetite in cats.

✅Coughing, sneezing, or difficulty breathing.

If you suspect that your cat has a fever based on these signs, it's essential to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

SPORO OR PARVO?Isolate?Yes, both Sporotrichosis  "SPORO" and Canine Parvovirus "PARVO" typically require isolation measu...



Yes, both Sporotrichosis "SPORO" and Canine Parvovirus "PARVO" typically require isolation measures to prevent the spread of the diseases to other animals or humans.

Both diseases can have serious implications for affected animals and may require veterinary intervention for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Bringing your pet to a veterinarian for further evaluation and treatment is crucial for their health and well-being. Your veterinarian can provide personalized recommendations based on your pet's specific condition and needs, helping to ensure the best possible outcome.

⏰FYI, Our clinic will remain open every day during Ramadan, we will be closing earlier than usual. This adjustment allows our team to observe Ramadan 🕌while still providing essential care for your beloved pets.🐾

Please message us at 011-3302 9384 if you need more information.


E. G-11, Jalan 3B/1, BANGI GATEWAY 3B, SEKSYEN 15





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