SAMA - Spay Adopt Manage Assist - Society

SAMA - Spay Adopt Manage Assist  - Society We are a neutering Society with an adoption prog we don't have a shelter. To donate
Spay Adopt Manage Assist (Society)
Maybank A/C No: 507246216423

We provide discounts for stray neutering and run neutering projects and guidance to do with strays.

Wishing all a Happy Valentines day - including friends, family furry and otherwise!

Wishing all a Happy Valentines day - including friends, family furry and otherwise!

Good day animal lovers!It was for us yesterday as we received some donated carriers and beds! Thank you so much!They are...

Good day animal lovers!
It was for us yesterday as we received some donated carriers and beds! Thank you so much!
They are being well inspected and looked after by some of our foster cats!
They love new things its so exciting for them!
Mazda of course must have a bed and whenever he sees you he will run and show you his bed by sliding towards it and rolling. Thats your bed Mazda! Of course with his bestie Petunia.
Its so fun to foster and better yet adopt!
Thank you to the family who gave us their items after moving to Penang. Welcome home!
They brought their cats ie family with them from overseas of course.

Please dont ever think of contacting us because you cant take your cats down the road when moving to a condo! Please remember this post and the happiness a travel container can bring to the homeless!

Happy Thaipusam to all who celebrate and all who join in the celebrations.Thats the beauty of this country.Muhiba!Penang...

Happy Thaipusam to all who celebrate and all who join in the celebrations.
Thats the beauty of this country.
Penang is a special and magical place we pray it can also be so for the stray animals.

Today marks the start of Project Pluto on the Mainland! We are collaborating with two other NGOs across Penang Island an...

Today marks the start of Project Pluto on the Mainland!

We are collaborating with two other NGOs across Penang Island and the Mainland, who have responded to the plea of a young man who has been caring for over 27 dogs that urgently need to be neutered.

PHOS has pledged 10, SAMA has pledged 10, and PGSR has pledged 7, while also helping with some medical cases, such as Mark, a male dog who was rushed to Cuddles Clinic yesterday on a motorbike from the Mainland. The dedication and persistence of this young man are truly amazing!

Project Pluto is named in loving memory of Pluto, the dog of a SAMA donor who has sponsored the neutering of 10 dogs. We canโ€™t thank our donor enough for enabling us to help the dogs in this area.

We are kicking off today with two dogs to be neutered at Windsor Animal Hospital, Simpang Ampat. Meet gorgeous May and Merlin! We wish them successful surgeries and all the best. No longer will they have unwanted puppies.

If anyone would like to be part of this first-time collaboration between three NGOs and assist with catching, boarding the dogs while they recover, or taking in any needy dogs, please contact any one of us.

If you are an NGO and would like to make this collaboration a foursome, please let us know.

Tally ho!

We will keep updating as we go along and hope to catch all the dogs. Any trap cages, large carriers, etc., would be most welcome if you can loan them.

Thank you to everyone involved in making this happen, and to our pet transporter/catcher Shane Sundram for driving the first two dogs to their future as neutered, ear-notched dogs

Penang Hope Of Strays
Penang Stray Rescue Society - PGSR

Project Pluto Report
1 May
2 Merlin

PGSR helping Mark admitted for kidney problem

Project Pluto helping/guiding
Mother Mary just delivered 8 pups 2 rip left 6
3 other puppies dob Nov Minnie, Maxy and Medley (given nexguard, deworm tq Shane) the pups are up for adoption.

Our SAMA  'Cat Cuddlers ' visited the rescue boarding where several of our cats are paying to board, especially from our...

Our SAMA 'Cat Cuddlers ' visited the rescue boarding where several of our cats are paying to board, especially from our neutering projects or SAMAritans who are saving the so many in front of them! ๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™€๏ธ
Our Cat Cuddlers who hadnt been for a couple of weeks were amazed at how well the Colour cats were doing all gained weight with silky coats and very manja. (7/9 dumped in a small cage)
The fosterer of Jane while she gave birth has moved Jane and family Jodie and Jamie from project JLT, to the boarding to get them socialsed with other cats they are doing so well and playing with the rest, especially gorgeous Mathew and Matilda!
The lovely Cat Cuddler family pointed out that all the cats seemed happy which was so good to hear!

We have decided Jai the big orange and white from project JLT is actually a dog!
Talking of dogs our SAMA Angel had an ear haematoma and went for surgery.
She has never been to the vet since spaying around 8 years ago so we did a blood test for her. Results came out very good! Yay! Any donations for her vet visit would be most appreciated.

Donating details:
Spay Adopt Manage Assist (Society)

Maybank A/C No: 5072-4621-6423

On behalf of all the Community dogs and cats, of the ones we spay and home because of you, we thank you

Please keep your pets indoors.Today will be terrifying for animals.Please spare a thought for them.This year the firewor...

Please keep your pets indoors.
Today will be terrifying for animals.
Please spare a thought for them.
This year the fireworks have been the loudest for many years and several pets have run away from home in terror.
Our foster cats and dogs are traumatised and many are not eating.
Its starting now with the drums.
Keep your pets safe
We hope our lost and found group wont be busy tomorrow.

Poor little fella, he seems so lost, he was adopted into a  family and immediately got on with their other cat.He was so...

Poor little fella, he seems so lost, he was adopted into a family and immediately got on with their other cat.
He was so happy to have a home...
This morning he was returned after badly scratching their sofa.
Another first for us.
Must add to our long list of screening questions.
We never dreamed to ask is your pet more valuable to you than your furniture.
We know cars are more important than condo cats to many folks, heres another one to add...

Please take note when adopting cats they do tend to scratch things. There are many options you could try before giving up your new family member, you can always contact us for advice.
We are so disappointed for this poor boy who is obviously distressed as his new home has been ripped away from him, guess thats his karma for ripping a sofa set.
Better to know now than when hes been there longer.
Adoption is a committment through thick and thin just as they stay by your side through everything.
Sorry little Cuttiboy you will be unconditionally loved soon and by us always.

A very kind family  is using their own initiative to help SAMA!How kind and thoughtful thank you so much.Please do share...

A very kind family is using their own initiative to help SAMA!
How kind and thoughtful thank you so much.
Please do share

๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠGong Xi Fa Cai to all! This is Lynn here.

For this Valentineโ€™s Dayโค๏ธ, my girls would like to lend a hand to a charity neutering animal society SAMA(Spay, Adopt, Manage Assist) with an adoption program. We hope to raise the amount of RM300 through their Preloved Science Comics. We used to have a dog with us, which had passed away few years ago so we understand well that the expenses of looking after a dog can be significantly high sometimes.

The comics range from RM2.50 to RM5 only. Do support and help me to forward this message to your other friends.

Thank you so much

If you have friends or family members who are keen to support my girlโ€™s little project or for more info, pls DM me at 012-4055 781

Hi there, if you find it unpleasant to have cats in your condo grounds or in markets while you are eating please read on...

Hi there, if you find it unpleasant to have cats in your condo grounds or in markets while you are eating please read on.
There are thousands of cats in Penang with no where to go with a huge number of them having been dumped by humans or kicked out from their properties or abandoned in homes and areas they used to dwell.
Percentage wise, very few people are helping and those that are end up with many more under their wings than they would normally wish to have.
We are trying to encourage TNR โ€“ Trap Neuter Return as there are not enough places to house all these cats.
People who complain about them and people who dump or ask their condos to get rid of them spoil the efforts of the kind souls attempting to ensure that the number of cats will become less.
Complaining ultimately can mean death but more cats will move in.
Getting rid of your strays to another area means pushing responsibility to others and it will mean more cats will come in.
TNR means less cats!
We just need to get it done and tolerate the few TNRโ€™d cats in your area, look out and punish dumpers and stop complaining and spoiling everything.
If you donโ€™t want a cat in your building perhaps you can look for adopters, but if your building has strays and you remove the lot more will come in.
It is called the vacuum effect.
Please support TNR itโ€™s the solution for those who like and those who dislike animals because it means less of them!
Makes sense right.
Please contact us for charity prices for strays.
When you neuter the ones in your building they will prevent new ones coming in.
If new cats come in it means some human has dumped them, go after the humans and stop complaining about the cats, its NOT their fault!
Please also donโ€™t complain when people are keeping a number of animals in homes, they are the ones who are helping keep them off the streets.
How can we do anything when if they are on the streets people complain and when they are in homes people complain. NGOโ€™s struggle with unfairness to animals every single day and what we are doing is helping the animals and the humans have less strays!

Jai is terrified of fireworks.He's cowering and not eating.Can anyone in a not so noisy area foster him?Please share.Hes...

Jai is terrified of fireworks.
He's cowering and not eating.
Can anyone in a not so noisy area foster him?
Please share.
Hes the gentlest cat and can be carried like a baby.
His favourite position is like a dog.
Hes friends with all but now he needs some friends to give him loving comfort he is so traumatised by all the noise.

I dont know how to begin this story but it has to be told...In the hopes that by spreading awareness we can prevent peop...

I dont know how to begin this story but it has to be told...
In the hopes that by spreading awareness we can prevent people dumping.
Especially a pregnant cat.
Solaria was spotted in one of our project areas heavily pregnant and in iminent danger.
She was saved and taken to a fee paying boarding.
2 days later this stressed mother gave birth to 4 beautiful babies.
Or so we thought but one by one they passed away.
The last two were sent to the vet for emergency treatment at just 3 days old.
Lifespark left us but Orion fought on even though his tiny leg had to be amputated.
We brought Solaria to the vet to help keep Orion alive and a very kind fosterer took them home when Orion was stable. Thanks so much ๐Ÿ’š
Baby Orion was so cute and so brave.
With an amputated leg and rotten toes on the other side it was mystifying but he suckled his mummy and did not appear in any pain..
Until one morning his leg looked infected so he and mummy went to the vet together.
She hugged him and fed him but he never came home...
After 2 weeks of being a mother Solaria had to leave the vet without a single child...
Orion we love you sweet brave little soul.
Mummy Solaria we offer you comfort in your sorrow and the promise that you will never be dumped again.
We hope someone will open their heart and home to you and heal you ftom the pain.
Stop the dumping! Stop complaining!
Animals lives and feelings matter.
We send love to all in the hope it brings compassion to the intolerant and kindness to the strays who didnt do anything wrong except try to survive...

Yay happy doggies went for their Waggy Walks on Chinese New Years day!Thank you so much!Everyone had a blast.Those are t...

Yay happy doggies went for their Waggy Walks on Chinese New Years day!
Thank you so much!
Everyone had a blast.
Those are the blasts we love not fireworks they are so scary and traumatising...
Thank you Waggy Walkers!

Wishing everyone and all animals a year of manifestation!May dreams come trueFor all of them and you

Wishing everyone and all animals a year of manifestation!
May dreams come true
For all of them and you

Happy Chinese New Year's eve!To those who have pets please keep them safe during fireworks!Its very scary and louder for...

Happy Chinese New Year's eve!

To those who have pets please keep them safe during fireworks!
Its very scary and louder for them due to their excellent hearing.

The SAMA Waggy Walkers were all set to trot off yesterday when there was a downpour oh no poor excited Walkers and doggi...

The SAMA Waggy Walkers were all set to trot off yesterday when there was a downpour oh no poor excited Walkers and doggies...
To cheer them up a couple of us went to visit and were greeted by such an exhuberant welcome as always.
If you ever feel lonely and unloved come to Tulsi Petcare Center and you will feel so wanted!
This is our wish for all the doggies that they experience being wanted.
They are so lovely, joyful and full of some huge beans!! Especially Sam he needs about 3 walks a day!!
If you'd love a best friend, someone to share everything with you and take you for walks on the beach, sit with you while watching tv together and fill your home with warmth and joy please contact us


The cats pictured here are a variety of cats that SAMA or some kind SAMAritans are paying to board as they were dumped o...

The cats pictured here are a variety of cats that SAMA or some kind SAMAritans are paying to board as they were dumped or cant go back to the street.
Otto was a community condo TNR'd cat who protected a condo for more than 8 years not allowing any outside cats to enter.
This condo is the shining light of how TNR works.
Sadly Otto was hit by a car because he's not a pet, hes not truly safe while he helps the condo.
He was missing and only found 12 days later in a terrible shape.
He was operated on and brought by some kind SAMAritans to a rescue boarding.
He is such a fighter and he has fought back and is doing so well.
Even though hes not a pet he is so loved by SAMA, his SAMArirans and the boarding humans and cats.
He loves kittens and they love him and the adult cats all respect him so he is known as Uncle Otto.
He cant go back to the condo grounds but he is so happy having a roof over his head where hes not shooed away for finding warmth on the occasional car bonnet.
Each of the cats have a story, a personality and deserve a future filled with love.
Mathew and Matilda were dumped when they were so tiny they had no hope of survival.
Thanks to a very kind donor who sponsored their boarding we could bring them in to our adoptiom programme.
Although they were teeny and needed love so badly they were full of ringworm.
It took weeks to heal and when they were finally cleared, to be able to freely hold them and hug them was the best feeling ever!
They were allowed to mix with the others and they soon made up for lost time!
Please help by adopting, fostering or sharing so that the cats dreams of a loving family and forever home can come true.
Thank you.

This is what you do if you have cats and you are moving house, even to France... You take them with you!Thats exactly wh...

This is what you do if you have cats and you are moving house, even to France... You take them with you!
Thats exactly what this rescuer has done. BRAVO!
He rescued and fostered many cats when living in Penang while we got them adopted or are trying to do so.
They include Star and Bimo (Moby)..But his own cats, his family, he has brought them home.
We wish them all the very best and much happiness.

To those of you who leave behind family members when moving down the road from a house to a condo please see this! There is no excuse.
Pets are for life no matter what.
Please share.

To the 5 cats who are family no matter what, we are so happy you have a human who is loyal and true.
Who loves you like you love him, forever.

In the world of strays and animal welfare every day is relentless from all directions.One knock down after another such ...

In the world of strays and animal welfare every day is relentless from all directions.
One knock down after another such as Pumpkin neutered through SAMA who was knocked by a car and went missing. Thank God today he has been found and will be adopted by his feeder who loves him so much (not through our adoption programne but) we celebrate with tears of joy!

Another good news is Tabbee from the same area was adopted through our programme yesterday!

Cuttyboi is going to his new home as well today which is wonderful news thank you so much to all the wonderful kind hearted adopters!

Another good news is Bobbi dog has a fosterer so shes just arrived at her new home today too!

This is the news that keeps us going!

Please support Animals rights to live somewhere and to be fed.

Please encourage public places to have compassion.

Please adopt or foster.

There are thousands of strays not as lucky as the few we can help.

Please share for them, we need strays to have a voice.


George Town





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SAMA Penang is a neutering and adoption Society.

SAMA is a registered society approved by ROS Reg No: PPM-004-07-12022020 and we are going full force ahead to focus on Spaying and Adoption and to also Manage (which includes guidance, education , media etc) and to Assist our feeders in matters relating to strays. ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

Our logo explained... SAMA is presented 2x to represent the cooperative spirit bersama-sama among all members in carrying out the objectives of the society. Two dogs and two cats represent the animal world the society strives to help with in our abilities. The heart shaped within the word SAMA represents the loving-kindness the society will encourage people to nurture towards all animals. The colours blue and green represent the colours of the Earth to show that the society believes human beings should live in harmony with nature. The colour white represents the sincerity of SAMA in pursuing our objectives together.

We need your generous donations and deeply appreciate all past and future support... ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ