This is what happens when you go tapao your lunch and you forget to bring the packing containers… and the babies are waiting at home! Haiyah!! Never a dull moment at the farm 😊
Our mulberry fruiting fabulously 🥰
Miracle berries
Our miracle berry trees gifted by a friend few years ago. From a 1 foot tall sapling into a 8’ tall tree.
The other day I posted some pictures of our humble farm produce. They were from this side of the farm near our cottage. This time I wondered over to the other side near the kampung house and across the field. Some are fruiting well but others are struggling. Could be the soil, drainage problem… bugs are plentiful there. Hmmm…
Harvesting the fruit of our efforts. Actually our helper turns out to have green fingers, which is such a boon!
An early morning shower nourishes the trees and plants, refreshing the entire environment.
It has been unbearably hot at the farm these past few months, but despite the conditions, some plants are thriving beautifully, adding colour and joy to HappyLand! One of them is Petrea volubilis, commonly known as purple wreath, queen's wreath or sandpaper vine, an evergreen flowering vine in the family Verbenaceae, that is valued especially for its display of violet flowers.
City boy harvesting farm produce. Took him hours to harvest 5kg of calamansi. Good job.😊
Loh Hei
If you can’t get the 10
auspicious lines in place this version works as good!😂