Ambrosia Pet Food Malaysia

Ambrosia Pet Food Malaysia Ambrosia. Ultra Premium Pet Food. Feed Ambrosia! Feed divine, sublime pet food! Feed love…!

Step into the Year of the Snake with wisdom, strength, and success. Wishing you joy, prosperity, and endless blessings! ...

Step into the Year of the Snake with wisdom, strength, and success. Wishing you joy, prosperity, and endless blessings! 🧧🍊

From all of us at Ambrosia, have a wonderful Lunar New Year!

🌸 新春快乐 🌸
🐍 蛇年吉祥如意
💰 财源滚滚
🍊 好运连连
❤️ 健康平安
🐟 年年有余

Happy Chinese New Year's Eve to all of you celebrating! Happy Holidays to the rest of you.

Happy Chinese New Year's Eve to all of you celebrating!
Happy Holidays to the rest of you.

🇲🇾 狗狗很爱的Ambrosia地中海健康配方🐶这些年,我家12岁的高龄博美一直是我的心肝宝贝。它以前有肥胖和关节问题,所以我对它的饮食特别小心。自从换了Ambrosia地中海配方狗粮,它的健康明显改善了。👍🐕这款无谷物低过敏的狗粮,特别是...

🇲🇾 狗狗很爱的Ambrosia地中海健康配方🐶


这款无谷物低过敏的狗粮,特别是鲜火鸡肉配方,对我家的博美Kiki 帮助很大。火鸡肉是瘦肉蛋白的好来源,能帮助它保持健康的体重和肌肉。狗粮中还有丰富的B族维生素和锌,增强它的免疫功能。💪🐶

#无谷狗粮 #健康狗粮 #小型犬狗粮 #狗粮 #狗粮推荐 #宠物 #狗狗日常 #新手养宠 #宠物用品 #给大家介绍一下我的小狗

What’s the deal with lemons? Are they good for dogs? 🍋🐶  Lemons have phenolic compounds that might help with Iliac Vein ...

What’s the deal with lemons? Are they good for dogs? 🍋🐶

Lemons have phenolic compounds that might help with Iliac Vein Compression Syndrome (IVCS) and reduce neuroinflammation and depression-like behaviors in animals. 🐾 However, their high acidity means you should use them cautiously and consult your vet before sharing!

👩‍🏫 Fun Fact: The smell of lemon can repel pests, making it a natural deterrent around your home!




所以就打算买这个Ambrosia Mediterranean Fresh Sardine and Tuna 1.5kg装的给他们两个贪吃 try~这款是借鉴地中海饮食理念的狗粮,用蔬果,沙丁鱼和金枪鱼等为狗狗提供均衡营养。因为是的关系他们很喜欢而且平时吃的难免会有碎渣, 这个是没有的!而且放在手里也不会很油腻!✨😋

里面还加了地中海药,有富含维ACK的百里香,帮助 digest problem的葫芦巴,抗氧化的牛至和看钙、镁的苜蓿。👍💓
因为看中他们家的 protein含量多,而且有 77%的 protein 是来自沙丁鱼和金枪鱼,就是能帮助他们的毛发更strong不容易掉!🐕💪


#狗狗 #狗粮 #无谷狗粮 #新手养宠 #养宠必备好物 #狗狗日记 #无谷狗粮 #健康狗粮 #狗粮 #狗粮分享

Are Peaches a Sweet Surprise for Dogs? 🍑🐾Peaches are packed with vitamin A for eye health and skin vitality. 👀 This esse...

Are Peaches a Sweet Surprise for Dogs? 🍑🐾

Peaches are packed with vitamin A for eye health and skin vitality. 👀 This essential vitamin plays a crucial role in maintaining good vision and overall skin health. They also provide a healthy dose of fiber to aid digestion. Also, it helps to prevent constipation! 🚽🐾

👩‍🏫 Fun Fact: Peaches can be served fresh or frozen, making them a versatile treat for your pup! 🍑❄️

Happy New Year 2025 🥳Let’s welcome the new year with bright smiles and hopeful hearts. 💕 Here’s to a prosperous and frui...

Happy New Year 2025 🥳

Let’s welcome the new year with bright smiles and hopeful hearts. 💕

Here’s to a prosperous and fruitful 2025 to all of us!

What Makes Strawberries a Berry Good Choice for Dogs? 🍓💖Strawberries are a healthy snack for dogs because they are full ...

What Makes Strawberries a Berry Good Choice for Dogs? 🍓💖

Strawberries are a healthy snack for dogs because they are full of antioxidants, which help protect cells and keep your dog healthy. 🐕💪 They are also a great source of vitamin C, enhancing your dog’s immune response. 🛡️Lastly, their fiber content aids in digestion, making them a tasty and beneficial treat for your furry friend!

👩‍🏫 Fun Fact: Strawberries can be served fresh or blended into smoothies to keep your dog hydrated and happy! ☀️💦

🇲🇾🐶一定要试试的地中海理念狗粮!🐶小狗的饮食应当高质量🫡 尤其是我家2岁狗狗容易过敏,选择狗粮方面需要特别注意Ambrosia Mediterranean Diet系列的Fresh Sardine & Herring借鉴了地中海地区的饮食...

🐶小狗的饮食应当高质量🫡 尤其是我家2岁狗狗容易过敏,选择狗粮方面需要特别注意

Ambrosia Mediterranean Diet系列的Fresh Sardine & Herring借鉴了地中海地区的饮食习惯,用蔬菜和鱼等为狗狗提供均衡营养。这款的鱼肉含量高达79%,真材实料看得见!😍 这种无谷配方对狗狗健康有益,Omega 3&6的添加有助于保持毛发健康和光泽🫡

沙丁鱼和鲱鱼的搭配提供高蛋白质,对狗狗的免疫和骨骼健康也有帮助哦。而且狗狗吃了也不过敏 👍

其中有草药含维A C和K的百里香,抗氧化的牛至,解决消化问题题的葫芦巴和含钙 镁 钾的苜蓿。 ✨🤗


#健康狗粮 #无谷狗粮 #好物推荐 #狗狗日常 #马来西亚 #宠物生活 #新手铲屎官 #养狗小技巧

Is grapefruit a safe option for dogs? 🍊🐾  Grapefruit contains anticancer compounds like Naringin and Naringenin, which h...

Is grapefruit a safe option for dogs? 🍊🐾

Grapefruit contains anticancer compounds like Naringin and Naringenin, which help prevent cancer development. 🍊 It is packed with vitamin C, essential for a robust immune system and overall health. 💪 High in fiber, aiding digestion and promoting a feeling of fullness. ✨

👩‍🏫 Fun Fact: The bitter taste of grapefruit is what makes it unappealing to dogs! 🙅‍♂️

🇲🇾毛孩一直😷 !换掉饲料就可以了!之前我的狗狗时不时就生病 甚至是腿直接不能走吓死我了😱我就尝试富含橄榄油和地中海草药的 Ambrosia!这款地中海饮食理念的狗粮用鱼类、 橄榄油、蔬菜和全谷物等营养食材来提供狗狗健康饮食。👍😋✅ 我选了...

🇲🇾毛孩一直😷 !换掉饲料就可以了!

之前我的狗狗时不时就生病 甚至是腿直接不能走吓死我了😱

我就尝试富含橄榄油和地中海草药的 Ambrosia!这款地中海饮食理念的狗粮用鱼类、 橄榄油、蔬菜和全谷物等营养食材来提供狗狗健康饮食。👍😋

✅ 我选了 Ambrosia Mediterranean Fresh Lamb 这款主要是修复狗狗的肌肉,和让狗狗有漂亮的皮肤所以我就选了这款给我家毛孩💓💓

✅ AMBROSIA 是无谷物配方,并且每种配方都专注于单一的动物蛋白质和脂肪来源,可以减少常见的过敏,适合对食物敏感的Money Boy🐶

Money boy也很喜欢每次都吃 habis 🤣🤣🤣
看见他越来越活泼健康 我就Happy料❤️

#狗狗健康 #毛孩子的日常 #我的毛孩子 #狗狗饲料 #狗狗吃什么 #狗狗食物 #毛孩食物 #给大家介绍一下我的小狗 #无谷狗粮 #健康狗粮 #狗粮 #狗粮分享 #宠物食物 #狗狗日常

Why are green bananas a healthy treat for dogs? 🍌💚  Green bananas are packed with resistant starch, which promotes healt...

Why are green bananas a healthy treat for dogs? 🍌💚

Green bananas are packed with resistant starch, which promotes healthy digestion and gut bacteria. 🌟 They’re low in sugar and high in potassium and vitamin C, making them a great option for dogs watching their weight! 🐕

👩‍🏫 Fun Fact: Green bananas are firmer and less sweet than ripe ones, making them a crunchy snack that many dogs enjoy!

🇲🇾挑食毛孩被这地中海狗粮征服了🐶你们家修狗会挑食吗?🐶我家毛小孩已经14岁了所以stomach非常敏感、骨骼也老化 很多狗粮它都不吃!这个狗粮界的爱马仕AMBROSIA它是真的喜欢🌟‼️它被征服了🔥而且小颗粒容易消化~ 也含有地中海草药和...



我家毛小孩已经14岁了所以stomach非常敏感、骨骼也老化 很多狗粮它都不吃!


而且小颗粒容易消化~ 也含有地中海草药和橄榄油,其中有含维a c和k的百里香,抗氧化的牛至,抗炎的葫芦巴和苜蓿👍

#小狗 #狗狗掉毛 #修狗 #养狗日常 #家有馋狗 #新手养狗攻略 #狗粮 #狗粮推荐 #狗粮测评 #狗粮分享 #狗粮怎么选 #狗粮推荐性价比高 #小型犬狗粮 #泰迪狗粮 #马来西亚 #挑食 #马来西亚 #平价狗粮 #无谷狗粮 #健康狗粮 #狗狗饮食 #宠物营养 #狗狗健康 #毛小孩

What’s so heavenly about papaya, the “Fruit of the Angels”? 😇  Packed with powerful vitamins and antioxidants, papaya he...

What’s so heavenly about papaya, the “Fruit of the Angels”? 😇

Packed with powerful vitamins and antioxidants, papaya helps keep aging at bay and strengthens your body. 💪 Its natural papain enzyme improves digestion, relieves constipation, and speeds up wound recovery, making it a true blessing for overall health. ❤️💪

👩‍🏫 Fun Fact: Papaya seeds are edible and bring a zesty, peppery kick to your meals!

10多岁的狗狗也在吃的营养狗粮Ambrosia就是這款 Ambrosia Mediterranean Fresh Sardine & Tuna(沙丁鱼和金枪鱼系列啦) 🙋🏻‍♀️🐶,我家那隻真的對這款狗糧真的愛得不要不要的 😂😂      ...


就是這款 Ambrosia Mediterranean Fresh Sardine & Tuna(沙丁鱼和金枪鱼系列啦) 🙋🏻‍♀️🐶,我家那隻真的對這款狗糧真的愛得不要不要的 😂😂

我选择沙丁鱼和金枪鱼的搭配~ 🥰 ,主要的原因也是因為肉含量高达至 77%之多🤩 ,而且还含有Vitamin D☑️ ,对骨骼健康和Immune Function的帮助很大😚, 沙丁鱼里的Omega-3也有助于Cardiovascular 健康 ,尤其是因为我家Vodka年长了需要更多的营养补充 🔥🌟

而它又可以满足Vodka的营养需求🥰 Btw 和你们分享🐶粮中的地中海健康饮食传统是指通过使用与地中海地区人类饮食相似的成分和营养,如鱼、Olive Oil、蔬菜,为狗狗提供所需的均衡营养 ☺️

#马来西亚 #我的萌宠 #狗粮推荐 #狗粮分享 #狗粮排行榜 #马来西亚好康分享 #防软便狗粮 #平价狗粮 #无谷狗粮 #健康狗粮 #好物分享 #狗粮 #狗狗日常 #进口狗粮 #马来西亚 #马来西亚狗狗 #狗狗饮食 #宠物营养 #狗狗健康 #毛小孩

Is watermelon a summer favorite? 🍉☀️  Yes! Watermelon is a hydrating treat filled with vitamins A, B6, and C. It's low i...

Is watermelon a summer favorite? 🍉☀️

Yes! Watermelon is a hydrating treat filled with vitamins A, B6, and C. It's low in calories and great for keeping your dog cool on hot days. 🐕❄️ Plus, it aids in digestion and is rich in antioxidants, supporting overall health. 🐾💪

👩‍🏫 Fun Fact: Did you know that watermelon rind is also safe for dogs? Just make sure to remove any seeds!

🇲🇾对于地中海狗粮我想说…🐶我的毛孩皮肤容易敏感,还挑食所以我选择了Ambrosia Mediterrean地中海的沙丁鱼和鳕鱼狗粮👍他们参考了地中海人们的饮食习惯,用鱼类、全谷物和蔬果等为狗狗打造健康的均衡饮食❤️使用了不常见的地中海草药...


所以我选择了Ambrosia Mediterrean地中海的沙丁鱼和鳕鱼狗粮👍


这款狗粮的颗粒很小,有助于促进消化 而且一打开就能闻到浓浓的鱼香味 我都忍不住想尝一口了😋 都是采用真实动物肉制成, 肉含量高达70%❗❗❗ 可以看到我的毛孩一直以来的皮肤敏感问题改善了许多,毛发也变健康啦!狗粮里的Omega-3和Omega-6脂方酸还能预防炎症,很适合有关节问题的狗狗🐕💪

#无谷狗粮 #健康狗粮 #好物分享 #狗粮 #狗粮分享 #宠物食物 #狗狗日常 #进口狗粮 #马来西亚 #马来西亚狗狗 #狗狗饮食 #宠物营养 #狗狗健康 #狗粮推荐 #毛小孩 #好康分享 #狗粮推荐

Can Dogs Safely Enjoy Mango? 🥭  Mango is not only tasty but also safe for dogs! 💖 Packed with vitamin A for healthy eyes...

Can Dogs Safely Enjoy Mango? 🥭

Mango is not only tasty but also safe for dogs! 💖 Packed with vitamin A for healthy eyesight and vitamin C to boost immunity, it keeps your furry friend strong. Plus, its fiber content aids digestion for added comfort. 💪🌟

👩‍🏫 Fun Fact: Did you know that the pit of a mango can be a choking hazard for dogs? Always make sure to remove it before sharing! 🚫🐾


Lot 1716, Batu 11, Jalan Sungai Long



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