Sun Conure – Sc Suap
Conure Matahari - Handfeed
太阳锥尾鹦鹉 - 太阳鹦鹉手养
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- With LICENSE & RING Number
- Baby Handfeeding / Young / Adult / Pair
* The Sun Conure is noted for its loud squawking compared to its relatively small size. The bird is capable of mimicking humans but not as well as some larger parrots. This being said, there are some amongst them that are very capable talkers. They are especially popular as pets because of their fun personality and bright coloration. Due to their inquisitive temperament, they demand a great deal of attention from their owners, and can sometimes be loud. Like many parrots, they are strong chewers and should be provided plenty of toys and natural branches to chew on. They are very cuddly birds and like to climb in and under things. They love sleeping in a bird tent, although they usually chew on it and will destroy it in a few months. In nature, they spend considerable time "customizing" their nesting sites with their beak -- this is natural behavior and the urge of chewing on their bird tent or nest box is an innate need that is natural and shouldn't be discouraged. Some owners who are fed up with buying new tents every six months or so, prefer to provide a nesting box. They are monomorphic and reach sexual maturity at one or two years of age. In the wild, they typically nest in palm cavities. They generally make good breeders and are easy to breed in a spacious flight. Captive breeders usually accept a cockatiel-sized nest box (12" x 12" x 12"). The average clutch consists of 2 to 4 eggs, which are incubated for 23 to 27 days. While the female handles the incubation tasks, the male usually sits on or near the nesting box. The young fledge (leave the nest) when they are about 8 weeks old. Captive Sun Conures can live for 20 to 30 years - provided they are properly cared for and don't fall victim to accidents. In the wild, they usually don't live that long due to predation, accidents and adverse environmental / climatic conditions. These conures are old enough to reproduce (breed) when they are about 1 to 2 years old (some start sooner than others).
* We have variety of cages stands that suitable for this pet, you can click this to view it
a) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4739185972775464/
b) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4689280564432672/
c) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4432954406731957/
d) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4384797654880966
e) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/5002743616419697
* We have the suitable food, vitamin & supplement for this pet too, you can click this to view it
* We also have other accessories that suitable for this pet too, you can come to have a look on it
** You can use Waze to come and have a look, this is for first come first serve only
**If you want to have a Cute , you must get THIS PRODUCT, is very WORTH for it
- Any interested can kindly PM us Or contact us for the updated news. Please check your inbox if we have liked your comment, but most of the messages have sent to (OTHER) due to FB SECURITY ISSUE.
- Sekali LESEN & Nombor GELANG
- Anak Suap / Muda / Matang / Pasang
* Conure Matahari adalah sejenis burung parrot berwarna terang dan bersaiz sederhana. Burung jantan dan betina dewasa memiliki penampilan yang sama, dengan warna bulu kuning-keemasan yang terang di bawah badan dan muka. Ia banyak dibela oleh para peminat parrot sebagai haiwan kesayangan.
* Pelbagai jenis sangkar yang sesuai untuk haiwan peliharaan ini, anda boleh cuba klik masuk layarni
a) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4739185972775464/
b) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4689280564432672/
c) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4432954406731957/
d) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4384797654880966
e) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/5002743616419697
* Ada makanan, vitamin & makanan yang sesuai untuk haiwan peliharaan ini, anda boleh cuba klik masuk layarni
* Lagi ada banyak barangan yang sesuai untuk haiwan peliharaan ini guna, anda boleh datang kunjungi dan pilih
** Anda boleh datang dengan gunakan Waze, barangan ini hanya bagi first come first serve only yer
** Sekiranya anda ingin memiliki yang comel &warna warni, anda boleh cuba bela burung jenis ini
- Jika anda berminat boleh cuba pm kita Atau menghubungi untuk maklumat terlanjut. Kalau kita telah “like” komen anda, bermaksud pm telah dihantar ke “inbox” awak. Kebanyakan pm telah dihantar ke “other” kerana masalah privasi dalam FB sistem.
详情 #爱宠物的朋友们
- 有给养的注册执照和注册脚圈号码
- 宝宝手养 / 幼 / 成年 / 对
* 太陽鸚鵡是一種中型鮮豔的鸚鵡。成年雄性和雌性的外貌很相似,主要是金黃色的羽毛和橙紅色的腹部和臉頰。太陽鸚鵡,平均重量約110克(4盎司),大約有30公分(12英寸)長。他們在1~2歲左右達到性成熟,並能活25至30年。母鳥每次產卵三到五個,孵化期為23天。食物包括种子、水果、仙人掌及花卉。破坏性强,繁殖期内尤其喜欢啃咬,喜欢沐浴。雌雄间差别不大,须通过DNA检验区分。
* 这里有很多种适合的笼子让你选择
a) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4739185972775464/
b) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4689280564432672/
c) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4432954406731957/
d) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/a.505765236117580/4384797654880966
e) https://www.facebook.com/MacawPhong/photos/5002743616419697
* 而且也有适合的食物,维他命 & 补充品等等的东西
* 还有很多其他各种各样的东西,我们欢迎你来看看
** 您可以用 Waze 协助你导航前来我们的店铺,全部东西都是first come first serve only
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