March month Needs for shelter dogs and cats
1.40 bags of dogs kibbles each cost RM 65 each
2.4 bags of cats kibbles each cost RM 115
3.3 carton of dogs can food for the puppies and sick dogs ,each RM 125
4.need sponsor for 8 female dogs for spaying.
RM 250 per dog
5.Vaccination for 20 dogs at shelter ...Each vaccinations covers vaccine and dewormed.Vaccination per dog is RM 50.
6.6 bags of 50 kg rice ,each cost RM 907
7.weekly chicken purchase RM 288 from chicken supplier
Kibbles supplier and chicken supplier details will be attached .donors can directly bank in to their account and send the slip to 0176833925 to keep track on the orders ..
We appreciate each and everyone out there to support happy home animals to survive up to today
For vaccination and spaying sponsors can directly donated to BSN account nbr 0600141100036656 reference happy home dogs vaccination