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pets burials service
large doberman .
猫孩计!good idea!! #petsburialservice #生态宠物安葬
价格在rm5500 起跳
#綠續新生活 荷蘭科研公司 Loop Biotech 推出以蘑菇和回收麻纖維天然製成的棺材和骨灰盒,只需7日製作時間,埋葬後45日便可被自然完全分解,真正回歸大自然! Loop Biotech 以全新概念引領殯儀業發展,提出一種獨特方式去懷念離去的人!
to continue our service life and bring to the next level . this is very similar with our way but we can do better .
The Loop Cocoon 'coffin' is made from living mushroom mycelium and the producers describe collaborating with living organisms, instead of working with dead materials.
It's about welcoming and transitioning our return to the earth.
Whereas a body in a traditional coffin can take one or two decades to break down, Loop estimates its product will fully decompose remains in only two to three years. Even better, your last act won’t be at the further expense of the planet. U.S. cemeteries alone each year consume 30 million board feet of hardwoods, 90,000 tons of steel, 1.6 million tons of concrete for burial vaults, and 800,000 gallons of embalming fluid.
以往傳統土葬,根據美國綠色葬禮委員會(Green Burial Council)的資料題示,傳統葬禮所帶來的碳排放量相當於一趟行駛483公里的汽車旅程。隨著社會對此議題的關注度日漸提高,創新者們不斷提出創意解決方案,例如針對可分解的蘑菇棺材。
根據美聯社(Associated Press)的報導,一家荷蘭公司名為Loop Biotech以可持續發展的方式經營著與死亡有關的事業。其中,最受歡迎的產品之一便是Loop Living Cocoon。其製作過程中,將菌絲體(蘑菇的網狀根系)與大麻纖維結合於石棺狀模具中,經過約一週時間,真菌便完美地塑造成逝者的永恆安息之所。
Loop Living Cocoon的堅固程度足以容納遺體,然而其設計並非以長久保存為目標,有別於傳統木製棺材。蘑菇棺材一旦下葬,它將開始分解,僅僅六週內,棺材及其內容物便會轉化為堆肥。相較之下,傳統的木製棺材可能需花費數十年方能完全降解。
Loop Biotech所提供的蘑菇棺材售價為995歐元,折合約马币5150。Loop Biotech將產品運送至歐洲各地,尤其受歡迎於歐洲北部地區。不管是歐美或是亞洲國家,綠色殯葬普及化的進度仍然緩慢,蘑菇棺材能夠在他們有生之年更廣泛地供應。
An Eco-Friendly Alternative to Traditional Burial
The Loop Living Cocoon, an innovative approach to burial practices, is reshaping our relationship with death and the environment. This biodegradable coffin, crafted from mycelium - the root structure of mushrooms - aims to enhance the ecological value of burial, offering a compelling alternative to traditional casket burials.
Environmental Impact
Traditional caskets often involve materials such as metal, varnished wood, and synthetic linings, which can take many years
lucky, we found people to adopt . thanks
Coming up The new trend of pet shop business .
Ecopeace Pet Burials
Create low carbon ,fresh air
back to natural
Pick up is available
Pet Funeral Home
#宠物殡仪馆 #宠物安葬 #生态安葬 #自然葬
Ecopeace Pet Burials
Rip lizards
blackgold farm
rip birdy .
back to the natural .enjoy the rest
Ecopeace Pet burials service kuantan
rip mr lizard .
back to the natural .enjoy the rest
Ecopeace Pet burials service kuantan
keep try if you still can't reach it . try hard . and enjoy your day .
her name b nui .
a fat girl and try hard
be happy if you lonely . make your day by your mind . have a good day . i feel her happy , do you? .
call her blacky .