Jom la datang kedai ada di Labuan saja ba ni. Diorang bosan sudah hari-hari tengok saya.
Hai Guys,
We have Showa fish now.
It’s easy to identify the gender of the fish. It can be seen by its tail. The one with a long end at the end of its tail is male while the one without is female.
Next time you come to our shop ask for Showa fish 😉 We’ll let you see and admire their beauty. Of course we also sell ‘em if you want to own one.
Apps: Inshot
Music: Swimming
Musician: Summer Soul
Betta fish are now in stock!!!
Stock baru Betta sudah sampai!!!
We have:
Kami ada:
✅ Double Tail HalfMoon (female)
✅ Copper HalfMoon (female)
✅ Big Ear Plakat
✅ Long tail
✅ Regular female bettas
Here's a video of bunnies enjoying their milk to bless your timeline. ❤❤❤
⚠️Caution : Cow's milk are not suitable replacement for rabbit milk. It is advisable to use baby rabbit formula available at pet store or veterinarian clinics.
Video anak arnab sedang menyusu botol untuk menceriakan hari-hari anda. ❤❤❤
⚠️Waspada : Susu lembu atau susu biasa tidak sesuai untuk anak arnab. Sebolehnya, guna susu formula khas untuk anak arnab. Ianya boleh didapati di kedai haiwan atau klinik haiwan terdekat.
This baby hedgehog looks like little Einstein. So adorable!
Cat fishing. Look !!! I've catch a bunch of adorable cats.
Burung Cockatiel atau ada yang memanggil nya sebagai burung kakatua mini kerana bentuk fisiknya yang kecil, berparuh bengkok dan berjambul seperti burung kakak tua.
Rabbits are so cute and like human they have different personality too. Meet our Mr Goodmorning and Miss Goodnight. You know which one is which, eventho both are brown. 🤣🤣🤣
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