Fish depot

Fish depot The brand new Ornamental fish specialist store located in PJ, selangor. Provide thousands of product and pond / fish tank setup and cleaning services

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New Arrival15/02/2025Fish DepotAddress: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Se...

New Arrival15/02/2025
Fish Depot
Address: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-78867012
Google map:

L144 Long Fin Blue Eye Pleco
L183 Starligt Pleco
L333 King Tiger Pleco
Nothobranchius Rubripinnis
North Guentheri
Galaxy Rasbora
Gold Halfbeaks
Red Tail Sky Blue Guppy Pair
Cardinal Tetra
Glowlight Tetra
Rainbow Threadfin
Vampire Crab - Rouxi
Vampire Crab - Yellow
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Red Rili Shrimp
Fire Red Shrimp
Golden Stripe Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp
Penguin Tetra
White cloud Mountain
Albino White cloud Mountain
Short Body Red Jewel Cichlid
Red White Shubunkin
Neon Orange Danio
Neon Pink Danio
Calico Shubunkin
Maya Butterfly Koi
Black Molly
Nerite Zebra Snail
Black Military Helmet Snail
Black Neon Tetra
Ember Tetra
Blackline Tail Tetra / Costae Tetra
Albino Parrot Sapphire
Cherry Barb
Neon Golden Barb
Siamese algae eater
Redtail Black Shark
Norman's Lamp Eye
Red Eye Tetra
Assorted Balloon Molly
Red Tuxedo Platy
Blackk Lionhead Oranda Goldfish
Albino Corydoras
Panda Corydoras
SIlver Tips golden Tetra

New Arrival 8/02/2025Fish DepotAddress: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Se...

New Arrival 8/02/2025
Fish Depot
Address: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-78867012
Google map:

Chocolate Gourami
Nothobranchius Rubripinnis
North Guentheri
Aphyosemion Australe Golden
Rainbow Goby
Emperor Tetra
Ruby Tetra
Sewellia Linelate
Zebra Snail
Horn Snail
Red Nose Shrimp
Crystal Red Shrimp
Yamato Shrimp / Amano Shrimp XL
Orange Sunkist Shrimp
Fire Red Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp
Golden Stripe Shrimp
Sparkling Gourami
Colour Honey Gourami
Silver Flying Fox
Pygmy Corydoras
Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Thailand Glass Catfish
Pristella Tetra
Red Tiger Oscar
Zebra Danio
Johanni Cichlid
Demason's Cichlid
Golden Algae Eater
Black Algae Eater
Redtail Tinfoil Barb
Serpae Tetra
White Fin Ornate Tetra
Royal Red Gourami
Assorted Balloon Molly
Red Platy
Sunburst Platy
Showa Swordtail
Red Oranda Goldfish
Bronze Corydoras
Julii Corydoras
Mini Puffer
Boesmani Rainbow
Kuhli Loach
Blood Red Platy
Pearl Scale Gold Fish
Rummy Nose Tetra
Clown Loach
Red Lyretail Swordtail

New Arrival 25/01/2025Fish DepotAddress: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, S...

New Arrival 25/01/2025
Fish Depot
Address: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-78867012
Google map:

We Wish all our Chinese Customer Happy Chinese New Year and Gong Xi Fai Chai, we're close from 28/1/2025 (Tuesday) ~ 01/02/2025 (Saturday), Business will resume as normal from 2/2/2025 (Sunday) onward.

Red Neon Rainbow
Crystal Red Shrimp
Yamato Shrimp XL
Golden Stripe Shrimp
Fire Red Shrimp
Orange Sunkist Shrimp
Green Rili Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp
Galaxy Rasbora
Pygmy Barb
Red Peacock cichlid
Copadichromis Borleyi Kadango
Purple Blood Parrot
Sterbai Corydoras
Orange Venezuela Corydoras
5 Inch Discus
Harlequin Rasbora
Bamboo Shrimp
Black Neon Tetra
Ryukin Goildfish
Cardinal Tetra
Neon Tetra
Gold White Cloud Mountain
Assorted Balloon Molly
Red Platy
Sunburst Platy
Red Cap Lionhead Oranda Goldfish
Silver Arowana
Mexican Dwarf Crayfish
Zebra Snail

Oase crystalskim 350 & Oase crystalskim 600 is now restockedRemoves both biofilms and duckweedKeeps the water's surface ...

Oase crystalskim 350 & Oase crystalskim 600 is now restocked

Removes both biofilms and duckweed

Keeps the water's surface clear and clean

Long maintenance intervals and added safety for aquarium inhabitants

Effective skimming:

Most users agree that the CrystalSkim 350 does a great job of removing surface film and debris, keeping the water clear and improving gas exchange.

Compact design:

The sleek and modern design allows it to blend seamlessly into the aquarium aesthetic.

Adjustable flow:

The ability to adjust the flow rate lets you fine-tune the skimming action for your specific tank needs.

Easy maintenance:

Simple to clean and maintain, with a floating ring that adapts to water level changes.

Overall, the Oase CrystalSkim 350 is generally considered a top-tier surface skimmer for most home aquariums, especially for those seeking a powerful and discreet option to maintain a clean water surface.

Newly Launch Promotion 20% discount for both sizeIntroducing latest product from 2hr Aquarist - Feast soil -Superior bio...

Newly Launch Promotion 20% discount for both size

Introducing latest product from 2hr Aquarist - Feast soil

-Superior bioactive support for micro fauna & microflora

- Super Long Lasting, sustained boost for richer colors and stronger growth

- Ultra rich nutrition, packed with with critical macro and micro minerals

available size 2L , 5L

Aquarium's richest substrate.
+ Sustained boost for up to 12 months.
+ Softens Water (6.2-6.6pH).
+ Superior bioactive support.

New Arrival 18/01/2025Fish DepotAddress: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, S...

New Arrival 18/01/2025
Fish Depot
Address: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-78867012
Google map:

Loxozonus Corydoras
Wotroi Corydoras
Punctatus Corydoras
Habrosus Corydoras
Panda Corydoras
Orange Venezuela Corydoras
Peppered Corydoras
Zebra Convict Cichlid Albino
Sewellia Linelate
Zebra Snail
Military Helmet Snail
Rosy Tetra
Platinum Rummy Nose
Ruby Tetra
Fire Red Shrimp
Golden Stripe Shrimp
Assorted Balloon Molly
Platinum Angel
Assorted Angel
Pseudotropheus Aura Cichlid
Golden Algae Eater
Cherry Barb
Siamese Algae Eater
Norman Lamp Eye
Rummy Nose Tetra
Glowlight Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Neon Tetra
Royal Red Gourami
Red Platy
Sunburst Platy
Black Lionhead Oranda Goldfish
Mexican Dwarf Crayfish
Electric Blue Balloon Ramirezi
Tiger Barb
Golden Prince Cichlid
Assorted Discus 6 Inch
Harlequin Rasbora
L/T Red Sword
Black Skirt Tetra
Congo Tetra

New Arrival 4/01/2025Fish DepotAddress: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Se...

New Arrival 4/01/2025
Fish Depot
Address: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-78867012
Google map:

Simpsonichthys Nigripinnis Killi Fish
Hyphessobrycon Wadai
Hyphessobrycon Red Cherry
Punctatus Corydoras
L144 - Blue Eye Long Fin Pleco
L183 - Star Light Pleco
Galaxy Rasbora
Vampire Crab
Sawbwa Rasbora
Albino Sky Blue Guppy Pair
Sewellia Linelate
Green Neon Tetra
Microrasbora Erythromicron
Brigittae Rasbora
Yamato Shrimp / Amano Shrimp
Red Fire Sakura Shrimp
Golden Stripe Shrimp
Orange Sunkist Shrimp
Crystal Red Shrimp
Blue Bolt Shrimp
Black Galaxy Shrimp
Habrosus Corydoras
Panda Corydoras
Orange Venezuela Corydoras
Golden Algae Eater
Siamese Algae Eater
Golden White cloud Mountain
Cardinal Tetra
Neon Tetra
Dwarf Gourami
Assorted Balloon Molly
Red Cap Lionhead Goldfish
Red / White Lionhead Goldfish
Mini Puffer (Wild)
Epehant Ear Guppy
Silver Arowana
Green Tiger Barb
Red white Shubunkin
White Butterfly Koi
Puntius Denisonii
Harlequin Rasbora
Poso Orange Rabbit
Black King Kong Snail
L/T Red Sword
Black Neon Tetra
Ember Tetra
Balloon Ram
Hermit Crab

New Arrival 4/01/2025Fish DepotAddress: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Se...

New Arrival 4/01/2025
Fish Depot
Address: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-78867012
Google map:

Alien Betta
Dumbo Ear Betta
Panda Loach
Nothobranchius Rachovii Albino
Aphyosemion Australe Golden
Tri Colour Oranda 8-9cm
Sewellia Linelate
Red Eye Angel
Avatar Angel
Blue Acara Cichlid
Siamese Algae Eater
Rummy Nose Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Silver Tip Tetra
Neon Tetra
Assorted Balloon Molly
Red Platy
Sunburst Platy
Mexican Dwarf Crayfish
Blue Mexican Dwarf Crayfish
Black Lionhead Oranda
Albino Tiger Barb
Venustus Cichlid
Black Molly
Red Tiger Oscar
Golden Panchax
Malaya Dwarf Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp
Golden Back Shrimp
Orange Sunkist Shrimp
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Red Rili Shrimp
Phantom Black Tetra
White cloud Mountain Tetra
L/T Red Sword
Black Neon Tetra
Rainbow Shark
Zebra Danio

New Arrival 28/12/2024Fish DepotAddress: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, S...

New Arrival 28/12/2024
Fish Depot
Address: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-78867012
Google map:

Gold Tetra
North Guentheri
Aphyosemion Australe Golden
Panda Garra
Rainbow Goby
Short Body Red Jewel Cichlid
Pygmy Corydoras
Orange Venezuela Corydoras
Sterbai Corydoras
Leopard Corydoras
Albino Corydoras
Panda Corydoras
Red White Shubunkin
Zebra Snail
Red Spotted Snail
Poso Orange Rabbit snail
Assassin Snail
Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Sewellia Linelate
Horn Snail
Rosy Crab
Brigittae Rasbora
Mexican Dwarf Crayfish
Slender Mbuna Cichlid
Demason's Cichlid
Algae Eater
Siamese Algae Eater
Norman Lamp Eye
Rummy Nose Tetra
Glowlight Tetra
Neon Tetra
Congo Tetra
Dwarf Gourami
Assorted Balloon Molly
Sunburst Platy
Red Platy
Black Lionhead Oranda
Red Oranda
Yamato Shrimp
Crystal Red Shrimp

We have some exclusive rare medaka rice fish all the way from japan

We have some exclusive rare medaka rice fish all the way from japan

Dear all customers, we are closed this coming monday to tuesday 23-24th Dec 2025, business resume on 25/12/2024 as norma...

Dear all customers, we are closed this coming monday to tuesday 23-24th Dec 2025, business resume on 25/12/2024 as normal 11am to 6.30pm .

We wish all our customers & friends Merry christmas n Happy New Year 2025

New Arrival 20/12/2024Fish DepotAddress: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, S...

New Arrival 20/12/2024
Fish Depot
Address: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-78867012
Google map:

Panda Loach
Gold Tetra
Nothobranchius Rubripinnis
North guentheri
Aphyosemion Australe Golden
Harlequin Rasbora
Panda Garra
Galaxy Rasbora
Firefox Duboisi
Blood Red Dwarf Gourami
Green Neon Tetra
Brigittae Rasbora
Vampire Crab
Assassin Snail
Cherry Barb
Albino Parrot Sapphire
Golden tinfoil Barb
Rummy Nose Tetra
Black Neon Tetra
Serpae Tetra
Assorted Balloon Molly
Panda Corydoras
Orange Venezuela Corydoras
Balloon Ram
Dumbo Ear Betta
Black King Kong Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Red Rili Shrimp
Red eye Tetra
White cloud mountain
Albino White cloud Mountain
Lemon Tetra
Rosy Tetra
Borneo Sucker
Black Angel
Cardinal Tetra
Neon Tetra
Showa Swordtail
Pygmy Barb
Pygmy Corydoras
Boesmani Rainbow
Purple Blood Parrot
African Banded Barb

Introducing the toughest filter Netlea Hang on Back 2S- 2 model available- planted version with co2 injection diffuser p...

Introducing the toughest filter Netlea Hang on Back 2S

- 2 model available
- planted version with co2 injection diffuser point build in + Surface Skimmer
- turtle version low level capacity
- 600L/hr 7w 1.5meter wiring length
-product size 14.6cmx 9.3cmx24cm
- All media included
- Flow Adjustable

***The pressure test was done by Thailand ***😅

New Arrival:-Netlea Airpump with quality build up and super silentNetlea Airpump adjustable with app control and button ...

New Arrival:-

Netlea Airpump with quality build up and super silent

Netlea Airpump adjustable with app control and button 16 speed with timer


USB type C connector


10L/min x 2 (2 air outlet)

Air pressure 0.022Mpa


Power 4.0W

New Arrival 14/12/2024Fish DepotAddress: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, S...

New Arrival 14/12/2024
Fish Depot
Address: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-78867012
Google map:

Axolotl Pink
Axolotl Gold
SP Diamond Ram
Panda Loach
Blue Neon Goby
Galaxy Rasbora
Alien Betta
African Banded Barb
Tri Colour Oranda
Japanese Double Swordtail
Zebra Snail
Military Snail
Blue Rili Shrimp
Mountain Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp
Fire Red Shrimp
Golden Stripe Shrimp
Brigittae Rasbora
Mini Puffer
Golden Algae Eater
Neon Rosy Barb
Rummy Nose Tetra
Glowlight Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Neon Tetra XL
Neon Tetra
Assorted Balloon Molly
Red Platy
Platinum Angel
Red Oranda Goldfish
Albino Plecustomus Catfish
Silver Arowana
King Kong Parrot
Golden Swordtail
Albino Corydoras
Assorted Discus
Neon Green Marble Tiger Barb
Balloon Ram
Thailand Glass Catfish
Sterbai Corydoras
Red Fantail Goldfish
Golden Gourami
Ember Tetra

New Arrival 7/12/2024Fish DepotAddress: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Se...

New Arrival 7/12/2024
Fish Depot
Address: 5-1 & 7-1, Jalan PJU 1/3f, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-78867012
Google map:

L183 Starlight
Tri Colour Oranda Gold Fish
Black Lionhead Oranda Gold Fish
Nothobranchius Rachovii
North guentheri
Aphyosemion Australe Golden
Gold Halfbeaks
Mini Bumble Bee Goby
Pygmy Barb
Sawbwa Rasbora
Sewellia Linelate
Red Spotted Snail
Zebra Nerite Snail
Green Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Harlequin Rasbora
Rummy Nose Tetra
Cichlid Johanni
Siamese Algae Eater
Mexican Dwarf Crayfish
Red Platy
Dwarf Gourami
Cherry Shrimp
Yamato Shrimp
Black Algae Eater


5-1, Jalan Pju1/3F Sunwaymas Commercial Centre
Petaling Jaya

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 18:30
Wednesday 11:00 - 18:30
Thursday 11:00 - 18:30
Friday 11:00 - 18:30
Saturday 11:00 - 18:30
Sunday 10:00 - 18:30




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