Idler Pet Diary 愛得樂小寵日記

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🐹 Welcome to Idler Pet Diary ~
We strive to provide high quality products at the most reasonable price. 🔝
💬 Please do not hesitate to chat with us for any enquiry, we will attend to your enquiry ASAP. Thank you! 🙏
🐹 欢迎来到爱得乐小宠日记~
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🧑 : “I noticed there’s a problem with my fur kid’s gut or digestion and he got soft stool.😢 I heard they say probiotics ...

🧑 : “I noticed there’s a problem with my fur kid’s gut or digestion and he got soft stool.😢 I heard they say probiotics may help, but I’m giving him Multivitamin and Coat Supplement already.🤨 If add on Probiotics, there are too much things to be feeded on him in a day 🥲 Is there anything can help settle all these issues at once?😫”

🐱: “The answer is absolutely YES! 🤩 You should give a try on 𝐏𝐀𝐖 𝐌𝐄𝐎 Pawbiotic + Fur Booster (2 in 1), a nutritional supplement that is Simple, Effective and Tasty for your FURMILY.”

🛡️ How 𝐏𝐀𝐖 𝐌𝐄𝐎 Pawbiotic + Fur Booster (2 in 1) helps?
✅ Reduce Allergic symptoms
✅ Improves gastrointestinal symptoms example bloating, diarrhoea
✅ Improves Immune system
✅ Reduces Bad Breath & Flatulence
✅ Promote healthier skin, makes fur coat thicker & shiny

✨With one price you can get so many benefits, staying healthy & shining with PAW MEO pawbiotic+ fur booster.
✨Suitable for dogs & cats.

🔝 High Quality Ingredients:
S. Boulardii, Bifidobacterium, Bacillus Subtilis, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B1, Brewer's yeast, Soft-Shell turtle eggs etc.

❓ Directions:
Mix in or sprinkle on top of the daily meal.
❓Usage & Dosage:
Weight : 0-15kg ( 1 Sachet Daily) 16-30kg ( 2 Sachets Daily)


🧑 : “最近我发现我的毛小孩肠胃不太好,消化不良还有点软便。🥲 听说可以喂益生菌调理肠胃,但是我已经喂着他 Multivitamin,还有爆毛粉了liao。如果又加多一个益生菌,很多东西要喂leh😫,有没有什么可以一步到位,解决我全部烦恼的吗?”

🐱: “有有有!🤩 你可以考虑这款 𝐏𝐀𝐖 𝐌𝐄𝐎 的犬貓益生菌+鱉蛋粉 (2合1),方便、有效和美味,毛小孩每个月健康的必备品。让毛小孩陪你慢慢变老。”

🛡️ 𝐏𝐀𝐖 𝐌𝐄𝐎 的犬貓益生菌+鱉蛋粉 (2合1) 如何帮助你的毛孩?
✅ 改善便秘,下痢和胃腸障礙等
✅ 可減少寵物異味和臭味
✅ 有着激活機體免疫系统,和改善炎症/敏感反应的作用
✅ 鱉蛋粉有爆毛和幫助貓狗長出漂亮毛髮的作用
✅ 增強免疫系統
✅ 效果顯著、美味可口

✨ 全馬拥有最高活性CFUS的犬貓益生菌,物超所值。
✨ 一個價錢拥有多功能,健康和漂亮同时拥有,省了很多钱买玩具。

🇲🇾 适合新手饲养的10种狗狗品种 📝新手养狗指导手册(二) 这次为大家分享适合新手养的狗狗品种!各类狗狗品种优缺点合集,建议收藏!📝 上一篇为大家准备了新手养狗前的自我评估手册,通过评估后决定要养狗了,下一步就是选择适合自己的狗狗品种啦!...

🇲🇾 适合新手饲养的10种狗狗品种 📝
新手养狗指导手册(二) 这次为大家分享适合新手养的狗狗品种!



1️⃣ 贵宾犬/泰迪
🐶 寿命:12 - 15 年
✅ 优点:聪明且容易训练,少掉毛
⭕ 缺点:需要大量互动,毛发护理频繁,可能过于敏感

2️⃣ 雪纳瑞犬
🐶 寿命:12 - 14 年
✅ 优点:敏锐的看门狗,大小适中,是个健壮的小运动员
⭕ 缺点:嘴巴上的毛发不好打理,容易受挑衅,出门太过活跃
3️⃣ 博美
🐶 寿命:12 - 16 年
✅ 优点:运动量小,食量小,机警聪明
⭕ 缺点:脾气大,容易兴奋、躁动,易掉毛

4️⃣ 马尔济斯
🐶 寿命:12 - 15 年
✅ 优点:外形漂亮,不掉毛,食量少,性格好
⭕ 缺点:需经常梳理毛发,易有泪痕,好斗、喜欢挑衅别的狗狗
5️⃣ 比熊犬
🐶 寿命:12 - 15 年
✅ 优点:活泼,不掉毛,招人喜欢
⭕ 缺点:白毛易脏,易有泪痕,需注意打理毛发

6️⃣ 法国斗牛犬
🐶 寿命:10 - 12 年
✅ 优点:安静不吠叫,对主人忠诚
⭕ 缺点:体味大,呼吸道问题,皮肤病发病率高
7️⃣ 柯基
🐶 寿命:12 - 15 年
✅ 优点:性格友善,善于交际,特别聪明
⭕ 缺点:需大量运动,掉毛多,易有骨骼问题
8️⃣ 柴犬
🐶 寿命:13 - 16 年
✅ 优点:爱干净,忠诚护主,体味小
⭕ 缺点:天性固执倔强,掉毛量巨多
9️⃣ 拉布拉多
🐶 寿命:10 - 12 年
✅ 优点:性格开朗、热情,与其他宠物友好
⭕ 缺点:易产生分离焦虑,需大量运动,体味较大

🔟 黄金猎犬
🐶 寿命:10 - 12 年
✅ 优点:友好和平,很棒的家庭犬,容易训练
⭕ 缺点:需要大空间,掉毛多,需大量运动

关于养宠大家还有什么想要知道的呢?欢迎底下留言告诉我们 🤗

#养宠知识[话题] # #新手养狗[话题] # #养狗知识[话题] # #养狗小知识[话题] # #宠物护理[话题] # #养狗指南[话题] # #养狗攻略[话题] # #狗狗日常[话题] # #养狗经验分享[话题] #

🇲🇾夏天防蚊虫对猫狗来说有多重要?!如果蚊子只吸脂肪不吸血,它们一定是无比可爱的小精灵,可惜它们不是。不但吸血,被蚊子叮咬后还会奇痒无比,更可怕的是,蚊子还是多种传染性疾病的重要媒介。对人类如此,对猫狗等宠物的危害可能更大! 很多狗主人并不...



🐛🐜BIOION 天然防蟲噴霧🦟🪳
🌟 全天然植物提取
🌟 可驅除多種家居常見蚊蟲
🌟 無有害物質,不會對人體呼吸道造成傷害
🌟 日本大阪府立產業技術研究所認證
✅ 家居30秒有效驅蟲
✅ 效果長達八小時

🇲🇾 你准备好做一名合格的铲屎官了吗?认养狗狗前不仅要做好物质上的准备,更要有负起长达十年以上责任的心理准备。如果开始养它,就要对它负责,因为它只有你。新手养狗前有哪些事情需要考量呢?不妨参考以下6点自我评估项目:-一、您有时间吗?帮狗清理...

🇲🇾 你准备好做一名合格的铲屎官了吗?
帮狗清理排泄物、洗澡、梳毛、疾病就医、教育生活常规、带牠散步运动等等... 这些都是饲主基本要为狗儿做到的事情,会花掉主人不少时间,您确定自己愿意花大多的时间在狗狗身上吗?

#养宠知识[话题] # #新手养狗[话题] # #养狗知识[话题] #


✨ NURTURE PRO AG Silver 宠物湿巾,富含金盏菊提取物,使用100%纯净水💧以及配制银纳米,能做到快速清洁宠物体表并有效抗菌。同时,AG Silver 湿纸巾所含成分也有助于达到🫧滋润、修复、止痒以及舒缓皮肤的效果。非常适合皮肤敏感的狗狗猫猫和其他小动物使用🐶🐱🐹

*纳米银 (Nano Silver) 是将粒徑做到纳米级的金属银单质。纳米银粒徑大多在25纳米左右,对大肠尴菌、淋球菌、沙眼衣原体等数十种致病微生物都有强烈的抑制和杀灭作用。

【Selangor Puchong 区 🈶价领养】金丝熊宝宝,已满月。Puchong, Kota Kemuning, Seri Kembangan 或Selangor 区皆可询问&安排面交。欲知详情可在评论区留言“详情”〖Syrian ha...

【Selangor Puchong 区 🈶价领养】
Puchong, Kota Kemuning, Seri Kembangan 或Selangor 区皆可询问&安排面交。

〖Syrian hamster for adoption〗
Syrian hamster, full month babies.
To get more details, comment "Details" under the post

✅ Available ❎ Taken
M4 - ✅ M5 - ✅
F7 - ✅ F8 - ✅ F9 - ❎

Beginning the first full week in May, National Pet Week celebrates the relationship and the circle of life between pet a...

Beginning the first full week in May, National Pet Week celebrates the relationship and the circle of life between pet and human. 💞

💭The American Veterinary Medical Association founded National Pet Week in 1982 and continues to provide healthy tips, tools, and resources to help your pet live a longer and healthier life.

Our pets always make the world a little brighter. This May 1 – 7, celebrate National Pet Week by recognizing our fun loving family members who give us everything, asking only for a smile in return…and maybe an occasional treat. 😋

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#金丝熊 #侏儒鼠 #小宠零食

📣Celebrate Raya with your lovely pet🥳From 1 May -7 May 2022, Enjoy 20% off storewide with a minimum purchase of RM30 in ...

📣Celebrate Raya with your lovely pet🥳
From 1 May -7 May 2022, Enjoy 20% off storewide with a minimum purchase of RM30 in Idler Pet Diary! Redeem IDLEPWEEK voucher in our Shopee store now to enjoy this discount (Capped to RM10).

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#金丝熊 #侏儒鼠 #小宠零食

🆙 May New Arrival 🗯🐹 Eco Forest Hamster Diet Food Available in 100g/300g repack for testing and 900g original pack, star...

🆙 May New Arrival 🗯
🐹 Eco Forest Hamster Diet Food
Available in 100g/300g repack for testing and 900g original pack, starting from just RM4.90⚠️
Shop Now❗️
✅Complete balanced food for Syrian hamsters.
✅Rich vitamins ensure the features of antiphlogosis and antioxidation.
✅No harmful chemical preservatives to the liver and kidneys.
✅Freeze-dried vegetables reserve original nutrient to a great extent, which ensures a good taste, less water and complete nutrition.
✅Contain Flaxseed - rich in Omega 3 & Omega 6 that help to beautify hair.
✅Yucca extract can effectively combine with nitrogen to reduce the foul smell of excreta.

More shocking sales coming in May, follow us and stay tuned!
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#金丝熊 #侏儒鼠 #小宠零食

⚠Attention⚠Our RM5 Voucher Giveaway for Idler Pet Diary Grand Opening will be ended shortly in April 2022. DM us now to ...

Our RM5 Voucher Giveaway for Idler Pet Diary Grand Opening will be ended shortly in April 2022. DM us now to get this promo before it's too late! 💨

💬 Just DM us "Grand Opening Voucher!" in Shopee to enjoy RM5 discount with only RM25 minimum purchase. 🤩
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#金丝熊 #小宠零食

Is Chocolate Safe For Hamsters?Chocolate can be extremely harmful to hamsters, they could even die from ingesting it. Ch...

Is Chocolate Safe For Hamsters?

Chocolate can be extremely harmful to hamsters, they could even die from ingesting it. Chocolate contains a chemical called Theobromine, it is an alkaloid that comes from the cocoa bean husk, and it can have a toxic effect on the system of such a small creature.

Also avoid feeding your hamster caffeine or alcohol. This attacks the central nervous system of your hamster leading to stress and quite possibly death.

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#金丝熊 #侏儒鼠 #小宠零食

Hamsters need a wheel to get their necessary activity each day. It’s bad for the health of your hamster if you don’t pro...

Hamsters need a wheel to get their necessary activity each day. It’s bad for the health of your hamster if you don’t provide a wheel. Your hamster will experience stress and will not get enough exercise, which can cause obesity.

• Size : 21cm
• Materials : Plastic
• Options : Blue, Pink, Transparent

✅ Light and easy to install.
✅Safe and quiet movement.
✅Attachable on cage or steel stand.
✅Product include running wheel only, steel stand need to be purchased separately.

💬 DM us "Grand Opening Voucher!" in Shopee to enjoy RM5 discount with only RM25 minimum purchase. 🤩
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#金丝熊 #小宠零食

The word “hamster” is German.The name ‘hamster’ comes from the German word ‘hamstern’ which is associated with storing f...

The word “hamster” is German.

The name ‘hamster’ comes from the German word ‘hamstern’ which is associated with storing food. Hamsters can carry their own bodyweight in food in their cheek pouches.

They store food in their pouches when out foraging to stash later. They keep secret stashes of food so that they are prepared for any period when there is a lack of food availability.

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#金丝熊 #侏儒鼠 #小宠零食

Sand is great as a potty substrate because it causes liquids to form isolated clumps. These are then easily scooped up d...

Sand is great as a potty substrate because it causes liquids to form isolated clumps. These are then easily scooped up during spot-cleaning.

Yee Hamster Deodorant Urine Sand
✅Made with sodium base stone + activated carbon + activated silver ion.
✅Not scented
✅Almost dust-free and heat relief.
✅Strong water absorption
✅Long-lasting deodorization
✅Suitable for small pets like 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐑𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐭, 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠, 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐚 𝐏𝐢𝐠 & 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚.

💬 DM us "Grand Opening Voucher!" in Shopee to enjoy RM5 discount with only RM25 minimum purchase. 🤩
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#金丝熊 #小宠零食

Hamsters are born with a full set of 16 teeth. They don’t have milk teeth and adult teeth, but only one set that lasts t...

Hamsters are born with a full set of 16 teeth. They don’t have milk teeth and adult teeth, but only one set that lasts their entire life. They have four incisors; two on the top and two on the bottom.

Their teeth never stop growing, so they should always have chew sticks and toys available to help keep the teeth trimmed. If the teeth overgrow, they can be trimmed by a veterinarian.

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#金丝熊 #小宠零食

Freeze Dried Tofu is the most affordable and popular treats that all hamsters would love. Tofu is a protein packed treat...

Freeze Dried Tofu is the most affordable and popular treats that all hamsters would love. Tofu is a protein packed treat for our furkids, freeze dried technology retain the maximum nutrition contain in bean curd.

𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐳𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨𝐟𝐮
✅Made with 100% bean curd.
✅Good source of protein as bonding treats & training snacks.
✅Freeze Dried technology retain the maximum nutrition contain in bean curd.
✅Crispy taste.
✅Suitable for small pets like 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 , 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠 & 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫.

💬 DM us "Grand Opening Voucher!" in Shopee to enjoy RM5 discount with only RM25 minimum purchase. 🤩
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#金丝熊 #小宠零食

Product Real Shot for our New Arrivals!💬 DM us "Grand Opening Voucher!" in Shopee to enjoy RM5 discount with only RM25 m...

Product Real Shot for our New Arrivals!

💬 DM us "Grand Opening Voucher!" in Shopee to enjoy RM5 discount with only RM25 minimum purchase. 🤩
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#金丝熊 #小宠零食

There are about 20 species of hamsters. The most popular species for pets are the golden or Syrian hamster (黄金鼠/金丝熊), an...

There are about 20 species of hamsters. The most popular species for pets are the golden or Syrian hamster (黄金鼠/金丝熊), and three different members of dwarf hamsters: the winter white dwarf hamster (三线鼠), Campbell's dwarf hamster (一线鼠), and the Roborovski hamster (罗伯罗夫斯基仓鼠 /老公公鼠/老婆婆鼠), the smallest of all hamster species.

Dwarf hamsters are only 2 to 4 inches (5-10cm) long, while a Syrian hamster can grow to be about 6 inches (15cm) long.

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#金丝熊 #侏儒鼠 #小宠零食


Jalan Pinggiran Mas


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