Paws Pal

Paws Pal Hear Your Pets & Heal Your Pets. Animal communicator & animal energy healer.
《 宠物沟通师 》
《 宠物能量疗愈师 》

Hear Your Pets & Heal Your Pets
I am Uncle David from Paws Pal. I am an animal communicator and animal energy healer.

您好 ! 我是来自Paws Pal 的 Uncle David
《 宠物沟通师 》《 宠物能量疗愈师 》

Specially blended Essential Oil for Dogs* Feeling Soothe 15ml - For dogs with skin conditions * Feeling Calm 15ml - For ...

Specially blended Essential Oil for Dogs

* Feeling Soothe 15ml - For dogs with skin conditions
* Feeling Calm 15ml - For dogs with Anxiety & Stress
* Happy Fur-ever 15ml - ( coming soon )

● 100% natural blended essential oil
● Uses only natural ingredients extracted from plants, giving off a natural and refreshing fragrance.
● Specially design for Dogs ONLY and NO DILUTION needed

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there.

Wishing everyone of you a joyful and relaxing Labor Day! May this day be a reminder of your hard work’s worth and the in...

Wishing everyone of you a joyful and relaxing Labor Day! May this day be a reminder of your hard work’s worth and the incredible impact you make.
Enjoy your well-deserved break!

Happy Labour Day & Happy Holiday



Paws Pal

Is it possible to feed your pet without meat?While vegetarian diets are often praised for their benefits to human health...

Is it possible to feed your pet without meat?
While vegetarian diets are often praised for their benefits to human health, the question arises as to whether they can be suitable for cats and dogs ?

The cat is a strictly carnivorous animal whose digestive system is uniquely adapted to animal proteins. The cat is a strict carnivore that needs animal tissues in its diet to obtain the essential elements it needs.

Unlike cats, dogs are omnivores. Dogs have become accustomed to eating leftovers from human diets. Their food intake is more varied which includes meat, starchy foods and vegetables. Anyway, it is still important to remain vigilant about dogs’ nutrient intake, to avoid deficiencies.

Please have a look at the comparison table of common meat contents.
While meat is rich in many nutrients, it is high in Phosphorus & most food contain higher Phosphorus than Calcium.

Do you know what will happen when it is too much of Phosphorus in the body?
The answer is excessive intake of phosphorus can increase the burden on the kidneys and cause discomfort in pets, such as chronic kidney failure.

So you need to really consider of providing Calcium intake to maintain the stable balance in the body because Calcium & Phosphorus are just like “ two brothers “ . If the portion difference between them is too large for a long time or becomes more severe, it can cause diseases especially chronic kidney failure.

If you are looking for natural source of homemade calcium powder, feel free to contact me for further info.

It will only cost you less than RM0.40 a day !

Paws Pal

Western medicine is our preferred treatment for pets. After all, Western medicine uses various medical instruments for d...

Western medicine is our preferred treatment for pets. After all, Western medicine uses various medical instruments for diagnosis, which aligns with our learning concepts and beliefs.

Therefore, when our pets are sick, first thing we do is to bring them to a veterinary clinic or hospital for examination and treatment. In recent years, we have also seen some Western vets incorporating aspects of Eastern medical treatment, such as the use of natural herbs, acupuncture & etc.

When it comes to medical care for pets, the main goal is to eliminate or control their illnesses through examination, diagnosis, and treatment. We recommend when pets are still young, please ensure them to have a complete vaccination record to protect them from specific contagious diseases. Whether it is Western or Eastern medical treatment, the main character is always the doctor because they are responsible for the primary tasks. Our role is to follow the doctor's instructions for giving medication and follow-up appointments.

In fact, when it comes to taking care of our pets' health, the most important characters are actually us - the pet parents, as we are the ones who decide what to give to our pets . We suggest that pet parents, who are the most important characters can also consider or learn about natural therapies that can assist pets, such as nutritional therapy and pet aromatherapy. Nutritional therapy involves providing pets with appropriate nutrients through natural food intake, allowing their bodies to naturally improve. Diseases can be improved through nutritional therapy in several major areas: absorption, circulation, and excretion.

Pet aromatherapy involves using specially blended essential oils made from natural plants ( please note that oils for cats and canines are different ) . Through skin massages and absorption , it will help to improve their condition. When pets are sick, in addition to medical treatment, pet parents can consider different alternatives therapies to assist them.

In fact, my biggest dream is to not only help the unfortunate stray animals on the street but also hope that more pet parents can have the ability to take good care of their pets' physical/ mental health and diet before they fall sick because good nutrition can definitely help to reduce the occurrence of diseases.

I still believe that I prefer giving animals their meals rather than giving medication. Because of love and understanding towards them, I tend to be more cautious.

西方医学会是我们毛孩最先倾向的治疗方式,毕竟西方医学有透过各种仪器去检测, 比较合乎我们的学习概念和信仰。 所以当毛孩生病是,我们会第一优先建议带毛孩前往宠物诊所或医院进行检查和治疗。近年来我们也看到部分西医也朝向融合东方医学如运用天然的草...

西方医学会是我们毛孩最先倾向的治疗方式,毕竟西方医学有透过各种仪器去检测, 比较合乎我们的学习概念和信仰。 所以当毛孩生病是,我们会第一优先建议带毛孩前往宠物诊所或医院进行检查和治疗。近年来我们也看到部分西医也朝向融合东方医学如运用天然的草药和针灸等疗法。
建议从毛孩小的时候, 我们就必须帮他们建立完整的疫苗免疫状况,确保毛孩体内有足够的抗体能保护他们不会受到特定传染病侵害。所以不管是中或西方的醫療法,主角都是是醫生因为主要的工作都是醫生在負責,而我们的部份就是遵照着醫生交代的喂毛孩吃藥和回診检查。
其实,在照顾我们的毛孩健康的身心, 最重要的主角还是我们这些毛孩的家长们因为毛孩所吃的其實都是毛孩家长所決定的。
建议身为最重要主角的毛孩家长也可以学习或考量能辅助毛孩的自然疗法如营养学食疗,宠物芳疗等。 营养学习食疗法是透过天然的食物摄取,让毛孩的身体得适合的营养于元素,再经由身体自然的运作来达到改善的效果。疾病是可以通过营养学食疗的几个大方向来改善 : 吸收,循环和吸收。
宠物芳疗是透过萃取天然植物所制而成的宠物精油 ( 猫和犬类不一样喔 )。这些特调的的精油是可以运用在皮肤的按摩与吸收上来协助改善。
我还是那一句话 --- 比起餵药 , 我更喜欢餵毛孩吃饭。因为爱和了解,所以更加谨慎。

要贴在冰箱上的毛孩禁忌食材Forbidden foodstuff For Your Furry Babies to be posted on the refrigerator有些食材在少量摄取时不会有中毒反应, 但是如果主人多这部分有兴趣喂...

Forbidden foodstuff For Your Furry Babies to be posted on the refrigerator

有些食材在少量摄取时不会有中毒反应, 但是如果主人多这部分有兴趣喂食毛孩, 在尝试前请先与兽医讨论。

Some foods may not cause poisoning if given a small portion, but if the owner is interested in feeding them to their furry babies,, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian before trying.

- 洋葱, 葱, 蒜 ( Onion & Garlic )
- 葡萄与葡萄乾 ( Grape & Garlic )
- 巧克力 ( Chocolate )
- 茶,咖啡 ( Tea & Coffee )
- 木糖醇 ( xylitol )
- 生蛋白 ( Raw White Egg )
- 夏威夷豆, 核桃 ( Macadamia & Walnut )
- 硬物, 果核, 易啃断的骨头, 鱼刺
- Firm & Core things , easy to break bones , sharp fish bones
- 加工品, 调味料, 腌制品, 酒精 ( Cured, flavoured Food & Alcohol )

Don't Forget About These Food 👆

Paws Pal

当您的毛小孩被喂食过多过高过量的蛋白質,您的毛小孩将可能面临体内钙质和磷的失衡。请花几分钟看看以下 : 钙质和磷 ( C& P ) are like Abang & Adik , 原因是身体里的C & P 必须维持稳定的平衡。 体内99%的...

当您的毛小孩被喂食过多过高过量的蛋白質,您的毛小孩将可能面临体内钙质和磷的失衡。请花几分钟看看以下 :

钙质和磷 ( C& P ) are like Abang & Adik , 原因是身体里的C & P 必须维持稳定的平衡。 体内99%的钙质存在于骨质中, 体内85%的磷与钙质一块存在于骨头里。体内的骨质不是永久的存在, 事实上骨质是不断生成, 分解, 再生成的, 它是钙磷的储藏池, 根据血中的钙磷的需求而被提出来利用, 用剩了再储存进来, 如此维持着动态平衡, 因此骨质的密度就与血中CP 比例有着密不可分的关联。他们就像两兄弟一样, 在身体里负责代谢和储存的工作常常携手在一起。Abang Adik 若大小差很多, 时间长了或严重的时候, 就会造成疾病了。

循环的血液中必须稳定提供一定的钙, 因为除了维持骨质外, 肌肉收缩 ( 包涵心肌细胞收缩 Cardiac muscle contraction ) , 神经冲动的传递Transmission of Nerve Impulse ), 特定的酶系统的活化 Enzymes Activation, 都需要这些钙的帮助。

为了维持血中的CP 平衡, 身体以副甲状腺素 PTH, 降钙素 Calcitonin与骨化三醇 Calcitriol , 来帮助稳定CP的平衡, 从骨质释放或收回CP 增加或减少自肾脏的吸收。
食物中的CP 比也影响着彼此的吸收度, 若食物的P含量过高, 则会大大仰制消化道吸收钙的效率。 同样的, 若C含量过高, 则C会与P结合成不可吸收的形式, 一样无法获得需要的P 。

制造毛孩餐点时 必须对C & P小心控制, 建议维持在C Vs P ( 1:1 - 2:1 )之间。 一般制作鲜食或生食, 大多数都P高于C, 尤其肉类, 少有C质高于P的食材。 所以摄取过量的磷会让肾脏负荷加重, 会引起毛孩的身体不适如慢性肾衰的问题 !!!

预防胜于治疗。您的毛孩您自己做主 !请咨询我。

What happened when your furry babies constantly being fed with high protein diet ? Please spare a few minutes to understand the below .

Calcium & Phosphorus ( C & P)are just like “ two brothers”, the reason is that C&P must maintain a stable balance in the body. 99% of Calcium in the body exists in the bones, and 85% of phosphorus is also present in the bones. The bone quality in the body is not permanent. In fact, it is constantly being generated, broken down, and regenerated. It is a storage pool for Calcium and Phosphorus, which are used and stored again according to the needs of Calcium and Phosphorus in the blood, maintaining a dynamic balance. Therefore, the density of bones is closely related to the proportion of C&P in the blood. They work together like “two brothers” in charge of metabolism and storage in the body. If the portion difference between them is too large for a long time or becomes more severe, it can cause diseases.

A stable supply of calcium must be provided in the circulating blood because it is needed not only to maintain bone structure but also for muscle contraction (including cardiac muscle contraction), transmission of nerve impulses, and activation of specific enzyme systems.

To maintain the balance of C&P in the blood, the body uses parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin, and calcitriol to help stabilize the CP balance by releasing or retrieving CP from the bones and increasing or decreasing its absorption from the kidneys.

The CP ratio in food also affects the absorption of each other. If the food has a high phosphorus content, it will greatly inhibit the efficiency of calcium absorption in the digestive tract. Similarly, if the calcium content is too high, it will combine with phosphorus in an un-absorbable form, and will not be able to obtain the necessary phosphorus.

When preparing meals for your furry babies, C&P must be carefully controlled, and it is recommended to maintain a ratio of C vs P (1:1 - 2:1). Most ingredients used in homemade diets especially raw diet, they generally have a higher phosphorus content than calcium, especially meat. It is rare to find ingredients with higher calcium content than phosphorus. Therefore, excessive intake of phosphorus can increase the burden on the kidneys and cause discomfort in pets, such as chronic kidney failure !

FYI Calcium is the most lacking nutrient in most furry babies.
Prevention is better than after cure ! Your furry babies are your decision. Find out from me how .

Paws Pal

毛孩营养概念 / The nutritional concept for your furry babies毛孩必需的六大营养/6 essential nutrients for you furry babies1. 水/ Water ( ...

毛孩营养概念 / The nutritional concept for your furry babies

毛孩必需的六大营养/6 essential nutrients for you furry babies

1. 水/ Water ( kg X 50-60 )= 每天所需的水量 / Daily water intake
2. 蛋白质/ Protein
3. 碳水化合物/ Carbohydrate
4. 脂肪/ Fat
5. 维他命 / Vitamin
6. 矿物质/ Minerals

The most important thing for our furry friends when they are not sick is to learn about their nutrition concepts and maintain a healthy diet, as good & essential nutrition can definitely help to reduce from falling sick.

On the sky full of twinkling stars that stays; I look for a falling star to make a wish! make a wish !The homeless stree...

On the sky full of twinkling stars that stays;

I look for a falling star to make a wish! make a wish !
The homeless street animals also look for a falling star to make a wish ! make a wish !

We make the same wish ! the same wish !

Let all the homeless street animals are able to find a home ! a home ! a loving home !

For the time being , I can only arrange the session for the below Animal Communication services on every Monday, Tuesday...

For the time being , I can only arrange the session for the below Animal Communication services on every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday due to my other work commitments.
Apologies for the inconvenience arises.

For appointment, please contact Uncle David at .
Thank you.

基于我的其他工作安排,目前我只能安排以下宠物沟通服务的时间在每周一至周三而已。给您带来的不便, 请多包涵。

任何预约, 可以联系Uncle David


Because I love you all...I learned to understand you.I learned about pet communication.I learned about pet energy healin...

Because I love you all...
I learned to understand you.
I learned about pet communication.
I learned about pet energy healing.
I learned about pet blessings.
I learned about pet aromatherapy healing.
I learned about pet massage healing.
I learned about how you can eat healthy and live healthy
Just because I love you all.

Because I also aware that the aging process of pets is much faster than humans, and the average lifespan of pets is only about 10-15 years
I hope that my pets can live longer, healthier, and happier
(This is also the heartfelt wish of all pet parents)
Time waits for no one, so let's do something for our pets to avoid regrets in the future.

These two essential oils ( Feeling Soothe & Feeling Calm ) are specially formulated for dogs, and each bottle is carefully and lovingly blended by me, so the quantity of products which I can blend each month is limited.

Paws Pal Feeling Soothe - A special essential oil blend for soothing skin itching and other skin discomfort in dogs
Paws Pal Feeling Calm - A special essential oil blend for calming and soothing dogs

To learn more info or purchase, please contact me at
( Special offer for Uncle David's Animal Communication Clients )

因为爱你们。。。我学习了解你们我学习宠物沟通我学习宠物能量疗愈我学习宠物祈福我学习宠物精油疗愈我学习宠物按摩疗愈我学习宠物如何吃和活得健康因为我也了解毛孩的老化速度比人类要快很多, 毛孩的平均寿命也是只有10几年我希望我的毛孩能够活得更久、...

因为我也了解毛孩的老化速度比人类要快很多, 毛孩的平均寿命也是只有10几年
( 这也是所有毛爸媽衷心期望的事 )

这两款精油 ( Feeling Soothe & Feeling Calm)是我专门为狗毛孩 ( Dogs Only )人手一瓶一瓶精心和爱心调制而成, 所以我每一个月能做出来的产品货量是有限的。

Paws Pal Feeling Soothe – 狗毛孩专属的皮肤瘙痒及其他皮肤舒缓的精油配方
Paws Pal Feeling Calm- 狗毛孩专属的安抚镇静的精油配方

( Uncle David 的宠物沟通客户享有特别优惠 )

To all my Muslim Abang- Abang , Kakak - Kakak & friends , Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan & Selamat menunaikan ibadah p...

To all my Muslim Abang- Abang , Kakak - Kakak & friends , Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan & Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa .

Coming soon. Specially dedicated to Canines Only

Coming soon. Specially dedicated to Canines Only

恭喜发财 。May You Be Happy & Prosperous Good ONG & HUAT Luck in this year of Dragon 2024

恭喜发财 。
May You Be Happy & Prosperous
Good ONG & HUAT Luck in this year of Dragon 2024

Dogs and Cats are not great fans of New Year  fireworks. So am I. Please keep them safe and calm by taking the right pre...

Dogs and Cats are not great fans of New Year fireworks. So am I. Please keep them safe and calm by taking the right precautions.


因此,宠物家长请记住要特别注意 !

Chinese New Year is just around the corner and we are so excited. Everyone loves sharing the festive joy with their pets, especially around this time. There are also cheeky pets who love to sneak human treats & food here and there. The increase in different 'Human' foods can cause them to develop pancreatitis. Pet pancreatitis is always the most common disease in the emergency department of veterinary hospitals during the holidays and festivals. Does your pet have symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and decreased appetite?

These symptoms are often mistaken for a cold or gastroenteritis

So pet parents please remember to pay more attention !



Because I love you all...
I learned about adoption.
I learned about feeding.
I learned about rescuing.
I learned about fostering.
But due to a serious injury suffered during one rescue...
I am unable to involve in rescue anymore.
But because I still love you all,
I learned to understand you.
I learned about pet communication.
I learned about pet energy healing.
I learned about pet blessings.
I learned about pet aromatherapy healing.
I learned about pet massage healing.
I learned about how you can eat healthy and live healthy
Just because I love you all.
Hope that one day will flourish those knowledges

One by one tunggu Free KTM Massage ( Kindness, Trust & Maintenance)

One by one tunggu Free KTM Massage ( Kindness, Trust & Maintenance)

Put your heart in your hand, and then put your hand on the animal.用心放在您手上, 然后用您的手放在动物身上。Your behavior changes and animal...

Put your heart in your hand, and then put your hand on the animal.

用心放在您手上, 然后用您的手放在动物身上。

Your behavior changes and animal behavior changes accordingly.

您的行为改变, 动物行为也跟着您改变

I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you , thank you

对不起, 请原谅我, 我爱你, 谢谢你

Bought one pumpkin RM7 from Pasar and made Pumpkin Puree for the dogs.Pumpkin is nutrient-dense, low in calories and hig...

Bought one pumpkin RM7 from Pasar and made Pumpkin Puree for the dogs.

Pumpkin is nutrient-dense, low in calories and high in fiber and water.

A tablespoon of pumpkin puree in your dog's food can add a nutrient and fiber boost, while helping to regulate digestive function.


In just ten minutes a day, you can give your dog a “maintenance” massage. Use a flat palm to slowly touch all the parts of your dog’s body. Really focus on what you are feeling and pay attention to all the layers, from hair through skin, fat, muscle, and down to bone.


Anjing pun tak boleh tahan 😁

Understanding the limitations of animal telepathic for finding lost and missing cats, dogs & lost animals of all kind. S...

Understanding the limitations of animal telepathic for finding lost and missing cats, dogs & lost animals of all kind.

So it is important to make sure you look after them well as finding lost animals and bringing them home is one of the most challenging situations owners and animal communicators face .

Hello kawan , saya bukan Gemuk & Fat ..Apa yang anda lihat adalah " Expansion of Love , Cinta yang Melebar 爱的膨胀 "😅?

Hello kawan , saya bukan Gemuk & Fat ..
Apa yang anda lihat adalah " Expansion of Love , Cinta yang Melebar 爱的膨胀 "😅?

I have done more than 100 sessions of AC, first time to receive a thank you message from the subject . Get well soon . S...

I have done more than 100 sessions of AC,
first time to receive a thank you message from the subject .

Get well soon . Sending my healing thoughts to you , Gretel .


Good Morning and Happy Purrfect Wednesday


Pulau Pinang





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