🐾Join our membership program and enjoy exclusive privileges!🐾
Limited offers, exclusive events, all in the members-only area. Register now and embark on a unique shopping experience!
① Shop more, save more! Earn points with every purchase and redeem them for coupons. Join now and save even more!
② Special surprises for your furry friends' birthdays! Each month brings a different surprise, waiting for you to discover!
③ Check your points online, anytime! Members can register an account and easily view their purchase points. Shop online and enjoy all the membership perks in one place!
④ Book appointments online, and track your spending history! Members can directly book accommodation and grooming services online, while also checking their past purchases and appointments. Convenience at your fingertips!
⑤ Exclusive perks await you! As our member, check your email regularly for special surprises we send your way. Don't miss out on these exclusive offers!
For more details, check out the information in the image below. Don't miss out on exclusive deals! Become our member and turn every shopping trip into an exciting journey! ✨
① 购物多省钱多!每笔消费都能兑换积分领优惠券。快来加入会员,省更多!
② 宠物生日当月,会员有惊喜!每月惊喜不同,等你来发现!
③ 网上查积分,随时方便!会员可注册账户,轻松查看消费积分。更可在网店购物,一站式享受会员特权!
④ 网上预约,消费记录一目了然!会员可直接预订住宿和剪毛服务,还能查看过往消费和预约记录。方便快捷,尽在指尖!
⑤ 独家福利,等你发现!作为我们的会员,定时查收电子邮件,您将有机会收到我们不定时发送的特别福利,惊喜连连!