10 • 05 • 24
这视频让我看了伤心欲绝 !
我喂养的一家4口毛孩,每天都会在傍晚时分等待我来让牠们温饱,前天当我到达喂养处时,不见牠们出来迎接,唯有在附近四处寻找,寻找了大约一个多小时,但一切都徒劳无功,完全看不见牠们的踪迹 。
昨天傍晚再度寻找,结果始终是一样,但后来从一名外籍劳工转发视频让我看时,看见一只我喂养的小毛孩正在做垂死挣扎的情形,即时让我心痛欲绝,在牠往生后,该名好心的外籍员工帮忙牠入土为安,但还有3只不见牠们的踪迹,在苦苦的寻找下终于找到一只小毛孩,但牠的神情恍惚是呼已经受到极大的创伤 。
今天我吩咐我的员工及该名善心的员工一起进入该区域寻找,无论生死必都须找到,以及搜集环境证据,以寻找下毒毒害毛孩的元凶 。最后我祈望下毒者必定受到因果报应,面临悲惨的下场 。
10 • 05 • 24
This video made me heartbroken!
I feed a family of 4 fur babies, and they wait for me every evening to keep them fed and fed. When I arrived at the feeding place the day before yesterday, I didn’t see them coming out to greet them. I could only look around for more than an hour, but everything was gone. It was all in vain, and there was no trace of them at all.
I searched again yesterday evening, and the result was always the same. But when a foreign worker forwarded a video to me, I saw a little fur baby I fed struggling to death. It immediately made me heartbroken. After it passed away , the kind-hearted foreign employee helped it to be laid to rest, but there were still three missing ones. After a hard search, they finally found a little fur baby, but its expression was in a daze, indicating that it had been greatly traumatized.
Today, I ordered my employees and the kind-hearted employee to enter the area to search, whether alive or dead, and to collect environme
12 • 04 • 24
感恩篇 !
感谢天 !感谢地 !
同时也感谢所有为哈士奇祈福的善心朋友,让大家的祈福转为力量,让哈士奇能在短期内恢复健康,目前哈士奇还有5天的疗程,过后就能回来收容所和牠的朋友们一起生活了 。
不过牠现在已经急不急待的想着回家了 。
在此再一次的感谢大家 。🙏🙏🙏
12 • 04 • 24
Thank goodness! Thank you!
At the same time, I would also like to thank all the kind friends who pray for the Husky. Everyone's prayers can be turned into strength, so that the Husky can recover in a short time. Currently, the Husky still has 5 days of treatment, after which he can return to the shelter to live with his friends. .
But now it is eager to go home.😀
Thank you all once again. 🙏🙏🙏
释迦牟尼佛成道日是佛教中的一个节日,庆祝释迦牟尼证得无上正等正觉。 释迦牟尼经过多年孤独的禁欲修行,最终坐于菩提伽耶的大菩提树下,证得无上正等正觉。 此节日传到东亚文化圈后,成为中国的腊八节和日本的成道会
借此殊圣的节日,祝福天下所有的众生,得以平安健康,离苦得乐 。
Sakyamuni Buddha's Enlightenment Day is a festival in Buddhism that celebrates Sakyamuni's attainment of supreme enlightenment. After many years of solitary ascetic practice, Sakyamuni finally sat under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya and achieved supreme enlightenment. After this festival spread to the East Asian cultural circle, it became the Laba Festival in China and the Enlightenment Society in Japan.
On this special holiday, I wish all living beings in the world peace and health, freedom from suffering and happiness.
这世界上最残忍的莫过于是人类 。
这些都是我们人类最忠诚的朋友 - 在我们人类遇上灾难的时刻,唯一能拯救人类的都是这些舍命相救的毛孩和搜救犬,当在没有灾难时,牠们却成了人类餐桌上的佳肴美食 。
毛孩子们一生都为人类有所奉献,但牠们最终却得不到人类的维护和关怀,世事的残酷永远改变不了这些毛孩子们的命运 。
我们能做到的,即是尽我们所能,以教育唤醒人类的思维,让大家可以终止这些残酷的事件发生 。
The most cruel thing in the world is human beings.
These are our most loyal friends - when we humans encounter disasters, the only ones who can save mankind are these fur babies and search and rescue dogs who risk their lives to save us. When there is no disaster, they become the food on the human table. Delicious food.
The furry children have dedicated their lives to mankind, but in the end they cannot receive the protection and care of humans. The cruelty of the world will never change the fate of these furry children.
What we can do is do our best to awaken human thinking through education, so that everyone can stop these cruel incidents from happening.
07 • 01 • 24
用爱溶化您恐惧的心灵 。
只有真诚无私的爱,才能战胜恐惧无助的弱小心灵,毛孩永远把人类当成最忠诚的朋友,而人类的自私自利,把毛孩当成商品分等级出售,甚至因为不爱把牠们遗弃最终成为街上流浪的动物 。
希望借此视频的播出,让大家能清楚明白毛孩们真正的善良心灵,得到大家的认可,一起维护和爱惜牠们的生命,终结牠们成为流浪动物的命运 。
07 • 01 • 24
Melt your fearful heart with love.
Only sincere and selfless love can defeat the fearful and helpless little hearts. Furry babies will always regard humans as their most loyal friends. However, human beings are selfish and treat furry babies as commodities and sell them in different grades. They even abandon them because they don’t love them and eventually become street products. on stray animals.
I hope that through the broadcast of this video, everyone can clearly understand the true kindness of furry children, gain everyone's recognition, and work together to protect and cherish their lives and end their fate of becoming stray animals.
06 • 01 • 24
他是一名拾荒的流浪老人,可是他身边围绕的50只毛孩却不是流浪毛孩,因为牠们有一位仁慈善良爱护牠们的善心主人 。
06 • 01 • 24
He is a homeless old man scavenging, but the 50 furkids around him are not stray furkids because they have a kind owner who loves and cares for them .
25 • 12 • 23
圣诞节快乐 !
毛孩是我们生活中的最佳良伴,无论在什么时刻,牠都是我们生活上的好拍档,没有养过毛孩的朋友,他们是不能领略其中的乐趣 。
25 • 12 • 23
Merry Chrismas !
Furkids are the best companions in our lives. They are good partners in our lives at any time. Friends who have not raised Furkids cannot appreciate the fun.