Meefah Homeless Animal Shelter By Mr.YONG ""

Meefah Homeless Animal Shelter By Mr.YONG "" ( PERSATUAN PENJAGAAN ANJING & KUCING LIAR SELANGOR -PPM-003-10-26102019 )
MBB A/C NO : 5129 7806 1258

任何相关咨询可以联络 Mr.

30 • 06 • 24保护小毛孩的第一屏障 - 注射 7合1 疫苗 。这是一群被人遗弃在早市的小毛孩,由于早市必须搬迁,小毛孩已经失去了躯身的地方,在还未被市政厅捕捉之前,我把牠们都带回收容所,在隔离满7天的隔离期限后,为牠们注射第一支疫...

30 • 06 • 24
保护小毛孩的第一屏障 - 注射 7合1 疫苗 。
这是一群被人遗弃在早市的小毛孩,由于早市必须搬迁,小毛孩已经失去了躯身的地方,在还未被市政厅捕捉之前,我把牠们都带回收容所,在隔离满7天的隔离期限后,为牠们注射第一支疫苗,让牠们可以安全和健康的生活在收容所里 。

30 • 06 • 24
The first barrier to protect your furry child - the 7-in-1 vaccine.
This is a group of little fur babies who were abandoned in the morning market. Because the morning market had to be relocated, the little fur babies had lost their bodies. Before they were captured by the city hall, I took them all back to the shelter. After the 7-day quarantine period, give them the first vaccine so that they can live safely and healthily in the shelter.

23 • 06 • 24Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter 义卖筹款活动已经来到了ENDAH PARADE .希望大家能踊跃到来支持我们这项义卖筹款活动,同时我们也感谢 Mars Petcare 赞助 IAMS ...

23 • 06 • 24
Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter 义卖筹款活动已经来到了ENDAH PARADE .
希望大家能踊跃到来支持我们这项义卖筹款活动,同时我们也感谢 Mars Petcare 赞助 IAMS 及 PEDIGREE 的猫狗粮样品让我们免费派送给有养宠物的朋友们,让他们的宠物能够获得均衡的营养和在健康的成长 。

23 • 06 • 24
Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter charity sale fundraiser has come to ENDAH PARADE.
We hope everyone can come and support our charity sale. We also thank Mars Petcare for sponsoring IAMS and PEDIGREE cat and dog food samples for us to distribute for free to friends who have pets, so that their pets can get balanced nutrition. and healthy growth.


在生活当中,如果您遇见了无助和饥饿的毛孩向您伸手求助时,请别冷漠无视的驱赶或用脚蹬踢牠们,我们必须将心比心的换位思考,如果这等遭遇的是您自己,这将任何的感受 ?

请尽您所能,布施一些食物让牠们可以温饱一餐,因为牠们的下一餐不知在什么时候可以实现,这就是流浪毛孩悲惨的遭遇 。

爱护流浪动物,人人有责,让您我率先做起,让流浪的毛孩能感受到人间社会的温暖 。

In life, if you encounter a helpless and hungry furry child reaching out to you for help, please don’t drive them away or kick them with indifference. We must empathize with others and think about it. If this is the case for me, Will this make any sense?

Please do your best to give them some food so that they can have enough to eat, because they don’t know when their next meal will be available. This is the tragic experience of the stray furry children.

It is everyone’s responsibility to care for stray animals. Let you and I take the lead, so that stray fur babies can feel the warmth of human society.

20 • 06 • 24我们非常的感恩 Petchef 每个月的固定捐助我们他们的健康食粮,让我们收容所里的毛孩子们都得以健康快乐的生活,同时也减少疾病的诞生,让我们可以节省不少医药费用的开支 。我们也非常的感恩于您,Winnie See ...

20 • 06 • 24
我们非常的感恩 Petchef 每个月的固定捐助我们他们的健康食粮,让我们收容所里的毛孩子们都得以健康快乐的生活,同时也减少疾病的诞生,让我们可以节省不少医药费用的开支 。
我们也非常的感恩于您,Winnie See 。

20 • 06 • 24
We are very grateful to Petchef for donating healthy food to us every month, which allows the furry children in our shelter to live a healthy and happy life, and at the same time reduces the birth of diseases, allowing us to save a lot of medical expenses.
We are also very grateful to you, Winnie See.

17 • 06 • 24收容所的日常工作!天刚亮,忙碌的一天工作就马上开始了。在打扫完所有的犬舍和各个区域后,员工们要先把煮好的碎米、和刚煮好的鸡肉碎、鸡肝和狗粮混合在一起,然后用推车把混合好的食物运送到各个犬舍,开始喂食工作。在经过一个半...

17 • 06 • 24

接下来就是给毛孩子们洗澡的时间了,我们规定每个员工每天至少要给6-10只毛宝宝洗澡,生病的毛孩子们要喂药。傍晚时分再进行第三轮清洗,之后大家分工合作 ,把我从外面带回来的食物煮熟,以便第二天可以喂食。




Our NGO donation Account No :
我们的官方捐助户口号码 :
Persatuan Penjagaan Anjing & Kucing Liar Selangor.
Selangor Furry Future Association.
MBB Account No : 5129 7806 1258

Our broken rice supplier contact number :
我们碎米供应商的联系号码 :
Miss Tan : 011 - 5558 2236 ( What's app )
: 010 - 945 1048

15• 06 • 24来自MMU大学的学生访问了我们Meefah Homeless Animal Shelter ,用了一天的时间拍摄了一段记录影片,以真实记录毛孩子们在收容所里的日常生活状况,探讨流浪毛孩的由来,收容所的运作过程和需求,及...

15• 06 • 24
来自MMU大学的学生访问了我们Meefah Homeless Animal Shelter ,用了一天的时间拍摄了一段记录影片,以真实记录毛孩子们在收容所里的日常生活状况,探讨流浪毛孩的由来,收容所的运作过程和需求,及主要面对的种种问题,以便让公众更加理解收容所真正存在的目的 。

待视频剪辑完成后,我们将在这个Meefah Homeless Animal Shelter 的官方脸书主页上播放,以便支持及关注我们收容所的爱心朋友们能够一起分享 。

15 • 06 • 24
Students from MMU University visited our Meefah Homeless Animal Shelter and spent a day shooting a documentary video to truly record the daily life of furry children in the shelter and explore the origin of stray furry children, the operation process of the shelter and needs, and the main problems faced, so that the public can better understand the true purpose of the shelter.

After the video editing is completed, we will broadcast it on the official page of Meefah Homeless Animal Shelter so that loving friends who support and follow our shelter can share it together.


16 • 06 • 24
父亲节快乐 !
祝福全世界的父亲们,父亲节愉快 !
也祝福父亲们,阖家健康平安幸福 !

今年的父亲节,我最心疼爱阿 Girl 已经不在了,牠的离别让我一时不能忍受,也觉得非常无奈和悲伤,我无时无刻的想念着牠,牠的影子始终不能在我的脑海中抹去,有时我还会情不自禁的喊牠的名字,但始终牠已经不会再出现在我的眼前,我希望牠在另一个世界能惦记着我,我会永远一直怀念着牠 。

这是父亲对心爱的女儿Ah Girl 的感受和情爱,也是和牠做最后的告别,希望牠来世还能继续与我相聚,重续父女情 。

Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers around the world!
I also wish fathers and their families health, safety and happiness!

On Father's Day this year, the girl I love the most is no longer here. Her departure made me unbearable for a moment, and I felt very helpless and sad. I miss her all the time, and her shadow can never be erased from my imagination. sometimes I can't help shouting its name, but it will no longer appear in front of my eyes. I hope it can remember me in another world, and I will miss it forever.

This is the father’s feelings and love for his beloved daughter, and it is also his final farewell. I hope that she can continue to reunite with me in the next life and renew the father-daughter relationship.

05 • 06 • 24600包毛孩的素食食粮,感恩非常的由一位来自新加坡的善心朋友 Yvonne Chow ,捐助给我们收容所里的毛孩子们享用,让我们的毛孩子们能健康快乐的成长 。     05 • 06 • 24600 packs of...

05 • 06 • 24
600包毛孩的素食食粮,感恩非常的由一位来自新加坡的善心朋友 Yvonne Chow ,捐助给我们收容所里的毛孩子们享用,让我们的毛孩子们能健康快乐的成长 。

05 • 06 • 24
600 packs of vegetarian food for fur babies were donated with great gratitude by Yvonne Chow, a kind friend from Singapore, to the fur babies in our shelter so that our fur babies can grow up healthily and happily.

10 - 06 • 24端午节快乐 !农历五月初五,是中国民间的传统节日——端午节,它是中华民族古老的传统节日之一。 端午也称端五,端阳。 此外,端午节还有许多别称,如:午日节、重五节,五月节、浴兰节、女儿节,天中节、地腊、诗人节、龙日等等...

10 - 06 • 24
端午节快乐 !
农历五月初五,是中国民间的传统节日——端午节,它是中华民族古老的传统节日之一。 端午也称端五,端阳。 此外,端午节还有许多别称,如:午日节、重五节,五月节、浴兰节、女儿节,天中节、地腊、诗人节、龙日等等。
在我国马来西亚,端午节也是我国华夏同胞庆祝的节日之一,裹粽子,赛龙舟同时也是游子回乡团圆的日子 。
Meefah流浪动物收容所同仁祝福所有的爱心及善心支持和捐助我们的粉丝朋友,端午节愉快 ! 阖家欢庆大团圆 。

10 - 06 • 24
Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese folk festival. It is one of the ancient traditional festivals of the Chinese nation. The Dragon Boat Festival is also called Dragon Boat Festival and Duanyang. In addition, the Dragon Boat Festival has many other names, such as: Noon Day Festival, Chongwu Festival, May Festival, Bath Orchid Festival, Girl's Day, Tianzhong Festival, Di La, Poet's Day, Dragon Day and so on.
In our country, Malaysia, the Dragon Boat Festival is also one of the festivals celebrated by our Chinese compatriots. Wrapping rice dumplings and racing dragon boats are also days for tourists to return home and reunite.
The colleagues at Meefah Stray Animal Shelter wish all our fans and friends who support and donate with love and kindness, a happy Dragon Boat Festival! The whole family celebrates the reunion.

02 • 06 • 24周日Meefah流浪动物收容所开心休闲游 !一群由吧生远到而来的爱心朋友和家人开心畅游了Meefah流浪动物收容所 。与此同时也让他们可以了解流浪动物在收容所里的生活,让他们可以理解这些命运坎坷的毛孩子们的遭遇,在这...

02 • 06 • 24
周日Meefah流浪动物收容所开心休闲游 !
一群由吧生远到而来的爱心朋友和家人开心畅游了Meefah流浪动物收容所 。

与此同时也让他们可以了解流浪动物在收容所里的生活,让他们可以理解这些命运坎坷的毛孩子们的遭遇,在这里的每一只毛孩都有牠们悲惨的故事 。

讲解如何造成毛孩子们流浪的原因,灌输孩子们从小应该如何的爱护动物,避免让毛孩子成为无辜的流浪动物等,这都是我们义务必须让群众分享的问题,以便可以减少流浪毛孩子们的数量,让流浪毛孩的悲剧持续发生 。

我们也欢迎大家与家人及社会各阶层的朋友,可以一起来游览Meefah流浪动物收容所,以便可以理解和探索到流浪动物们面对的问题,让大家可以齐心合力为这些命运坎坷的毛孩做出一些协助,让毛孩子们可以得到牠们生活的基本权利,避免牠们受到虐待和伤害 。

在这里我祝福大家拥有一个开心和充实的周日,希望这次的游览可以带给大家愉快的周日和一份爱护动物的理念,把毛孩当成家里的一份子,用爱心把爱护毛孩的资讯分享给身边所有的朋友,让更多的人可以一起响应 。

欲造访Meefah流浪动物收容所的爱心朋友,可以联络 :YONG : 012-331 2680


02 • 06 • 24一个晴天霹雳的厄讯,让我肝肠寸断 !正在Gasing Animals Hospital 接受化疗的Ah Girl, 癌细胞忽然分裂转移其他器官,最终敌不过死神的召唤,不治身亡 。Ah Girl  是我众多的毛孩中,最...

02 • 06 • 24
一个晴天霹雳的厄讯,让我肝肠寸断 !
正在Gasing Animals Hospital 接受化疗的Ah Girl, 癌细胞忽然分裂转移其他器官,最终敌不过死神的召唤,不治身亡 。
Ah Girl 是我众多的毛孩中,最为乖巧和懂事的女孩,自从4年前被我救援回来后,一直都很乖巧和听话,贴心更不在话下,是我最得宠的毛孩,这次牠得癌症,我也不惜一切代价,为牠治疗,一切能治疗癌症的中药我都买给牠服用,箭猪枣,片仔癀,珍珠王粉,都一一让牠服用,初期服用后反应还很好,真想不到癌细胞会忽然的反复发作,让牠病入膏肓 。
我现在唯一的心愿,祝福牠往返极乐世界,别再轮回人间受苦难,如果真的有来世,我愿牠再继续做我最疼爱的女儿 。

02 • 06 • 24
The bad news that came as a bolt from the blue made me heartbroken!
Ah Girl was undergoing chemotherapy at Gasing Animals Hospital. The cancer cells suddenly divided and metastasized to other organs. In the end, she could not resist the call of death and died.
Ah Girl is the most well-behaved and sensible girl among my many fur babies. Since she was rescued by me 4 years ago, she has always been very well-behaved and obedient. She is also considerate and considerate. She is my favorite fur baby. This time she got I also tried to treat cancer at all costs. I bought all the Chinese medicines that can treat cancer and gave it to take, including porcupine dates, Pien Tze Huang, and Pearl King powder. The response was very good after the initial use. I really didn't expect that cancer cells would suddenly reoccur, making it extremely ill.
My only wish now is to bless it to go back and forth to the paradise world, and not to reincarnate in the human world and suffer misery. If there is an afterlife, I hope it can continue to be my most beloved daughter.


01 • 06 • 24“感恩星洲日报帮我们做这一次的报道 ”让更多人避免受骗 我们也已经开了新的主页希望各位多多点赞继续关注我们 你的小小善举 我代毛孩们感谢你 😇🙏🏻❤️01 • 06 • 24Thanks to Sin Chew Da...

01 • 06 • 24
“感恩星洲日报帮我们做这一次的报道 ”

你的小小善举 我代毛孩们感谢你 😇🙏🏻❤️

01 • 06 • 24
Thanks to Sin Chew Daily for helping us with this report."
Let more people avoid being deceived

We have also opened a new homepage
I hope you will like more and continue to follow us
For your small act of kindness, I thank you on behalf of the furry kids 😇🙏❤️

士毛月美花动物收容所呼吁粉丝停止关注旧专页,以免有人滥用名义行骗。(八打灵再也1日讯)疑旧员工“绑”走脸书专页管理权,士毛月美花动物收容所呼吁粉丝“取关(unfollow)”旧专页,改关注新专页——“Meefah Homeless An...

22 • 05 • 24今天是卫塞节,是一个非常殊胜的好日子,也是 Ah Girl 为期一个月的化疗疗程的第一天,希望疗程一切都顺利进行,让Ah Girl 早日康复回家 。这未进行化疗的一个星期前,我已经让 Ah Girl 先服用箭猪枣和片...

22 • 05 • 24
今天是卫塞节,是一个非常殊胜的好日子,也是 Ah Girl 为期一个月的化疗疗程的第一天,希望疗程一切都顺利进行,让Ah Girl 早日康复回家 。
这未进行化疗的一个星期前,我已经让 Ah Girl 先服用箭猪枣和片仔癀和一些抗癌保健品以增强Ah Girl 自身的免疫力,让癌细胞可以尽快的被消灭,以期待Ah Girl 可以尽早康复 。
在此我也希望大家能一起为 Ah Girl 祈福,让Ah Girl 早日恢复健康,回家团聚 。
同时也希望大家能伸出援手,慷慨解囊,为 Ah Girl 赞助医药费用,因为这次的化疗费用非常庞大,需要大家的支持,我们才渡过难关 。
谢谢大家,也非常感恩于您 。

欲捐助Ah Girl 的化疗费用可以汇入 :
Persatuan Penjagaan Anjing & Kucing Liar Selangor.
Selangor Furry Future Association.
Account no : 5129 7806 1258

22 • 05 • 24
Today is Vesak Day, which is a very special day. It is also the first day of Ah Girl’s month-long chemotherapy treatment. I hope everything goes smoothly during the treatment and Ah Girl recovers and goes home soon.
One week before chemotherapy, I asked Ah Girl to take porcupine dates, Pien Tze Huang and some anti-cancer health products to enhance Ah Girl’s own immunity so that the cancer cells can be eliminated as soon as possible, in the hope that Ah Girl can Get well soon.
I also hope that everyone can pray for Ah Girl together so that Ah Girl can recover as soon as possible and go home to be reunited.
At the same time, I also hope that everyone can lend a helping hand and donate generously to sponsor Ah Girl’s medical expenses, because the cost of chemotherapy this time is very huge, and we need everyone’s support to tide over the difficulties.
Thank you all, and I am very grateful to you.

If you want to donate to Ah Girl’s chemotherapy expenses, you can wire it to:
Persatuan Penjagaan Anjing & Kucing Liar Selangor.
Selangor Furry Future Association.
Account no: 5129 7806 1258

#流浪动物 #动物收容所
#救助流浪动物 #毛孩

31 • 05 • 24郑重声明 !温馨提醒 !Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter 只有一个官方的捐款号码和 QR CODE. 为了不让非法诈骗者利用我们收容所的名誉诈骗捐款,我们特此声明 。真实Meefah H...

31 • 05 • 24
郑重声明 !温馨提醒 !
Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter 只有一个官方的捐款号码和 QR CODE.

为了不让非法诈骗者利用我们收容所的名誉诈骗捐款,我们特此声明 。

真实Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter 的官方捐款号码 :
Persatuan Penjagaan Anjing & Kucing Liar Selangor.
Selangor Furry Future Association.
Account no : 5129 7806 1258

除以上是Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter 的官方捐款号码以外,别无其他的任何捐款号码,如发现有人冒充利用Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter的名誉向大众筹款,都是属于非法诈骗的行为 。

31 • 05 • 24
Solemnly declare ! Reminder !
Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter only has an official donation number and QR CODE.

In order to prevent illegal scammers from taking advantage of our shelter's reputation to defraud donations, we hereby declare .

The official donation number of the real Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter:
Persatuan Penjagaan Anjing & Kucing Liar Selangor.
Selangor Furry Future Association.
Account no: 5129 7806 1258

Except for the official donation number of Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter, there is no other donation number. If someone is found to be pretending to use the reputation of Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter to raise funds from the public, it is an illegal fraud.

#流浪动物 #动物收容所
#救援流浪动物 #毛孩

31 • 05 • 24今天我以MEEFAH HOMELESS ANIMALS SHELTER 的负责人身份,向大家宣布一项讯息,我们收容所的脸书帐号在 23 • 05 • 24被不良分子骇入而被盗用,在此呼吁大家请停止关注此已经被不良分子...

31 • 05 • 24
今天我以MEEFAH HOMELESS ANIMALS SHELTER 的负责人身份,向大家宣布一项讯息,我们收容所的脸书帐号在 23 • 05 • 24被不良分子骇入而被盗用,在此呼吁大家请停止关注此已经被不良分子盗用的脸书帐号,以免被不良分子诈骗 。‼️🙏🙏

我已经将此案件投报警方,一切有关诈骗及违法的事情,将由警方着手调查,希望造案者最终必受法律的制裁 。
请大家继续关注我们的新脸书帐号, Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter By Mr.YONG, 这才是我们 Meefah 流浪动物收容所真正的官方脸书帐号,敬请大家认真辨别,以免落入诈骗分子的圈套 。

最后我恳请大家一起把这讯息广发出去,让更多的朋友能够一起分享,谢谢大家 。‼️🙏🙏

31 • 05 • 24
Today, as the person in charge of MEEFAH HOMELESS ANIMALS SHELTER, I announce to you that our shelter’s Facebook account was hacked and stolen by bad elements on 23 • 05 • 24. I hereby appeal to everyone to stop following this facebook accounts stolen by bad elements to avoid being defrauded by bad elements. ‼️🙏🙏

I have reported this case to the police. All fraud and illegal matters will be investigated by the police. I hope that the perpetrators will eventually be punished by law.

Please continue to follow our new Facebook account, Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter By Mr.YONG. This is the real official Facebook account of our Meefah Homeless Animal Shelter. Please identify it carefully to avoid falling into the trap of scammers.

Finally, I urge everyone to spread this message widely so that more friends can share it. Thank you all .‼️🙏🙏

#MeefahHomeless #毛孩 #流浪动物
#救援毛孩 .

30 • 05 • 24Dear all , MR.YONG here FORMER PERSON IN CHARGE OF MEEFAH  HOMELESS ANIMAL SHELTER hereby announced 30/5/202...

30 • 05 • 24
Dear all , MR.YONG here FORMER PERSON IN CHARGE OF MEEFAH HOMELESS ANIMAL SHELTER hereby announced 30/5/2024 this is the NEW ACCT OF THIS Meefah Homeless Animal Shelter By Mr.YONG ""

Previous acct FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM has been hacked by someone and police report has made. KINDLY HELP ME TO SHARE OUT TO AVOID THING HAPPENS.

KINDLY FOLLOW NEW FACEBOOK ACCT Meefah Homeless Animal Shelter By Mr.YONG""

Please share this message with everyone, thank you.

30 • 05 • 24
亲爱的大家,YONG 先生是以MEEFAH HOMELESS ANIMALS SHELTER 的负责人特此宣布,2024 年 5 月 30 日,这是该 Meefah Homeless Animals Shelter 的新帐户,作者:YONG 先生“”

之前的 FACEBOOK 和 INSTAGRAM 帐户已被黑客入侵,已向警方报告。请帮助我分享以避免事情发生。

请关注新我们的新脸书主页 Meefah HomelessAnimalsShelter By Mr.YONG ""
更多信息请联系我YONG : 012-331 2680
INSTAGRAM 暂时还没有创建新的。

请大家一起把这讯息分享出去,谢谢大家 。


1858 , Kg Rincing Hulu , , Semenyih , Malaysia KL

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00





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