ArtQuatico Studio

ArtQuatico Studio Supply your Art needs of Aquascaping

Choosing the right aquarium size involves several considerations. Here are some key factors to help you decide:1. Fish T...

Choosing the right aquarium size involves several considerations. Here are some key factors to help you decide:

1. Fish Type and Number:
- Research the species you want to keep, including their adult size and behavior.
- Ensure the tank provides enough space for swimming and territorial needs.

2. Space Availability:
- Measure the space where you plan to place the aquarium. Consider the stand and any additional equipment.
- Ensure the floor can support the weight of the filled tank.

3. Maintenance and Cost:
- Larger tanks are generally more stable but require more maintenance.
- Consider the cost of the tank, stand, filtration, lighting, and other accessories.

4. Water Stability:
- Larger tanks have more stable water parameters, which is beneficial for fish health.

5. Future Growth:
- Plan for the future. It’s often better to start with a larger tank to accommodate growth or additional species.

6. Aquascaping:
- Think about the type of environment you want to create (plants, rocks, decorations) and ensure the tank size supports this vision.

For beginners, a 45 cm ~ 60 cm tank is a good starting point, as it balances manageability and stability. However, experienced aquarists may prefer larger tanks for more complex ecosystems.

Selecting suitable stones for aquascape design involves considering factors like safety, aesthetics, and compatibility w...

Selecting suitable stones for aquascape design involves considering factors like safety, aesthetics, and compatibility with your desired layout. Here's a guide to help you pick the right stones:

🪨. Safety : Ensure the stones you choose are safe for aquarium use. Avoid stones that may alter water chemistry or leach harmful substances into the water. Research and select aquarium-safe rocks such as dragon stone, seiryu stone, lava rock, or aquarium-safe slate.

🪨. Aesthetics : Look for stones with interesting shapes, textures, and colors that complement your aquascape design. Consider the overall look and feel you want to achieve, whether it's a naturalistic landscape or a more artistic composition.

🪨. Size and Shape : Choose stones of varying sizes and shapes to add visual interest and depth to your aquascape. Larger stones can serve as focal points, while smaller ones can be used to fill in gaps and create natural-looking transitions.

🪨. Texture : Pay attention to the texture of the stones. Rough, jagged stones can create a rugged, naturalistic look, while smoother stones may lend a more polished or minimalist aesthetic to the aquascape.

🪨. Compatibility with Plants and Fish : Consider how the stones will interact with the plants and fish in your aquarium. Smooth stones with rounded edges are less likely to damage delicate plant leaves or harm fish. Additionally, choose stones that won't alter the pH or hardness of the water in a way that's detrimental to your aquatic plants and fish.

🪨. Theme or Design Concept : If you have a specific theme or design concept for your aquascape, choose stones that complement or enhance that theme. For example, if you're creating a mountainous landscape, select rugged, angular stones reminiscent of mountain peaks.

🪨. Personal Preference : Ultimately, the stones you choose should reflect your personal taste and preferences. Take your time to explore different options and select stones that resonate with you and your vision for your aquascape.

🪨. Availability and Cost : Consider the availability and cost of the stones you're interested in. Some types of aquarium-safe rocks may be more readily available or affordable than others, depending on your location and budget.

By considering these factors and doing some research, you can pick suitable stones that will enhance the beauty and functionality of your aquascape design.

Picture credit to Terrarium Tribe.

Finding inspiration for aquascape designs from nature is a fantastic idea! Here's how you can do it:1. Research Natural ...

Finding inspiration for aquascape designs from nature is a fantastic idea! Here's how you can do it:

1. Research Natural Aquatic Ecosystems : Study photographs, videos, and documentaries of various aquatic ecosystems such as rivers, lakes, streams, and oceans. Observe the natural arrangement of plants, rocks, driftwood, and other elements.

2. Visit Natural Aquatic Habitats : If possible, visit natural aquatic habitats like ponds, rivers, or coastal areas. Take note of the plant species, rock formations, and overall layout.

3. Sketch or Photograph : Bring a sketchbook or camera to document interesting features and arrangements you find in natural environments.

4. Study Aquatic Plants and Fish : Learn about different species of aquatic plants and fish that inhabit various ecosystems. Consider incorporating these species into your aquascape design.

5. Analyze Color Schemes and Textures : Pay attention to the colors, textures, and patterns present in natural aquatic environments. Try to replicate these in your aquascape design.

6. Consider Scale and Proportion : Take note of how elements are scaled in natural environments and use this as a guide for your aquascape. For example, larger rocks might be positioned towards the back of the tank, while smaller plants are placed in the foreground.

7. Embrace Imperfection : Natural environments are rarely perfectly symmetrical or uniform. Embrace the natural imperfections and asymmetry in your aquascape design to create a more realistic and visually appealing layout.

8. Experiment and Adapt : Don't be afraid to experiment with different layouts and arrangements. Be open to adapting your design as it evolves, just like nature does over time.

By drawing inspiration from nature, you can create stunning aquascape designs that not only look beautiful but also provide a natural habitat for aquatic life.

Here are some methods to remove calcium deposits from an aquarium:☘️. Vinegar Solution : Mix equal parts of vinegar and ...

Here are some methods to remove calcium deposits from an aquarium:

☘️. Vinegar Solution : Mix equal parts of vinegar and water, then use a soft brush or sponge to scrub away the deposits. Rinse thoroughly afterward.

☘️. Commercial Cleaners : There are commercial aquarium cleaners specifically designed to remove calcium deposits. Follow the instructions on the product carefully.

☘️. Razor Blade : Carefully scrape off stubborn deposits using a razor blade. Be cautious not to scratch the glass.

☘️. Citric Acid : Dissolve citric acid in water and use it to soak decorations or equipment with calcium buildup. Rinse well after soaking.

☘️. Lemon Juice : Similar to vinegar, lemon juice can be effective in breaking down calcium deposits. Use it in the same way as vinegar.

☘️. Algae Scraper : A scraper designed for algae removal can also be used to gently scrape away calcium deposits.

Remember to remove any fish or plants from the aquarium before cleaning, and always rinse thoroughly to ensure no cleaning residue remains in the tank.

We got new commission to finish ♥️This customer, drove straight from Malacca , just to give us the chance to put our tou...

We got new commission to finish ♥️

This customer, drove straight from Malacca , just to give us the chance to put our touch to his display tank.

He even brought his own tank and all the equipments.

Thanks dear customer, we will do our best to put appropriate layout, matching to your request.

அக்வாஸ்கேப்பிங் செய்வதில் மிகச் சிறந்த பகுதிகள் பல்வேறு உள்ளன, ஆனால் பலருக்கும் இதைப் பிடிக்கச் செய்யும் அம்சங்கள் இவை:1...

அக்வாஸ்கேப்பிங் செய்வதில் மிகச் சிறந்த பகுதிகள் பல்வேறு உள்ளன, ஆனால் பலருக்கும் இதைப் பிடிக்கச் செய்யும் அம்சங்கள் இவை:

1. படைப்பாற்றல் மற்றும் கலை நயம் : தாவரங்கள், கற்கள், மரக்குச்சிகள் மற்றும் பிற பொருட்களை ஒழுங்கு செய்தல் மூலம் கண்ணுக்கு இனிமையான நீர்வாழ் காட்சிகளை உருவாக்குவதில் கலை நயம் வெளிப்படுகிறது.

2. பிரபஞ்சத்தோடு இணைப்பு : இது உள்ளரங்கில் ஒரு சிறிய புவியை உருவாக்க உதவுகிறது, மனநிம்மதியையும், இயற்கையுடன் இணைந்த உணர்வையும் ஊக்குவிக்கிறது.

3. ஆறுதல் மற்றும் மனஅழுத்த நீக்கம் : அக்வாஸ்கேப்பிங் செய்யும் செயல்முறை மிகவும் தியானமயமாகவும், மனஅழுத்தத்தை குறைக்கும் வகையிலும் இருக்கிறது.

4. கற்றலும் ஆராய்ச்சியும் : நீர்வாழ் தாவரங்கள், மீன்கள் மற்றும் அவற்றின் பருவ அமைப்புகளைப் பற்றிய தொடர்ச்சியான கற்றல் பயணம் மிகவும் சுவாரஸ்யமாக இருக்கிறது.

5. சாதனை உணர்வு : ஒரு அழகிய அக்வாஸ்கேப்பை உருவாக்கி, பராமரிப்பதில் வரும் வெற்றி உணர்வு பெருமையையும் சந்தோஷத்தையும் தருகிறது.

இந்த அம்சங்கள் ஒவ்வொன்றும் பலருக்கும் அக்வாஸ்கேப்பிங் எதற்கு மிகவும் பிடிக்கும் என்பதற்கான காரணமாக உள்ளது.

Min so 1 Malaysia hor? All language Min tapao 🌹🐝

No customer, plenty customerLess customer , non stop customerMaintenance still need to be doneBtw , we just restocked Ne...

No customer, plenty customer
Less customer , non stop customer

Maintenance still need to be done

Btw , we just restocked Netlea soil yea 🙋‍♀️

If u have no idea what to do , feels free to discuss with us to get more idea. If u in need of advance or even simple sc...

If u have no idea what to do , feels free to discuss with us to get more idea.

If u in need of advance or even simple scaping touch, we also provide such service to fill your request.

Using an aquascape dojo within an aquascape store offers several conveniences:1. Hands-on Learning : Customers can engag...

Using an aquascape dojo within an aquascape store offers several conveniences:

1. Hands-on Learning : Customers can engage in practical aquascaping activities, learning techniques and gaining experience under the guidance of experts.

2. Access to Supplies : All necessary materials, such as plants, substrates, hardscape elements, and equipment, are readily available for immediate purchase and use.

3. Expert Guidance : On-site professionals can provide advice, troubleshoot problems, and offer design suggestions, enhancing the learning experience.

4. Community Building : The dojo fosters a sense of community among aquascapers, providing a space to share ideas, collaborate, and inspire each other.

5. Customization : Customers can experiment with different layouts and designs in a supportive environment, allowing them to create personalized aquascapes that match their vision.

6. Convenient Setup : For beginners, the dojo provides a structured environment where they can start their aquascaping journey with confidence, ensuring they have the right setup from the start.

Overall, an aquascape dojo in a store enhances the shopping experience, providing education, resources, and support to enthusiasts of all levels.

Aquascaper : Syafiq Shaban

Hye, just to inform that we open today like usual yeah 🙋‍♀️👌

Hye, just to inform that we open today like usual yeah


Every day is Shopee Day. Just because you guys not live and stay at Klang Valley , doesn't mean that you can't get acces...

Every day is Shopee Day. Just because you guys not live and stay at Klang Valley , doesn't mean that you can't get access to our products and advice services.

Feels free to enjoy the shopping with us via Shopee and get the credible advice by slide to our dm on FB Messenger.

A short, tiny, cute nano inflow with skimmer for your another collection perhaps?

A short, tiny, cute nano inflow with skimmer for your another collection perhaps?

Hye, we just restocked the Tissue Culture version of : Anubias nana pintoCryptocoryne sp flamingoAnubias nana snow white

Hye, we just restocked the Tissue Culture version of :

Anubias nana pinto
Cryptocoryne sp flamingo
Anubias nana snow white

Aquascape tank stability refers to the state in which the conditions within an aquascaped aquarium are balanced and cons...

Aquascape tank stability refers to the state in which the conditions within an aquascaped aquarium are balanced and consistent, allowing the ecosystem to thrive. This encompasses several key factors:

1. Water Chemistry : Maintaining stable parameters such as pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels, hardness (GH and KH), and dissolved CO2. Sudden changes in these parameters can stress or harm aquatic life.

2. Biological Balance : Achieving a stable population of beneficial bacteria that efficiently process waste, converting ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrate, which plants can use. This biological filtration is crucial for keeping the tank healthy.

3. Plant Health : Ensuring that plants are growing well, which often indicates a balanced nutrient supply and appropriate light levels. Healthy plant growth helps to absorb excess nutrients and prevent algae overgrowth.

4. Algae Control : Maintaining an environment where algae growth is controlled, often by balancing light, nutrients, and CO2 levels. Excessive algae can indicate an imbalance.

5. Consistent Maintenance : Regular water changes, cleaning, and monitoring of the tank conditions to prevent the buildup of waste and maintain the overall health of the tank.

6. Stable Temperature : Keeping the water temperature within the optimal range for the tank’s inhabitants and preventing rapid fluctuations.

Achieving and maintaining stability is crucial for the long-term success of an aquascaped tank, as it creates a harmonious environment where both plants and aquatic animals can flourish.

Preparing your tank for a photo contest like the International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (IAPLC) involves several st...

Preparing your tank for a photo contest like the International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (IAPLC) involves several steps to ensure that your aquascape looks its best and is captured effectively. Here’s a comprehensive guide:

1. Tank Preparation

🌷Pruning and Trimming: Ensure all plants are healthy and well-groomed. Trim any overgrown plants to maintain a balanced composition.

🌷Cleaning: Clean the glass inside and out to remove algae, water spots, and fingerprints. Ensure the substrate is tidy and free from debris.

🌷Water Clarity: Perform water changes a few days before the shoot to ensure crystal-clear water. Avoid doing a major water change right before the photo to prevent cloudiness.

2. Lighting

🌷Enhance Illumination: Use high-quality lighting to enhance the colors and details of the aquascape. Position lights to avoid shadows and reflections.

🌷Turn Off Room Lights: Eliminate external light sources to reduce glare and reflections on the tank glass.

🌷Even Distribution: Ensure the light is evenly distributed across the entire tank to highlight all areas.

3. Photography Equipment

🌷Camera: Use a good quality camera, preferably a DSLR or mirrorless camera, with manual settings for better control over the shot. If cant, use appropriate - decent camera phone.

🌷Tripod: A tripod is essential for stability and to prevent blurry images due to camera shake.

🌷Lens: Use a macro lens for close-up details and a wide-angle lens for full-tank shots.

4. Camera Settings

🌷Manual Mode: Shoot in manual mode to control exposure, aperture, and shutter speed. This helps in capturing sharp and well-exposed images.

🌷White Balance: Adjust white balance to ensure accurate color representation. Use a white balance card if necessary.

🌷ISO Setting: Use a low ISO setting (e.g., 100-400) to minimize noise and ensure high image quality. Better the gear, higher ISO you can set.

🌷Aperture: A medium aperture (e.g., f/8-f/11) can help achieve a good depth of field, keeping the entire aquascape in focus.

🌷Shutter Speed: Use a slower shutter speed if necessary, but ensure the tripod is stable to avoid any motion blur.

5. Composition and Framing
🌷Rule of Thirds: Apply the rule of thirds to create a balanced and visually appealing composition.

🌷Angle: Shoot straight-on to avoid distortion. Ensure the camera is level with the tank.

🌷Background: Use a plain background to avoid distractions. A black or white backdrop can enhance the focus on the aquascape. Use multi-colored background if you want to add specific effect.

6. Final Touches

🌷Fish Positioning: If you have fish in your tank, try to capture them in natural and aesthetically pleasing positions. Feed them before the shoot to encourage activity.

🌷Bubbles: Remove any air bubbles from the plants and hardscape to avoid distractions in the final image.
🌷Reflections and Glare: Check for any reflections or glare on the tank glass and adjust lighting or angles to eliminate them.

7. Post-Processing

🌷Editing Software: Use photo editing software (like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop) to enhance the image. Adjust brightness, contrast, sharpness, and color balance.

🌷Crop and Straighten: Crop the image to focus on the aquascape and straighten if necessary to ensure the tank appears level.

🌷Consistency: Ensure that post-processing enhances the image without altering the natural look of the aquascape.

By following these steps, you can prepare your tank and capture high-quality images that showcase your aquascape effectively for the IAPLC contest.

Photographer : Irvin Seow

Customers should ask questions at an aquascape store for several important reasons :1. Expert Advice : Staff at aquascap...

Customers should ask questions at an aquascape store for several important reasons :

1. Expert Advice : Staff at aquascape stores are often highly knowledgeable about aquariums, plants, and aquatic life. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their expertise.

2. Personalized Recommendations : By asking questions, customers can receive tailored advice suited to their specific needs, such as the best plants and fish for their tank size, water conditions, and aesthetic preferences.

3. Problem Solving : Customers can get help with any issues they are facing with their aquascape, such as algae growth, plant health problems, or fish compatibility concerns.

4. Product Information : Understanding the specifics of different products, like substrates, fertilizers, and lighting, is crucial for successful aquascaping. Store staff can explain the benefits and usage of various items.

5. Maintenance Tips : Proper maintenance is key to a healthy and beautiful aquascape. Store staff can provide guidance on routine care, water changes, and other maintenance practices.

6. Inspiration and Ideas : Discussing with experts can spark new ideas and inspiration for creating a unique and stunning aquascape.

7. Cost Efficiency : Asking questions can help customers make cost-effective choices, avoiding unnecessary purchases and ensuring they get the best value for their money.

8. Safety : Ensuring the health and safety of aquatic life is paramount. Store staff can advise on best practices to avoid harming plants and animals in the aquarium.

In summary, asking questions at an aquascape store empowers customers to make informed decisions, ensures the well-being of their aquatic environment, and enhances their overall experience and success in aquascaping.

We alrdy packed the giveaways and portion of the parcels will be send tomorrow. Anyone who alrdy agree for Self Pickup, ...

We alrdy packed the giveaways and portion of the parcels will be send tomorrow.

Anyone who alrdy agree for Self Pickup, can always drop by to ArtQuatico Studio on anytime.

The result of Malaysia Terrarium Challenge Thanks to Majlis Belia Malaysia Kementerian Belia dan Sukan MALAYSIAN AQUASCA...

The result of Malaysia Terrarium Challenge

Thanks to

Majlis Belia Malaysia
Kementerian Belia dan Sukan


Organizer :

Amert Ramli
ArtQuatico Studio

Sponsors :

Chihiros Aquatic Studio Malaysia
Week Aqua Malaysia
Lush Eco Trading Sdn Bhd
Nick Tan

Judge :

Alois Yao


Scoresheet sila check di ruangan komen

Hye pls take note that tomorrow we will close to focus on the event , Malaysia Terrarium Challenge at Malacca. See you g...

Hye pls take note that tomorrow we will close to focus on the event , Malaysia Terrarium Challenge at Malacca.

See you guys there 🌷🐝




The first batch pre-order for printing starts on May 27, 2024, depending on the order received.

ADULT - RM 55 /pcs (S-2XL)
ADULT - RM 59 /pcs (3XL-5XL)
RM 45 /pcs (KIDS)

COD - TESCO/LOTUS AMPANG (tarikh akan ditetapkan)




Transfer to this Account:

(Reference sila isi nama & saiz baju)

Bagi yang berminat, boleh buat pembelian, sila isi boring dibawah
(pastikan screeshot resit pembayaran untuk dihantar dlm google form dan reference)

PM for any inquiries~

Hye, our Boss just restocked few items from TROAS PalumistAlgaxideBacterium PlusBacteriumPotaxio KNutrix That posing, i ...

Hye, our Boss just restocked few items from TROAS

Bacterium Plus
Potaxio K

That posing, i don't know where he got that confidence...

Berminat boleh direct pm/whatapp atau direct walk in studio kami.

WhatsApp: 👇👇

Waze: 👇👇
Use Waze to drive to ArtQuatico Studio, 24G Jalan Industri USJ 1/6, Subang Jaya:

Pembelian online boleh ketik link dibawah 👇👇👇

Let's dive into Liebig's Law of the Minimum and its quirky implications for aquascaping, with a touch of humor!Liebig’s ...

Let's dive into Liebig's Law of the Minimum and its quirky implications for aquascaping, with a touch of humor!

Liebig’s Law of the Minimum: The Bare Necessities

Liebig’s Law of the Minimum is like a harsh teacher for plants. It states that the growth of a plant is limited by the scarcest resource, the one in shortest supply. Imagine you’re trying to fill a bucket with water, but one plank is shorter than the rest. Water will spill out from that low point, no matter how high the other planks are. This principle applies to nutrients in an aquascape. If your plants are missing one crucial nutrient, they’ll sulk, just like teenagers without Wi-Fi.

Nutrient Juggling in Aquascaping

In the lush world of aquascaping, this law means you’ve got to juggle nutrients like a circus performer. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and the whole gang need to be in balance. Picture them as a group of friends at a party. If phosphorus is the introvert hiding in the corner, the party (your aquascape) will be a flop. Even if nitrogen and potassium are dancing on tables, without phosphorus, it’s just not happening. The plants won’t thrive, and your aquascape will look like a bad hair day.

The Comedy of Errors: Nutrient Deficiency

Nutrient deficiencies in aquascaping can be quite the comedy of errors. Too little iron? Your plants turn yellow and look like they’ve seen a ghost. Magnesium shortage? Expect leaf curling more dramatic than a soap opera twist. Each nutrient plays a role, and missing even one can make your plants throw a hissy fit. They’re divas that way.

The Takeaway: Balance is Key

So, the takeaway is simple: balance is key. You’ve got to keep all your nutrients in check, or your plants will stage a protest. They’re like tiny, green Goldilocks—everything has to be just right. If you manage to keep them happy, you’ll have a stunning aquascape that’s the envy of all aquarium enthusiasts. If not, well, you’ll have an underwater jungle that looks more like a haunted house.

In short, Liebig’s Law of the Minimum reminds us that even in aquascaping, it’s the little things that matter. So keep those nutrients balanced, and your aquatic plants will reward you with a thriving, vibrant underwater paradise. Or at least, they won’t stage a dramatic, nutrient-deficient revolt.


Natural , unedit color rendition under Chihiros B series by Chihiros Aquatic Studio Malaysia

Embrace the peacefulness, serenity and the dynamic of nature aquarium . Powered by MasterLine Golden . Lighting by Chihi...

Embrace the peacefulness, serenity and the dynamic of nature aquarium .

Powered by MasterLine Golden .
Lighting by Chihiros Vivid 2 .
Eheim Filter .

The best of the lines.

Thanks for all the crowds that came today. Whatever the enquiry is, we at Artquatico will always stick to our founders p...

Thanks for all the crowds that came today.

Whatever the enquiry is, we at Artquatico will always stick to our founders policy

A. Be Informative
B. Data Transparency
C. Ready to assist

It's to ensure our client always get the most accurate guidelines, practical tips ( + tricks ) and also maximum comprehension regarding aquascaping hobby.

For whom never try, please do walk in and experience it yourself.

We never compromise, or double standard towards type M , type I , type C or even type R. All will get the same friendly treatment doesn't matter what the background 😄

Pic of my boss figuring out where else he can glue the moss. Thanks god he wearin cap, else...

We just received the items from Fluval. These items , actually for you guys on next week, for MTC Live Class giveaway. ♥...

We just received the items from Fluval.

These items , actually for you guys on next week, for MTC Live Class giveaway.



24G Jalan Industri USJ 1/6, Taman Perindustrian USJ 1
Subang Jaya

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 11:00 - 20:00




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