Make your last order before the "Good Bye" I am sure we're gonna receive a lot of DMs 😂 but before that, maybe you want to make your last purchase with us! ❤️
Yeah... We would like to officially announce that we are ending Gigililys Pet Treats effective from 31st July, last delivery 25th July.
Well 🌻 All good things must come to an end. Nothing lasts forever, all things and situations are temporary...
I am no longer as committed as last time ever since I joined a new company in October last year and I hold a bigger responsibility. I am sure many of you realized I wasn't that active like I used to be...
Fortunately, rental and salaries to staff are 100% covered by REGULAR GEELIANS despite me not actively engaging and definitely not a business lost.
Raw materials are getting really expensive and I am proud of all the full time pet treats entrepreneurs being very focused, creative and committed and I just can't further divide my time.
Honestly, I've no regrets, and nothing to regret. Gigililys has had its golden time, we made it to newspapers, magazines and radio stations.
Please continue to wish me all the best for my career, new venture, and happy families. I will be spending lots of time with families of course Gigi and Lily.
I will remain on this IG acc to continue being friends with all of you! So finally my turn to post IG photos of Gigi & Lily. Please sponsor us some treats soon HAHAHA JK!
Final thought, you know... without any of the ambassadors, there will not be Gigililys, without the support of Geelians, there will not be greater Gigililys. I don't really feel sad maybe just a little "too sayang"... but my crying part is OVER hahahaha! Omg! How could I write this so OPTIMISTICALLY but this is definitely not the few days decision... Anyway I enjoyed the process, that's most important! I made many super close friends and we will remain as friends! 💜💜💜 I promised!
Thank You, for being with me all the time.