Female Lhasa puppy available.
8 weeks old,
2 shots received.
Location is Abuja.
Breed: Cane Corso
Sex: Female
Age: 13 months
Vaccination: Complete
Temperament: Brave, Stable and Devoted
Training: Basic Obedient
Aggression (Scale of 10): 8
Location: Abuja
Available for New home
Take care of dogs - they are the most perfect thing in this imperfect world.
Adopt a dog - that's how you give it life.
Be their voice - they don't have one.
Respect them - they have the right to be here, no
less than us.
Don't hurt them - they suffer.
Love them - they deserve it.
Breed: Lhasa Apso
Sex: Male
Age: 7 months
Vaccination History: Complete
Location: Abuja
Available for New home
Comfortability of the dog all through the journey should be a priority else it may die on the road.
Crate should not be big and shouldn't be too small either, my prefer size is 2by2 feet square and 2.5feet high which will allow any adult dog to stand, sit and lay down or switch positions with the little space available reducing fatigues and cramps.
This size wooden crate can take two sits in any bus or siena used for long distance transportation in Nigeria so be ready to pay within 12,000 to 20,000 naira depending on the destination of the dog and also the agreement with the transporter.
However, many dog breeders uses basket to do this but the biggest basket I have seen tends to be less comfortable for adult dogs and in most cases they use the boot of the car to reduce cost and having dog battling the terrible heat through the journey.
Wooden crates cost less to make, lesser than the cost of both big baskets needed to transport adult dogs. It's safe to transport aggressive dogs which maybe violently trashing around or been agitated as result of less comfort and and anxiety of leaving you and having to stay among strangers for the journey. Leaving the receiver to battle a loaded gun or receiving a dead dog.
I hope this piece helps you in dealing with issues of transporting your adult dogs over long distances.
Anibasa Jerome Anehi
Dog Breeder
Cane Corso
Male Cane Corso, 11 months old. Available for new home. DM for details
My Boy! Zues Aramis
My Boy! Zues Aramis is available for Stud. Please note! Not cheap, this is not a dog you will come and be prizing 10k o. It's 50k + 1 pup or 100k pay off deal.
Belgian Malinios looking for a new home.
This female Mal is up for New home.
4 months old
All shot received.
Ready to feast.