‘God is not just going to start working on your request/prayers. It’s already provided for!’
CIRCA Jan 2020
One of the very many little pleasures of life I seem to be very fond of is barbecuing and having family and friends around to enjoy some burnt offerings with!
Nothing beats a few animals giving their lives for the just cause of entertaining our palette on the way to filling our tummies.
I love having barbeques, seriously, I could cook up any reason to have one weekly if not that my COO; Mrs. B, had to place an embargo on barbeques (rightly so) after we had a security breach that ended with some disappearing by awon boys.
So, it was with great joy, when she agreed (after serious lobbying, subtle blackmail and did I mention more lobbying and begging) to having a barbeque cm end of year Thanksgiving last December, it’s been almost 4 years since we had the last one.
If you've ever had friends over for a barbeque , one very obvious fact is that regardless of the number of animals that gave their lives, people can never have enough, especially with Mrs. B's special marinade and accompanying side dishes. So, the smart thing to do is reserve some flesh, so that the relevant ‘stakeholders’ (those who made everything come together for a fantastic evening; those that helped fan the barbeque fire, served guests with drinks, those that clean up after everyone's gone, the in-house DJ etc.), would partake of the goodness that is the barbeque! This is an insider secret (note if you come asking for more after you've been told it's finished, IT IS FINISHED!)
Anyways back to that December, we had friends, family and loved ones over for a special Christmas Carol get together. There was a lot of singing, reading of scriptures, laughing, dancing and all manner of fun and eating.
After a few hours of attending to guests, MissI approached yours truly at the barbeque corner and the following conversation ensued
"Hmmm..... Daddy how many of the chicken is remaining in the bucket?“ Referring to the bowls used to hold prepared chicken in transit to the grill.
I responded "just half a bucket remains o!"
"Whaaaaat! Out of 3 buckets, Daddy I have not eaten o. Please grill some chicken for me” she concluded and sauntered off to attend to another guest.
For the next three quarters of an hour, she kept popping by intermittently to remind me of her chicken!
Unknown to her, the stakeholders' portions of chicken were the first set I grilled and reserved. As I rounded up the last set of protein on the grill and handed them out to newly arrived guests, she accosted me with a deep frown that made her even look cuter (she doesn't like been called cute, I don't know why! says cute is for puppies)
"Where is my chicken daddy?" Her frown turned to a beautiful smile as I brought out a serving of grilled chicken and numerous accompaniments for her. “God saved you! Thanks Daddy” she said as she snatched the tray from me and hopped away!
I smiled inwardly as I tidied up the grill area. A thought just rang strong within me. You know that as I had prepared a portion ahead for MissI (even before she asked), our Father has prepared every good thing for us, He is not unaware of our needs and He is never caught unprepared for our requests. It is not when we were about to accept salvation that He asked Jesus to go and die for our sins, It was done before the foundations of the earth (Rev13:8) and everything you can EVER ask for,
He has ALREADY provided (Eph3:20), ours is to ASK, BELIEVE and APPROPRIATE!
(Had to add that, makes the write-up feel DEEP! 😜😜😜!)