*AMICAL PARVO REMEDY (24hrs only)*
Parvo is the most dreaded illness for most breeders and dog lovers, even veterinarians say it’s a dreaded illness and it’s 50/50 chances of the dog surviving. But I say today parvovirus is the easiest ailment to treat in dogs and it’s cheaper to treat parvo than to vaccinate your dogs 3 times.
I lost two dogs early this year, one belongs to my friend Bukfash4 and my most precious Pitbul, and I had two other dogs down with parvo and at the verge of dying, so I had to abandon my old way of treating parvo and looked for better alternatives. so I went online to do research and read about virus and the best approach, note my research was based on human medicine, I stumbled upon a drug Virest and I used it on the two puppies and by the next day they recovered and started eating. Two days ago two of my puppies came down with parvo, vomiting and pooping blood so I went in search of virest but didn’t find the product so I asked for the active agent ACICLOVIR and I got various products to choose from. I bought one and gave my pups and by the next day they were back eating and well.
Almethazine injection (stop vomiting)
Aciclovir capsule
Multivitamin syrup containing zinc
Hypo bleach
I administer promethazine hydrochloride injection to the dog to prevent stop/vomiting so I can start the oral treatment.
Aciclovir prevents viral DNA replication resulting in termination of the DNA chain.
Note Aciclovir comes in 200mg, 400mg and 800mg. If you use 200mg then give the dog one tablet every 5 hours. But if using 400mg then 2 tablets a day. For 800mg you can divide the drug into two and give morning and evening.
I grind the tablet to powder and mix in 2ml with multivitamin (2ml) and administer orally to the dog, zinc will help the stomach walls heal so it’s best you get a multivitamin syrup containing zinc.
Always wash (affected areas where the dog poops and your hands and feet) with bleach when done so you don’t infect other dogs.