Discovery is the starting point of recovery.What you cannot discover you cannot recover from.The more you discover the more recovery you experience. You need to discover why you are where you presently are,you must discover what brought you here and discover how you will get out of your situation.An exceeding great army lied low in the valley of dry bones,what was he doing there?how did he get there?There are 2ways to recovery viz:by a spoken word backed by authority which the dry bones enjoyed and by sitting down and locating the what,how and why's of life. I wish above all thing that you prosper is not a scripture you only quote when you are sick,nope...it is a verse that naturally unfold itself when you discover and eventually recover.The state of your health is proportional to how much discovery you can make in life coz the more recovery you experience the more the rest of mind which equates the prosperity of the mind you encounter.Shalom!