Housing Structure
Good, efficient housing makes management easier and helps the farmer to successfully rear 85 % or more of all the live born piglets to market weight in the shortest possible time. Pigs at different stages of growth need different environments (temperatures). If they are to produce and grow to their maximum potential piglets need special protection against very low temperatures. Growing and reproducing pigs must be protected against high temperatures. The houses must therefore be built in such a way that the pigs are protected against extreme temperatures and other bad weather conditions such as cold winds and continuous rain.
The boar pen👇👇
🐷Boars are kept separately in their own pen. One boar is kept for every 15 to 20 sows. On a pig farm with only 20 sows it is advisable to keep at least two boars, namely a young not too heavy boar for young sows and gilts, and an older boar for older, heavier sows. You will therefore need two pens.
🐷Sows are brought to the boar to be served in the boar pen. This pen should be 9 to 10 m2, with the short side at least 2 m wide so that the boar can easily turn around in it.
🐷The floor should be made of cement and must not be slippery. It should slope towards the sides and to the front so that urine and waste water can drain into a shallow manure channel at the front of the pen.
🐷The walls must be of solid concrete or cement plastered brick. Gates can be made of round iron pipes, with a 20 mm diameter, spaced vertically not further apart than 75 mm. The height of the gate and also the walls should be 1 400 mm.
🐷An under-roof sleep area, about a third of the size of the pen, must be covered in bedding. Straw, grass or sawdust can be used for this purpose.
🐷A feed trough is placed in the sleeping area in such a way that it does not get filled with bedding. The trough for each boar should be 450 to 600 mm long, 150 to 200 mm high and 500 mm wide.
🐷Cool, clean water must be available