Did you know ? In comparison to humans who have only 6 million nasal receptors, Dogs have 300 million nasal receptors. Because of this, they are able to sniff out some diseases that may go unnoticed in their human companions.
One of the diseases that dogs can detect via olfaction is Cancer.
Cancerous cells release distinct metabolic waste products with a different odour than healthy cells do. Because of this, there is a change in the breath and bodily fluids of affected individuals. Dogs are able to sniff the faintest of these abnormal odors from cancer cells in their owners because they have a highly developed olfactory system.
American Kennel Club : "For many cancers, there’s currently no screening method available: people don’t know they’re suffering from the disease until they start to experience symptoms. And no variety of cancer currently has a reliable screening method for the disease in its earliest stages. This means that someday in the not-too-distant future, dogs’ noses will be saving many thousands of lives, whether it’s through a mechanical nose or a real, live four-legged friend".
In addition to this, dogs have been trained to detect when their diabetic owners are feeling weak, dizzy or have migraines and what action to take when this happens.
This, our dear followers, is the best proof you can get as to why you should own a dog. They are simple pawsome ! 🐾😍🐾.
Animal World cares ❤️🐾
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What is scooting ?
Scooting is used to describe the action we see when a dog is sitting down and dragging its bottom along the ground.
Scooting is a sign of discomfort or irritation in a dog's anal region and it can be due to one of these reasons
Blocked/inflammed anal glands,
Irritated anal glands,
Food allergies
Worm infestation.
Dogs scoot to give themselves relief from whatever is causing the discomfort in their anal region.
To resolve this, visit your veterinarian so as to rule out a possible infection of the anal glands.
Animal World cares ❤️🐾
#Vet #vetpractice #vetnaija #veterinarian #scooting #naijavet #umuahiavet #dogsofinstagram #catsofinstagram #dog
Are you aware that there are different breeds of dogs that look completely different from what you know?
Can you guess the name of this one in the video below?
Venom came to the clinic with a primary complaint of lack of appetite and dullness.
The vital parameters were taken and tests performed and Venom was diagnosed with canine helminthosis.
Venom was placed on treatment for a few days and even before the last day of the treatment, its owner kept testifying that it has made full recovery.
Now, Venom eats well and is able to bark and run around like before.
Always make sure that you visit the vet whenever your dog is sick instead of resorting to self medication.
So, the award of pet of the month goes to Venom🥇
Animal World Veterinarians cares.