Summer is here and we are enjoying the abundance of it! And we would like to share it with you!!
Do you want local and unsprayed vegetables for the rest of the year?
Sign up now and receive a weekly veggie package, sign to our newsletter and get all the news and links to our vegetable archive ( a document with info on how to store the vegetables and recipes with all of them)
→ link in bio
We practice regenerative agriculture and encourage biodiversity in our farm above and below the ground.
Once you try our vegetables you wont go back to any supermarket;)
Our pick-up locations are:
-Our Farm. Nico Broekhuysenweg 20, 1067 HT Amsterdam
-Pension Homeland. Kattenburgerstraat
-Stichting De Gibraltar. Haarlemmerweg 645a, 1055 PS Amsterdam
-Lupe. Willem de Zwijgerlaan 333, 1055 RB Amsterdam
-Vleck Wijnen. Eerste Helmersstraat 63 hs, 1054 DC Amsterdam
-Midwest. Cabralstraat 1, 1057 CD Amsterdam
-Little Plant Pantry. Bosboom Toussaintstraat 45-H, 1054 AN Amsterdam
-Fromagerie Abraham Kef. Van der Pekplein 1b, 1031 GZ Amsterdam
-Stadskas Tuin van Toorop. Jan Tooropstraat 8, 1062 BM Amsterdam
The Price?
#regenerativeagriculture #nodigmarketgarden #csa #climatefarmers #local #fresh #vegetables #betterfood #tasty #biodiversity #lifestyle #healthy #fit #sustainable #cooking #harvest #amsterdam #recovery
Just a little appreciation video f the beautiful early summer colours at @destadsgroenteboer 💚☀️🌻
We ontvangen de lente met open armen op het Lentefeest van De Stadsgroenteboer!
Bloemen bloeien, bomen ontkiemen, vogels zingen en het is tijd om weer te beginnen! Kom naar onze mooie tuinderij voor een leuke dag en vier de schoonheid en het begin van het groeiseizoen met ons.
Wandel mee met een van de begeleide rondleidingen.
Je leert hoe we onze groenten en fruit op een regeneratieve manier verbouwen en kunt meedoen aan verschillende activiteiten!
Er is een marktkraam gevuld met goodies, zaailingen en zelfgemaakte producten van onze eigen groenten.
Ook kun je jezelf trakteren op heerlijk versgemaakt biologisch eten en drinken, gemaakt met producten rechtstreeks van de boerderij.
Maak je klaar voor een vrolijke dag. Dit is niet zomaar een feest - het is een kans om samen de lente te vieren. Save the date en zorg dat je erbij bent op deze fantastische dag!
20 april van 11:00 tot 17:00 #spring #startoftheseason #farm #organic #lente #community #csa
🌹💐🌸🌺🌷🌻English below☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
Let’s welcome spring with open arms at De Stadsgroenteboer’s Spring Party!
Flowers are blooming, trees are sprouting, birds are pitching, and it’s time to go out again!
Come to our lovely farm for a day of fun and excitement as we celebrate the beauty and the start of the growing season.
Take a walk around our farm with guided tours.
You’ll learn how we grow our fruits and veggies in a regenerative way and even join in on some hands-on activities!
We will have a market stall filled with goodies, seedlings, and self-made products from our own vegetables.
We will offer food from our farm so that you can treat yourself to some delicious organic food and drinks straight from the farm.
Get ready for a day filled with good vibes and plenty of smiles. This isn’t just any party - it’s a chance to come together and celebrate the joy of spring.
Save the date and join us for a fantastic time! 20th of April from 11:00
till 17:00
🌼 Let’s welcome spring with open arms at De Stadsgroenteboer’s Spring Party! 🌱
Flowers are blooming, trees are sprouting, birds are pitching and it's time to go again!
Come on down to our lovely farm for a day of fun and excitement as we celebrate the beauty and the start of the growing season.
Take a walk around our farm with guided tours. You’ll learn how we grow our fruits and veggies in a regenerative way and even join in on some hands-on activities!
We will have a market stall filled with goodies, seedlings, and self-made products from our own vegetables.
We will offer food from our farm so that you can treat yourself to some delicious organic food and drinks straight from the farm.
Get ready for a day filled with good vibes and plenty of smiles. This isn’t just any party – it’s a chance to come together and celebrate the joy of spring.
Save the date and join us for a fantastic time! 20th of April from 11:00 till 17:00 🌿🌞
#spring #startoftheseason #farm #organic #lente #community #csa #amsterdam
Half a decade of growing organic vegetables for our amazing Amsterdam community, who would have thought that time would have passed so fast and that our “small farm” could feed 230 members every week! Of course it was not always like that.
Tomorrow we will celebrate like it’s deserve! so ride your bike, drive your car or even take an Uber to come and celebrate with us because the party will be GOOD! We have 2 concerts, workshops, freaking bingo! Tours, food and amazing drinks from local brands. We will end the night with some dancing in the green house and hope to see you in the fields, if you don’t come we will see you on our decade anniversary.
Just come to celebrate the abundance of the season with us, you won’t regret it!
This weekend would have been our spring party but due to corona this is not possible. Still, we would like to share some spring vibes with you! #greenhousedance #shakeyourfarmsummerbody #springishere #keepswinging #weedingisfun #stadsgroenteboer #marketgardening
Today the last members subscribed, and thereby our CSA is full for this season. We are really happy, excited & are looking forward to grow delicious veggies for 100 CSA members.
#stadsgroenteboer #csa #vegetables #smallscalefarming #marketgardening #diggingtrenchesinthemud
Komende zondag, maandag en dinsdag kunnen we hulp gebruiken op de tuin! Heb je zin om ons te helpen om geulen te graven voor de drainage die we aanleggen? Laat het ons dan weten! Het is zwaar werk maar we zorgen dat het leuk blijft☺️. Naast modder en klei kun je ook een lekkere warme lunch verwachten en zorgen we dat er wat biertjes klaar staan aan het einde van de dag. #velehandenmakenlichtwerk
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday we need help at the farm! (March 1,2 & 3). Do you feel like digging trenches along side us on any of these days, let us know! The work is hard but fun and we will make sure to cook a delicious warm lunch and have some beers ready at the end of the day😊. #manyhandsmakelightwork #stadsgroenteboer #drainage
Starting to prepare our greenhouse upgrade, no matter the weather and the mud 💪🏼 #stadsgroenteboer #muddyfarmers #marketgardening #greenhouse
First test drive on our beautiful new Radkutsche cargo bike is a succes! We all need to practice a bit more before we cycle into town but next Tuesday our vegetables will be delivered by BIKE! Finally! #sustainablevegetabledelivery #crowdfunding #stadsgroenteboer #csaamsterdam
Packing boxes, boxes, boxes! 3rd week of delivery, still going strong! #csa #becomeamember #freshlyharvested #lettuceturnipthebeet #stadsgroenteboer