Wordt een leuke kerst. Waarschijnlijk elke dag kerstballen rapen, haar eigen speeltjes zijn niet genoeg voor Zarah of Dorofei.🤣🤣
Hoe lekker is het als je door je moeder gewassen wordt. 🙊🙊😂😂 Alexa van Sybrinka wast haar 5 jaar oude zoon Borya van Sybrinka.
Acrobaat Zarah of Dorofei
Zarah of Dorofei, boven op de tuindeur geklommen maar nu eraf komen heeft ze nog niet door😂😂
Verder geen tekst nodig.
And that's why Cattery van Sybrinka has their pond in the cat run.
You don't need a television with this kind of action. Zarah van Dorofei takes care of our entertainment with Elyna TOP*Matryoshka
Zarah van Dorofei feels more and more at home in the cattery. Eating is going well, playing with the other cats, especially Elyna and Dima, is going great, they regularly run like crazy through the house and if things go too fast for Zarah we hear a growl and she surrenders to her to lie back. She is also a people kitten. She can regularly be found near you, whether you are working at the dining table or sitting quietly on the couch, then she nestles completely against you. It's going great.
Oh and let's immediately publish another video of this little lady, Zarah van Dorofei.
Zarah van Dorofei's first twenty-four hours in the cattery are over. We are happy how things are going. Zarah is picky about who she likes or doesn't like in the Siberian group. To some she clearly shows, by flat ears and blowing, that she doesn't like them and with others she tries to get closer by doing nose to nose. The food is fine, as long as it is separated from the group and when she has eaten she takes all the time to wash herself thoroughly. We are delighted that the owners of Cattery van Dorofei have entrusted us with the care of Zarah.
This morning someone took the opportunity to escape from the man's cat room. Chesko van Sybrinka, everything has to be sniffed and he kept meowing softly. The ladies downstairs are not in heat so let him enjoy this freedom for a while. Elina finds Chesko interesting and wants to play with him, but this "strange" female cat is just a step too far for Chesko. Of course, Elina doesn't have the scents at the moment to convince Chesko.
The kitten hugging was successful. Zarah will join our Siberiangroup in early July.